Making is deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture throughout history, encompassing traditional practices such as fixing, repairing, combining broken pieces, planting, and naturally exchanging goods.

Crafting Resilience: The Ukrainian Maker Movement in the past and now[edit | edit source]

With input from Yuri Vlasyuk, MakerHub

The spirit of making has thrived in this resilient nation, providing a powerful counterbalance to consumerism. The Ukrainian maker movement has gained attention from community leaders, civil servants, businesses, educational institutions, medical establishments, international foundations, and even the government and armed forces. The resourcefulness of makers in fixing and repairing became vital during the war and is expected to play a crucial role in post-war reconstruction.

“The dialogue started by Tolocar was as necessary as air. It gave a reason to activate the communication capacities of the community and its players.” Anonymised quote from the MakerHub Research Report [1]

Map of Ukrainian Makerspaces as of August 6th, 2022
Map of Ukrainian Makerspaces. Please note: The map is intended for informational purposes only and in no way constitute recognition of oundaries and territories under international law. We accept no responsibility for the map being entirely up to date, correct or complete. Liability for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from their use is denied.

The maker movement in Ukraine has flourished in the last decade, with public makerspaces sprouting across the country since 2012, serving as centers of DIY culture, product innovation, and micro-production. Izolyatsia, one of the first makerspaces in Donetsk, emerged from a project supported by Terre des Hommes. Despite the destruction of Izolyatsia's building during the 2014 secession of Russia-supported militia, the makers adapted and continued their activities in Kyiv as Isolab. In 2022, the maker movement in Ukraine transformed into a tight-knit and supportive community. Collaborations between makers within this community, such Maker Faires, “Book Arsenal” participation and the RepRapUA festival, have garnered international recognition and support from organizations like the Fab Foundation and Make magazine.

Watch MakerHub's Yuri Vlasyuk in conversation with Tolocar team members.

Ukrainian Makerspaces[edit | edit source]

Making is deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture. 37 makerspaces have been established in the country since 2012.

Please feel free to add to this list! Please also feel free to get in touch with the Tolocar project or the Ukrainian Makers Association if you would like to connect!

No. Name of Makerspace Location Link to Makerspace
1 FabLab Brody Brody
2 Peremoha Chernihiv
3 Engineers Coworking* Chernivtsi
4 Ksi Prostir Dnipro
5 Yane Lab*
6 IZOLAB* Donetsk
7 MetaLab Ivano-Frankivsk
8 Garage Hub* Kharkiv
9 Makerspace Kharkiv Kharkiv
10 Makerspace at College Konotop
11 DrevoDim Kramatorsk
12 KNUBA Kyiv
13 Ostriv Platform Kyiv
14 Hacklab Kyiv
15 Fabricator Kyiv
16 Lampa Kyiv
17 MachineRoom Kyiv
18 America House Makerspace* Kyiv
19 Makerspace Lviv* Lviv
20 Lem Station Lviv
21 1991* Mariupol
22 Lyceum* Novoaidar
23 Hub Lab* Odesa
24 MiRONAFT* Odesa
25 America House Makerspace* Odesa
26 SiniY Crab Art Space Odesa
27 BUR Okhtyrka Makerspace Okhtyrka
28 Technolab Poltava
29 Lyceum* Popasna
30 V. Dahl University* Severodonetsk
31 Bobry Sumy
32 FabLab TNTU Ternopil
33 FabLab Truskavets Truskavets
34 Creative Rural Hub Verhniy Verbizh
35 Makerspace at Vinnytsya Technical Vocational College Vinnytsya
36 Youth Centre* Volnovakha
37 Lyceum* Zolote

* These makerspaces are either temporarily displaced, defunct, or destroyed.

Insights from MakerHub Research[edit | edit source]

MakerHub, the producer of 15 Maker Faires in Ukraine, conducted research on the recent state of the maker scene in Ukraine as part of the Tolocar project.[1] As part of the research, 312 Ukrainian makers took part in a survey - most were men under 45 with higher technical education, engaged in making for three or more years. Many of them work alone from home, while some have established organizations where they work together with others. The study revealed key needs among makers, including training, idea generation, sourcing materials, improving efficiency, networking, and funding. The maker movement in Ukraine is embracing community engagement: 68% of the study participants expressed interest in joining community activities, with informal gatherings, workshops, and maker fairs being the preferred formats for interaction. Makers are increasingly willing to take on community leadership roles, as many of them are not hobbyists anymore, but support the socio-economic recovery of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian maker movement gives testimony to the creativity and ingenuity of its people. Through resilience and collaboration, makers have demonstrated the transformative power of creation. Guided by the spirit of community and innovation, the movement forges a path towards a vibrant and empowered nation.

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Authors Victoria Wenzelmann
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 28 pages link here
Impact 15 page views (more)
Created November 9, 2023 by Victoria Wenzelmann
Modified May 8, 2024 by Kathy Nativi
  1. 1.0 1.1 Masiyenko, Y., & Zagryvenko, K. (2022). Study of the Current Needs of the Ukrainian Maker Community. MakerHub and MitOst for the Tolocar project.
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