List of Search Terms[edit | edit source]
- open source air quality sensor
- fabrication of air quality sensor
- Spectroscopy of air pollution
- Wavelengths of air pollution
See also[edit | edit source]
List of References[edit | edit source]
California Air Resources Board Outlines of Measurement Technologies
- Gives General information of types of pollution and how to sense that pollution
- Potential to make field instrument, since those are expensive
- Do it yourself air quality sensors with the data analyzed by the hackAIR application
- Focuses on Particulate Matter, and other more common air pollutants
- Three types of Builds, a simple cardboard build, a home sensor and a mobile sensor
- hackAIR main website
hackAIR carboard TutorialhackAIR home tutorialhackAIR mobile tutorial
Abraham, Sherin, and Xinrong Li. “A Cost-Effective Wireless Sensor Network System for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Applications.” In FNC/MobiSPC, 165–171, 2014.Article
- Monitors Indoor Air Quality of CO2,CO, VOCs, Ozone, temperature, relative humidity, and dew point
- Has Calibrations for the sensors
- Will be useful to compare how to calibarate sensors and shows that indoor monitoring has some advances
Balasubramaniyan, C., and D. Manivannan. “IoT Enabled Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) Using Raspberry Pi.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9, no. 39 (October 27, 2016). Article
- Rasberry Pi can be used to run sensors that cover CO2, CO, NOx, and NH3
- For both indoor and outdoor use
Zelinger, Z., M. Střižı́k, P. Kubát, Z. Jaňour, P. Berger, A. Černỳ, and P. Engst. “Laser Remote Sensing and Photoacoustic Spectrometry Applied in Air Pollution Investigation.” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 42, no. 4 (2004): 403–412.
- Example of application of Spectroscopy and how to impliment it
Hanst, Philip L. “Air Pollution Measurement by Fourier Transform Spectroscopy.” Applied Optics 17, no. 9 (1978): 1360–1366.
- Describes how to limit water vapor interference in infrared sensing ranges inorder to get better resolution of data
Haus, R., K. Schäfer, W. Bautzer, J. Heland, H. Mosebach, H. Bittner, and T. Eisenmann. “Mobile Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Monitoring of Air Pollution.” Applied Optics 33, no. 24 (1994): 5682–5689.
- Remote sensing of a large number of atmospheric molecules
- Useful in control of pollution
Zelinger, Zdeněk, Pavel Kubát, Michal Střižík, Klára Bezpalcová, Zbyněk Jaňour, Pavel Danihelka, Sylva Drábková, Milada Kozubková, Pavel Berger, and Alexandr Černỳ. “Urban Air Pollution and Its Photochemistry Studied by Laser Spectroscopic Methods.” In Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere for Environmental Security, 301–316. Springer, 2006.
- Techniques for applying spectroscopy to atmospheric models
Siebert, Peter, Gerald Petzold, A. Hellenbart, and Jörg Müller. “Surface Microstructure/Miniature Mass Spectrometer:. Processing and Applications.” Applied Physics A 67, no. 2 (1998): 155–160.
- Techniques that may help in constructing the spectrometer and fixing any potential mechanical issues
So, Pui-Kin, Bi-Cheng Yang, Wen Li, Lin Wu, and Bin Hu. “Simple Fabrication of Solid-Phase Microextraction with Surface-Coated Aluminum Foil for Enhanced Detection of Analytes in Biological and Clinical Samples by Mass Spectrometry.” Analytical Chemistry 91, no. 15 (2019): 9430–9434.
- Techniques for aiding in detection of particles when testing the efficiency of the system.
Kaufman, Yoram J., and Robert S. Fraser. “Light Extinction by Aerosols during Summer Air Pollution.” Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology 22, no. 10 (1983): 1694–1706.
- Optical thickness, wavelengths in eight spectral bands
Collis, R. T. H., and E. E. Uthe. “Mie Scattering Techniques for Air Pollution Measurement with Lasers.” Opto-Electronics 4, no. 2 (1972): 87–99.
- Mie scattering is a constant in atmospheric measurements so being able to account for it in measurement is important
Sinclair, David. “Light Scattering Instruments as an Aid in Air Pollution Measurements.” Air Repair 3, no. 1 (August 1953): 51–56.
