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| align="CENTER" | 10/7
| align="CENTER" | 10/7
| align="CENTER" | 18
| align="CENTER" | 18
| align="LEFT" | Rock Climbing - Parametric modeling, OpenSCAD Rock wall hold due
| align="LEFT" | Customizing in Thingiverse & Parametric modeling, OpenSCAD Rock wall hold due
| align="LEFT" | '''Possible Field Trip to Local Motors in Knoxville, TN'''
| align="LEFT" | [[ENGR242 Customizer|Customizer project assigned]], [[ENGR242#Module_3:_Open_source_CAD |M3.6]]
| align="CENTER" | 10/9
| align="CENTER" | 10/9

Revision as of 00:52, 5 October 2019

3D Printing Technology

Jellybox lo def.JPG

(Fall 2019)

  • 10:00 am - 11:40 am,
  • Science Center 109
  • August 26, 2019 - December 9, 2019

Instructor: User:MarieFarson

Why 3-D Printing? A recent report from data company Wanted Analytics found that in one month 35 percent of engineering job listings from a variety of fields, including biomedical, software, and transportation industries, required applicants familiar with 3-D printing.[1] Forbes explains why 3D printing is such a big deal.

Why open source? You will make more money, because OS is more valuable. Recent analysis shows that jobs with the keywords "Microsoft Windows" have an average salary of $64,000, while jobs with the keyword "Linux" have an average salary of $99,000. [2]

Course Description

This course provides an overview of open-source hardware in theory and practice for an introduction to distributed additive manufacturing using open-source 3-D printing. The course will explore the initial design and further development of open-source instrumentation as it relates to the build of a RepRap form of 3D printer. Each student will build a customized 3D printer and will learn all hardware, firmware and software for operating it. The printer will then be used in the completion of a series of projects in the students' field of interest.

Learning Outcomes

1. To demonstrate a depth and breadth of knowledge about open source hardware and software, especially as it relates to 3D printing technologies (CWLO 1)

2. To develop critical thinking & synthesis skills through labs on structural analysis, materials testing and software development (CWLO 2)

3. To develop critical thinking skills through the trouble shooting process involved in hardware development (CWLO 2)

4. To demonstrate effective communication skills in developing well documented software code and appropriate posting of open source projects (CWLO 3) (GESL 1)

5. Practice scientific skills such as data sampling, measuring, and analysis to determine the effect of various design configurations on print quality and resolution (CWLO LO 2b)

6. Explore the trade-offs between print speed and resolution as each of these is intentionally controlled in software (CWLO LO 2b)

Credits: 4.0 SH GESL

Required Course Material


There is a $100 lab fee for this course. This fee will be used to purchase expendable materials for you to build your printer during the course. You must provide your own SD Card for storing your print files. You should plan on $25 or more additionally to purchase your choice of filament to use with your printer. You also have the option of buying a set of hardware components totaling about $595 at the bookstore to use for your build. If you use your own components, then at the end of the course you keep the printer you built in the course. The printer will be similar to the image above, but the design is constantly evolving.

Textbook: J.M. Pearce, The Open-Source Lab (Elsevier,2014). Other reading will be handouts in class, on-line reading, and emailed pdfs. See hyperlinks in schedule.

Link to online portion of textbook: Online portion of textbook

Course Organization

This course will be run as a lab course with lectures. Students will be expected to read the course material before class and actively participate in discussions. The majority of class time will be spent on labs and projects. Each student will be responsible for building a RepRap Jellybox 3-D printer to use to complete the projects. Students will be responsible for giving short presentations on their projects on each sub-topic in front of the class at the end of the semester.

Grading Policy

Grades will be based on the following:

Jellybox build 10
Appropedia Page/mini projects 10
Quizzes 5
Educational Aide Project 10
Scientific Instrument Project 20
OSAT Collaborative Project 20
Big Money Project 25
Total Percentage 100

Late Assignments

Deduct 10% per day, up to 5 working days, then 0 grade. Only exception is for excused absences. (Being on the IN list is NOT adequate for excused absence. Missed projects will result in a zero for the assigned work. Quizzes on the readings cannot be made up, ever.

