Summary tables of water quality parameters analyzed (DO, temperature, conductivity, pH, turbidity, and TSS) and their importance in terms of effects on salmonids. Each table includes information on healthy (or unhealthy) range, species/life-stage, time-duration and effects.

Table 1: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)[edit | edit source]

Range Species/Life-Stage Effect Reference
< 5.0 mg/L Chinook Salmon (migrating adult) Will avoid migrating to waters Carter (2005)
5 mg/L - 6.5 mg/L The embryonic and larval stages of salmonids Exhibit symptoms of oxygen distress Carter (2005)
9.75 mg/L - 8 mg/L The embryonic and larval stages of salmonids Fully protective of larvae and mature eggs. Carter (2005)
<4 mg/L Salmon Effects Salmon Behavior and Embryo Development Brett and Blackburn (1980)
6.5 mg/L Adult Salmonids Healthy Adult Salmonid Levels EPA (1986)
4 mg/L Adult Salmonids Minimum healthy DO levels EPA (1986)
<11 mg/L Salmon Eggs Delayed Hatching Carter (2005)
<8 mg/L Salmon Eggs and Larvae Impaired Growth and Lower Survival Rates Carter (2005)
<6 mg/L Salmon Eggs Most will die Carter (2005)
<6 mg/L Atlantic Salmon Hypoxic Conditions Burt et al. (2012)

Reference List[edit | edit source]

  • Carter, K. (2005). The effects of dissolved oxygen on steelhead trout, Coho Salmon, and Chinook Salmon biology and function by life stage. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region, 10.
  • Brett, J. R., and J. M. Blackburn (1981). Oxygen Requirements for Growth of Young Coho (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) and Sockeye (O. Nerka) Salmon at 15 °C. ​Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
  • Burt, K., Hamoutene, D., Mabrouk, G., Lang, C., Puestow, T., Drover, D., Losier, R. and Page, F. (2012). Environmental Conditions and Occurrence of Hypoxia Within Production Cages of Atlantic Salmon on the South Coast of Newfoundland. Aquaculture Research, Blackwell Science.
  • EPA (1986). Quality Criteria for Water. Washington DC: Office of Water Regulations and Standards.

Table 2: Temperature[edit | edit source]

Range Species/Life-Stage Effect Reference
22.0-24.0 (°C) Chinook Salmon Upper Temperature range which eliminates salmonids from an area McCullough et al. (2001)
7.2-14.5 (°C) Chinook Salmon (Adult) Preferred temperatures Bell (1986)
3.3-13.3 (°C) Chinook Salmon (Adult) Temperature range of spring migration Bell (1986)
11.7-14.5 (°C) Coho Salmon (Adult) Preferred temperature range Bell (1986)
19.1-23.9 (°C) Chinook Salmon (Adult) Range of temperatures causing thermal blockage to migration McCullough et al. (2001)
6.0-11.0 (°C) Steelhead Salmon (eggs) Optimum temperature for salmonid eggs survival to hatching McCullough et al. (2001)
6.0-11.0 (°C) Chinook Salmon (eggs) Optimum temperature for salmonid eggs survival to hatching McCullough et al. (2001)
4.5-13.3 (°C) Coho Salmon (eggs) Preferred emergence temperature range Bell (1986)
3.9-9.4 (°C) Steelhead Salmon (eggs) Temp. range where spawning occurs Bell (1986)
11.0-15.6 (°C) Chinook Salmon (Juvenile) Temperature range for optimal growth. Anything over this threshold increases the risk of mortality from warm water disease McCullough et al. (2001)

References[edit | edit source]

  • Bell, M.C. (1986). “Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria.” Fish Passage Development and Evaluation Program. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • McCullough, D.A., Spalding, S., Sturdevant, D., and Hicks, M. (2001). “Issue Paper 5: Summary of technical literature examining the effects of temperature on salmonids.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10, Seattle, WA. EPA 910-D-01-005. <>

Table 3: Conductivity[edit | edit source]

Range Species/Life-Stage Time-Duration Effect Reference
< 300 µS/cm

This range is healthy

Rainbow Trout Embryos 7 days Impairs Embryo Survival Beach (2020)
150 - 500 µS/cm

This is the healthy

Mixed Fisheries Not specified Healthy ranges for fisheries in the US EPA (2012)

References[edit | edit source]

  • Beach, L. (2020). “Laboratory Investigation on the Effects of Conductivity on the Sensitive Early Life Stages of Fishes from the Appalachian Region.” <> (Dec. 5, 2021).
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2012) “5.9 Conductivity: What is conductivity and why is it important?” <> (Apr. 20, 2022).

