A. Root crop distribution on a climatic basis[edit | edit source]


B. Estimated world production figures for the major root crops[edit | edit source]

1961-65 1969-71 1980-82
average average average
Cassava 75 048 96 700 124 761
Potato 282 959 277 286 247 719
Sweet potato na 142 141 141 285
Yam 18 080 16 243 19 898

Sources: 1961-65 from Kay, 1973. TPI Crop and Product Digest No. 2.

1969-71 and 1980-82 calculated from FAO Production Yearbook 19X2.

Yams are for 1979-81: they are not quoted separately in subsequent Yearbooks. na not available.

C. Pesticides mentioned in the text[edit | edit source]

The word pesticides refers to chemicals used to combat insects, arachnids, nematodes, diseases and weeds. The following table lists the International Organization for Standardization common names of pesticides mentioned in the text, and other common names, along with their more commonly known trade names and notes on their use. The use of italics for a common name denotes that it is no longer used, or in the case of a trade name, that it is no longer manufactured.

All pesticides are hazardous and should be used strictly as recommended by the manufacturer and the local agricultural advisory service. Many countries place restrictions on the use of certain pesticides, including several listed here: some may not be permitted at all, others only if stated conditions are adhered to. Therefore mention of a particular pesticide in this digest does not necessarily imply endorsement by TDRI. There are also internationally approved recommendations and often legal limits on the level of residual pesticide permitted on fresh foods for consumption (whether home produced or imported). The legal limits vary between crops and countries and the regulations are changed from time to time. It will therefore be necessary to check the permitted pesticides and the recommended levels of application with the local agricultural advisory service, and to check the permitted residue levels with the appropriate consumer authority (particularly where there may be exports to countries with possibly different regulations).

Reference to trade names implies no endorsement of the efficacy of these products nor any criticism of competing products not mentioned.

ec emulsifiable concentrate
sc suspension concentrate
ULV ultra-low volume formulation
wp wettable powder


Table part I


Table part II


Table part III


Table part IV


Table part V


Table part VI


Table part VII


Table part VIII


Table part IX


Table part X


Table part XI


Table part XII

D. Index of trivial names[edit | edit source]

(Other than the common name used for the title of entries)


Index part I


Index part II


Index part III


Index part IV


Index part V


Index part VI


Index part VII


Index part VIII


Index part IX


Index part X


Index part XI


Index part XII

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Authors Eric Blazek
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 39 pages link here
Aliases Root Crops 39, Root Crops/39
Impact 5 page views (more)
Created March 30, 2006 by Eric Blazek
Last modified December 9, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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