Course Policies

Appropriate behavior, attendance, participation and collaboration with your peers on group assignments is expected. All assignments are to be completed by the beginning of class on the due date even if you are IN, unless you make other arrangements with me at least 24 hours in advance. Collaboration/Plagiarism Rules Students are strongly encouraged to learn while helping fellow students learn. Collaboration is encouraged on the group project but individual projects and exams must be completed alone.

Academic Integrity

A Principian is expected to pursue a life of integrity (see the Principia Pledge and the Principia Community Commitment.) Therefore academic honesty is essential to a Principia College education. Academic regulations and procedures are governed by University policy (see Principia College Catalog 2016-2017). Any act of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the class.

Course Schedule

Please Note: Readings will be updated periodically before we get to the module.

Date Class Class description Assignment - due next class
8/26 1 Intro to class, projects and build assigned Syllabus, Schedule, M0.1
8/28 2 Intro to 3D Printing Technologies, Intro to Safety, Crimping and Soldering Buy kit on Marketplace, M0.2, Online Quizzes
8/30 3 Get parts -Start Building Your 3D Printer! Practice Crimping and Soldering
8/31 Bonus! 10:00 - 16:55 Help Building Your 3D Printer! Bring everything.
9/2 4 Intro to RepRap software chain, printer build M0.3,M0.4, Online Quiz
9/4 5 Complete RepRap software chain, printer build M1.1, Online Quizzes
9/6 6 OSH definitions, development, business, printer build
9/9 7 OS licenses, printer build M1.2
9/11 8 OS legal discussion, printer build, order filament M1.3, Online Quizzes
9/13 9 Jellybox show and tell (calibration house and play time) Jellybox built, PLAY WITH IT IN CLASS, problem solver
9/16 10 In class build quiz, Intro to wiki- Appropedia, printer adjustments from calibration houses M2.1-3,5, Create and populate Appropedia user page, Appropedia, 242 demo page
9/18 11 Everyone's Done! Calibraion houses due Preliminary print
9/20 12 RepRap community, Printing tricks, prelim prints due M2.4-7, Print spare Jellybox part from GitHub
9/23 13 Mechanical properties of 3-D printed parts - Intro and download, replacement JB part due M3.0, Online Quiz, ENGR242 MiniMech project - don't do... I will demonstrate, Mech properties of Ninjaflex
9/25 14 Blender Tutorial/in class micro project lamp shade M3.2, M3.0, Blender Snow Man
9/27 15 Blender class exercise due No Class
9/30 15 Fall Break - No Class
10/2 16 FreeCAD Tutorial/in class micro project; Dovetail Puzzle Box M3.1; M3.3; Propeller
10/4 17 OpenSCAD Tutorial/ in class micro project - Penny Trap, FreeCAD exercise due M3.4; rock wall hold using this bolt
10/7 18 Customizing in Thingiverse & Parametric modeling, OpenSCAD Rock wall hold due Customizer project assigned, M3.6
10/9 19 Customizer - work on project Customizer project assigned, M3.6
10/11 20 Educational Aid - Intro to project - Netfabb Educational Aid project, M3.6
10/14 21 Educational Aid - work on project - Meshlab - In Class Quiz M4.1, M4.3, Online Quiz
10/16 22 Educational Aid show and tell, 242 OSH Science project 2018 assigned Tools in Africa Contest, NIH 3DP, Open Source Lab Hardware, Post Project proposals
10/18 23 OS hardware - Design Thinking by Sharing, OSH Science Interview due Work in computer lab/hardware lab, M3.4, M3.5
10/21 24 Science Projects - Design Thinking - Part II Connections Science CAD file, M3.7, M3.8
10/23 Science Projects - finish CAD design files, due today Class - CAD FILE DUE , prototype due by next class
10/25 Prototype due, Test Prototype, Revise, Troubleshoot
10/28 Science Projects - Prototype evaluation, Prototyping & Testing Class - redesign CAD FILE DUE , final print due by next class
10/30 25 Science Projects - finish CAD design files Class - CAD FILE DUE , prototype due by next class
11/1 26 Science Projects - Presentation of Projects Class - prelim STL FILE DUE POSTED ON NIH + write up on Appropedia,
11/4 27 Science Projects - Presentation of Projects Class - prelim STL FILE DUE POSTED ON NIH + write up on Appropedia,
11/6 28 Open source appropriate technology Project Description, 242 OSAT projects M5.1, Online Quiz
11/8 29 OSAT project commitment due, Indep Research on OSAT projects - no class M5.2, 242 OSAT projects, OSAT project - Prelim CAD file due
11/11 30 Open source appropriate technology Project, OSAT CAD dwg due 242 OSAT projects, OSAT project - prototype due
11/13 31 Open source appropriate technology 242 OSAT projects, Testing and Redesign of OSAT
11/15 32 Work on reprint of OSAT project 242 OSAT projects, OSAT project
11/18 33 OSAT project presentations Final write ups of OSAT project on Appropedia DUE
11/20 34 Appropedia page for OSAT due, Big Money Project 242 Big Money Project
11/22 35 Inventive thinking/ Big Money Project category:242 TRIZ 3D printers, Online Quiz, M6.1-3
11/25 36 Inventive thinking/ Big Money Project Big Money Project - CAD file due,Why the world needs deep generalists, not specialists
11/27 37 Thanksgiving - No Class
11/29 38 Thanksgiving - No Class
12/2 39 Big Money Project Big Money Project - prototype due
12/4 40 Big Money Project - test and redesign Big Money Project - reprint
12/6 41 Big Money Project Big Money Project - Appropedia post write up DUE, creative genius
12/9 FINAL EXAM All Projects Show and Tell - Disassembly Party Go Forth, Create and Innovate