Table 4: pH[edit | edit source]

Range Species/Life-Stage Effect Reference
6.7-8.3 Chinook Salmon Preferred Range Bell (1986)
5.5 General Fish Lower limit for for general fish protection Bell (1970)
6.0-7.2 Atlantic Salmon/eggs+fry Optimum range for survival RSPCA (2021)
6.2-6.8 Atlantic salmon smolts Non-toxic range for salmon in low Aluminum concentrated environment Fivelstad (2013)
5.8–6.4 Sockeye Salmon (land-locked) Digging and upstream behavior were significantly inhibited Ikuta (2001)
< 5.8 Atlantic Salmon Mortality at all life stages Ikuta (2001)
<6.0 Atlantic Salmon (eggs+fry) Increased mortality due to ionic toxicity RSPCA (2021)

References[edit | edit source]

  • Bell, M.C. (1986). “Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria.” Fish Passage Development and Evaluation Program. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Bell, H.L. (1970). “Effects of low pH on the survival and emergence of aquatic insects.” Water Research Pergamon Press, 5, 313–319.
  • Fivelstad, S. (2013). “Long-term carbon dioxide experiments with salmonids.” Aquacultural Engineering, 53, 40-44. < 912000908> (Dec. 1, 2021)
  • Ikuta, K., Munakata, A., Aida, K., Amano, M. and Kitamura, S. (2001). “Effects of low pH on upstream migratory behavior in landlocked sockeye salmon Oncorhunchus nerka.” Water Air Soil Pollut., 130, 99–106.
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). (2021). “RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic Salmon.” <>

Table 5: Turbidity[edit | edit source]

Range Species/Life-Stage Time-Duration Effect Reference
45 NTU Coho Salmon (Juvenile) 14-days Displacement Sigler (1980)**
22 NTU Coho Salmon (Juvenile) 14-days Reduced Growth Sigler et al. (1984)**
20-60 NTU Coho Salmon (Juvenile) 8-days Reduced Feeding Berg (1982)**
7.5 NTU Brown Trout Reduced Growth Bachman (1984)**
231 NTU Brook Trout (Juvenile) 1-day Stress (Increased ventilation) Carlson (1984)**
70 NTU Coho Salmon (Juvenile) Not specified Avoidance Bisson and Bilby (1982)**
22-265 NTU Coho Salmon (Juvenile) Not specified Avoidance Sigler (1980)**
20-60 NTU Coho Salmon (Juvenile) 6-days Altered Behaviour (visual) Berg (1982)**
20-60 NTU Coho Salmon (Juvenile) 6-days Altered Behaviour (loss of territoriality) Berg (1982)**

Note: **All sources from Lloyd (1987)

References[edit | edit source]

  • Bachman, R. A. (1984). “Foraging behavior of free-ranging wild and hatchery brown trout in a stream”. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 113: 1-32.
  • Berg, L. (1982). “Effects of Short Term Exposure to Suspended Sediment on the Behaviour of Juvenile” Pages 177-196 in G. F. Hartman et al., editors. Proceedings of the Carnation Creek workshop: a ten-year review. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, Canada.
  • Bisson, P. A., and R. E. Bilby. (1982). “Avoidance of suspended sediment by juvenile coho salmon”. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 2:371- 374.
  • Carlson, R. W. (1984). “The influence of pH, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids or dissolved solids upon ventilatory and cough frequencies in the bluegill Lepomis macrochirus and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis”. Environmental Pollution Series A Ecological and Biological 34:149-169.  
  • Llyod, D. S. (1987). “Turbidity as a Water Quality Standard for Salmonid Habitats in Alaska.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 7(2).
  • Sigler, J. W. (1980). “Effects of chronic turbidity on feeding, growth and social behavior of steelhead trout and coho salmon.” Doctoral dissertation, University of ldaho, Moscow.
  • Sigler, J. W., T. C. Bjornn, and F. H. Everest (1984) “Effects of chronic turbidity on density and growth of steelheads and coho salmon.” Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 113:142-150.

Table 6: Total suspended solids (TSS)[edit | edit source]

Range Species/Life-Stage Time-Duration Effect Reference
25+ mg/L (Factor >2.5) Rainbow Trout (Juvenile/Adult) 13 Weeks Increased unionized ammonia nitrogen concentrations had no relevant detrimental effect on rainbow trout physiology and performance at concentrations of up to 0.05 mg/L. Becke et al. (2019)
60-180 mg/L Atlantic Salmon Not specified Avoidance behavior Ye et al. (2015)
800-47,000 mg/L Coho Salmon Not specified 80% reduction in fertilization


Ye et al. (2015)
2,000-3,000 mg/L Coho Salmon 192 hrs Reduced feeding efficiency Ye et al. (2015)
40,000 mg/L Coho Salmon 96 hrs Physical damages to gills Ye et al. (2015)
207,000 mg/L Chinook Salmon 1 hr 100% mortality of juveniles Ye et al. (2015)

References[edit | edit source]

  • Becke, C., Schumann, M., Steinhagen, D., Rojas-Tirado, P., Geist, J., & Brinker, A. (2019). Effects of unionized ammonia and suspended solids on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquaculture, 499, 348-357.
  • Ye, S., & Ying, Q. (2015). Water quality in RAS for salmonids and performance of MBBR: case study at Vik Settefisk AS (Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås).
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Part of Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Project
Keywords water monitoring, water, flow rate
SDG SDG14 Life below water
Authors Margarita Otero-Diaz, Claire Bareilles, Katherine Hardaker, Caleb Wegener
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Organizations Humboldt Cal Poly
Ported from (original)
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 2 pages link here
Impact 5 page views (more)
Created October 8, 2022 by Emilio Velis
Modified February 28, 2024 by Felipe Schenone
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