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Sustainable Community Action is a wiki. It's information and knowledge sharing, but with a focus on what might be useful to community groups and active citizens. You can help. What can we do to make our communities more sustainable and in support of environmental, social and economic wellbeing? more... About


At any level from local communities through villages, towns, cities, countries, regions, continents or the whole world. Check out our current list of 269 locations. If the location you're interested in isn't there, can you help by sharing some information about that place in either an existing article, or through starting a new article? ...more


"We start with the simple proposition that citizens should be able to influence decisions which affect the places and communities in which they live, work and visit."

Sustainability isn't just something for experts. It's about everyone's quality of life and we all have a part to play.

Sustainable Community Action aims to help link up community and personal action for sustainability worldwide. ...more


Knowledge sharing can help! It can help with finding contacts, making connections and networking. As well as information about places the sca wiki shares information and knowledge about 29 Sustainable community action topics and Resources to help action. ...more Topics, Resources


Do help! Do please help sustainable community action grow! Share something today! Share your knowledge and information.

...more Our Places, Topics, Resources

Follow us on twitter: @scawiki (account to follow)

Merge logs

For about the last year and over the next year some 300 to 400 articles are being merged into Appropedia from earlier versions of the scawiki. The merge logs give an overview of the process and progress: Sustainable community action/topics merge log, Sustainable community action/resources merge log

Coming up

Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Protest at Tufts University.jpg

February 13 and 14, 2015 - Global Divestment Day, "Let’s make fossil fuels history." ...more


As of December 2014 all 269 location articles and 9 out of around 60 topic articles have been set up. The remaining topic articles and Sustainable community action Resources articles should get set up during 2015. After that the focus can switch to developing the wiki and its community of editors.

Recent articles

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Featured quote

  • “Anyone who believes in infinite growth on a finite planet is either mad or an economist.” D. Attenborough [1] / Ethical consumerism
Greenwich park drawing1.jpg


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