Readings and Media

OSL= Open-Source Lab textbook

Module 0: RepRap Build

  1. Watch RepRap video, The RepRap project- Ranellucci, What is 3D Printing, Infographic
  2. Read through build guide: Jellybox Build Guide, More help available here Jellybox 3Dprinter help, Extruders 101
  3. Software - Tom's Youtube Channel](Down to earth, honest, succinct, and basically always right), G-code Very comprehensive G code reference plus an excellent reference for most things related to open hardware 3d printers), Slicers: RepRap Magazine 1, Slic3r, Cura,Cura tutorial,RepRapPro Slicer, tweak AtoZ Cura plugin, Matter Control
  4. Printer controllers - Printrun, Marlin, Printer Controller Boards

Module 1: Introduction to OSH

  1. OSL Chap. 2 OSH Introduction, Cathedral and Bazaar, Microsoft OSH, OSH intro video, TEDxBoulder - Nathan Seidle (Sparfun)- How Open Hardware will Take Over the World, Lulzbot factory tour and discussion of OSH business by Jeff Moe, Do Makers Propose a More Open Source Future? - Idea Channel, PBS Digital Studios, 2015 the Year OSS went nuclear, Can Open-Sourcing Transform Electronics Hardware?, and for extra-interested folks (not mandatory reading):The Law of Accelerating Returns by Ray Kurzweil,
  2. OSL Chap. 3 OS License OS License, Creative Commons copyright licenses, OS software for GNU-Linux, The Future of 3D Printing: Smarter IP Strategies, Less Lawsuits, Jellybox license
  3. OSL Chap. 4 OS microcontrollers Arduino Tutorials , Makershed comparison, Jeremy Blum TED talk, Nathan Seidle- SparkFun

