This page describes how to use this: Open source laser system for polymeric welding located in the MOST lab.



The Laser is composed by three main devices: LaserMount 264, TECSource 5300 and LaserSource 4320. The LaserMount 264 is a united that integrates a Peltier cooler for precise temperature control and the laser itself. TECSource 5300 is a temperature controller that needs to be attached with the LaserMount. LaserSource 4320 is a Laser Diode Driver, it controls the laser behavior.


General Basic Precautions

When operating the laser make sure that the doors to the rig are closed and that you are wearing the laser safety glasses.

The LSO shall be notified of the purchase of any laser, regardless of the class. Such notification should include the classification, media, output power or pulse energy, wavelength, repetition rate (if applicable), special attachments (frequency doublers...etc.), beam size at the laser aperture, beam divergence and users.

No attempt shall be made to place any shiny or glossy object into the laser beam other than that for which the equipment is specifically designed.

Eye protection devices which are designed for protection against radiation from a specific laser system shall be used when engineering controls are inadequate to eliminate the possibility of potentially hazardous eye exposure (i.e., whenever levels of accessible emission exceed the appropriate MPE levels.) This generally applies only to Class IIIB and Class IV lasers. All laser protective eyewear shall be clearly labeled with optical density values and wavelengths for which protection is afforded.

Skin protection can best be achieved through engineering controls. If the potential exists for damaging skin exposure, particularly for ultraviolet lasers (200-400 nm), then skin covers and or "sun screen" creams are recommended.

HANDS - Most gloves will provide some protection against laser radiation. Tightly woven fabrics and opaque gloves provide the best protection.

ARMS - A laboratory jacket or coat can provide protection for the arms. For Class IV lasers, consideration should be given to flame resistant materials.


  1. Hydra – MMM modified for the Laser Welder --- *Java JRE required.
  2. Processing -- (If using source code).
  3. Inkscape --
  4. GCodeTools for Incscape ---

Gcodetools Installation

  • Windows: Unpack and copy all the files to the following directory Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\ and restart Inkscape
  • Linux: Unpack and copy all the files to the following directory /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/ and restart inkscape.


Powering up and communicating with the device:

  1. Disconnect USB cable
  2. Turn on the power supply (do not connect the USB cable before this!).
  3. Connect the USB cable.
  4. Turn on TECSource 5305, wait until it boots and then press Output.
  5. Wait until it stabilize at the temperature set point (Currently 25 Celsius)
  6. Turn on 4320 LaserSource.
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