Here is outlined the method to dry shredded PET in a Precision Oven in the MOST lab at Michigan Technological University. PET needs to be dried prior to extrusion in a Recyclebot as otherwise it will undergo rapid hyrdolyzation at high temperatures, and will reduce the molecular mass.


  • Precision Scientific, Economy Oven. Serial Number:9509-403. 65-210°C
  • Shredded PET
  • Drying tray (Any metal tray to hold the PET shreds)


1. Plug in the Precision Oven (The Oven). Ensure that the cable is not too taut, nor too slack, and poses a trip hazard.

2. Evenly distribute the shredded PET in the drying tray. This exposes more surface area to enhance evaporation speed.

3. Open the oven by firmly opening the door. It may take a quick jerk, but be careful not to topple it.

4. Place the tray inide the oven.

5. Close the oven door. If the door seems unable to be closed, check on the bottom right of the doorway. There is a metal piece there, desinged to provide for a tight fit. As such, the door may need to be slightly pushed up as it is closed, to overcome the metal piece.

6.Set the temperature control knob to the desired temperature. The numbers on the knob and the temperatures which they correspond to, are listed below:

(Not yet)

7. Turn on the oven. If the temperature control light does not come on, there is potentially a short in the system. If the light flashes when turning on, there is also a short, but it can be overcome. Turning the power switch on and off rapidly and in a controlled manner can result in the temperature control light staying on, whcih means the oven is warming up.

8. Wait for 4 hours while the PET dries.

9. Switch off the oven then carefully open the door after letting it cool for a few minutes.

10. Quickly place the PET in an airtight container, such as inside two (2) layers of plastic bags that are twisted and tied shut. As long as the PET is not allowed to reabsorb water from the air, any arrangement will work.

11. Store PET in a cool dry place until it is to be used.

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