Module 2: Community

  1. RepRap Forums, RepRap Groups
  2. Arduino Forum, Arduino google group
  3. Free and open repositories of designs, Yobi3D - 3D model search engine, Jellybox g code
  4. Tricks: support, raft, parts, orientation, fill, slicer choice, How to avoid pathetic prints, pictorial guide to problems,pictorial guide to reprap print trouble shooting, how to fix warping, RichRap Slic3r is Nicer, living hinges,List of common printing problems
  5. Appropedia, 242 demo page
  6. Post Processing: post processing techniques
  7. Post Processing: smoothing and sanding

Module 3: Open source CAD

  1. OpenSCAD, OpenSCAD manual, OpenSCAD for 3D Printing Kindle Edition, MOST SCAD Libraries on Github, RapCAD, Parametric Modeling with OpenSCAD
  2. Blender, Using Blender to Model for 3-D printing, 2D to 3D in Blender, Creating 3D models for printing with Blender: Advanced tips, Adding Text to your Object with Blender, Best Blender Tutorials
  3. FreeCAD, Bram de Vries FreeCAD video tutorials, Sculpteo Tutorials on FreeCAD, Using OpenSCAD tricks in FreeCAD
  4. Tricks - Multicolor, A few ways to strengthen 3D printed parts, 3D print from McMaster-Carr, 3DHubs - how to optimize design for FFF,
  5. Hinges - living hinges
  6. Mashups - Converting 2D images to 3D with Inkscape, Images to OpenSCAD Via Inkscape, Celtic Knot SCAD, Bezier curves and knots script for Blender, Mashup Tutorial,MeshLab for repairing models
  7. MOST - MOST Delta mods - see also: Github MTU-MOST repositories, Open-source syringe pump, Open-source metal 3-D printer, MOST mods (incomplete but getting there), another approach to PCB design
  8. Photos - Open Source Photogrammetry, Open source 3D scanners

Module 4: OS Science

  1. OSL Chap. 1 examples 3D printable science equipment, Tekla Lab requests, 3D Printing of OSAT
  2. OSL Chap. 5
  3. OSL Chap. 6
  4. OSL Chap. 7

Module 5: OSAT

  1. Appropriate Technology, 3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development, Open source 3-D printing of OSAT, How 3D Printers Are Boosting Off-The-Grid, Underdeveloped Communities - MotherBoard, OSAT for Sustainable Development, Tech for Trade, Tech from Waste
  2. Recyclebot, Open Source Ecology TED talk

Module 6: Other Cool Stuff

  1. The Economist-- A third industrial revolution, Where we go from here - types of OS3DP Open-source metal 3-D printer
  2. Post processing
  3. Printing with Ninja-flex, mech properties ninjaflex

Other good watching: First International Workshop on "Low-cost 3D Printing for Science, Education and Sustainable Development, 25. Hopes and Fears, 27. Open Hardware and Arduino, 31. Prehistoric Collections: Digitizing the Leaky collection and interesting perspectives on digital rights and proprietary museum collections, 33. Bringing a CAD model into a physical object: Ranelucci video, 54. The future of 3D printing: Another Ranelucci video.



Learning Outcomes


Demonstrate a depth and breadth of knowledge of RepRap printers and how they work


Demonstrate critical and generative thinking in the purposeful design of items


Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively


Practice intentional learning through the persistent, continual process of acquiring and using a variety of strategies to improve student's ability to design using a variety of design software programs


Be effective members of Open Source communities


Act on the basis of Principle


Demonstrate scientific literacy, reading articles on materials properties from scientific literature


Demonstrate competence in at least one of the criteria below relating to the scientific method:


observing, collecting and analyzing data from materials properties collected in the laboratory in order to arrive at a conclusion that better explains the properties or processes examined


using experimental methods to investigate the relationship(s) between two or more variables related to materials properties of 3D printing filament when at least one of those variables can be intentionally controlled or manipulated.

Further Research

  1. Filament Extruder for Recycled PET bottles
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