OpenSustainabilityNetwork is recruiting sponsors in general, and particularly for this year's Conference. You many choose from the follow sponsor categories:

  • Financial Sponsor
    • Provide funding for OSN or its activities
    • Provide materials or services at a discount
  • Promotional Sponsor
    • Post your support for the OSN mission and the OSN Conference on your website
    • Mention OSNCon in your newsletters
    • Join the set of organizations participating in the OSNCon Press Release
  • Volunteer support Sponsor
    • Encourage your employees to help out at OSNCon
    • Offer ideas for the benefit of OSNCon

Please contact us if you are or know of an organization interested in sponsoring OSNCon!

Promotional Sponsors

Whirlwind Wheelchair Social Edge Architecture for Humanity AIDG - Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group BRIDGE Nicaragua Eco Students at San Francisco State University

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