- Ways to detect aerosol concentrations in the in the atmosphere indirectly
- Methods of measurement, transmission, scattering and rights angles, and forward scattering
Onderdelinden, D., and L. Strackee. “Computer Assisted Correlation Spectrometer for the Remote Sensing of Air Pollution.” Review of Scientific Instruments 48, no. 7 (July 1, 1977): 752–56.
- To aid in calibration make "masks" with slits that correspond with absorbtion wavelengths of pollutants
- Produced in 1976 and focuses on SO2 and NO2 sensing, code and techniques for correlation can still be used
Marć, Mariusz, Marek Tobiszewski, Bożena Zabiegała, Miguel de la Guardia, and Jacek Namieśnik. “Current Air Quality Analytics and Monitoring: A Review.” Analytica Chimica Acta 853 (January 1, 2015): 116–26.
- Field portable spectrometer, Palm Portable Mass Spectrometer (PPMS)
- Air pulses are sampled inside a separate chamber
- For detecting CWAs, benzene, toluene, and xylenes
- Being able to perform remote sensing would be useful
Harig, Roland. “Passive Remote Sensing of Pollutant Clouds by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometry: Signal-to-Noise Ratio as a Function of Spectral Resolution.” Applied Optics 43, no. 23 (August 10, 2004): 4603–10.
- Signal-to-noise ratios to detect and help to differentiate back ground spectral radiation from desired radiation bands
R. W. Bergstrom, P. Pilewskie, P. B. Russell, J. Redemann, T. C. Bond, et al.. Spectral absorption properties of atmospheric aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, European Geosciences Union, 2007, 7 (4), pp.10669-10686. ffhal-00302995f
- Determining adsorption coefficients for aerosols and the affects on measurement and climatic models
- In general there is a decrease in aerosol absorption proportionate to wavelength
Huggins, Frank E., Naresh Shah, Gerald P. Huffman, and J. David Robertson. “XAFS Spectroscopic Characterization of Elements in Combustion Ash and Fine Particulate Matter.” Fuel Processing Technology 65–66 (June 1, 2000): 203–18.
- How spectroscopy can be used for ash and other combustion byproducts
- Raises the question for what conditions to design the spectrometer and what specialization
Ezzati, Majid, Alan D. Lopez, Anthony Rodgers, and Christopher J. L. Murray. Comparative Quantification of Health Risks: Global and Regional Burden of Disease Attributable to Selected Major Risk Factors. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004.
- Why monitoring air pollution, this lists the effects of urban air pollution and the health impacts that arise from the pollutants
Salim, M. R., M. Yaacob, M. H. Ibrahim, A. I. Azmi, N. H. Ngajikin, G. Dooly, and E. Lewis. “An Optical Spectroscopic Based Reflective Sensor for CO2 Measurement with Signal to Noise Ratio Improvement.” Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 17, no. 5–6 (2015): 519–525.
- Gives peak wave lengths for CO2, SO2, and NO, 4.2-4.5μm, 4μm, and 5.3μm
En Marcus, Tay Ching, Michael David, Maslina Yaacob, Mohd Rashidi Salim, Mohd Haniff Ibrahim, Nor Hafizah Ngajikin, and Asul Izam Azmi. “Absorption Cross Section Simulation: A Preliminary Study of Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy for Ozone Gas Measurement.” Jurnal Teknologi 64, no. 3 (October 14, 2013).
- Gives wavelengths for Ozone absorption in spectroscopy
Bergstrom, R. W., P. Pilewskie, J. Pommier, M. Rabbette, P. B. Russell, B. Schmid, J. Redemann, A. Higurashi, T. Nakajima, and P. K. Quinn. “Spectral Absorption of Solar Radiation by Aerosols during ACE-Asia.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109, no. D19 (2004).
- How much albedo shifts measured wavelengths of aerosols in the atmosphere, 0.8 at 400nm to 0.9 at 900nm.
- single scattering albedo decreases with wavelength in the visible region
Dubovik, Oleg, Brent Holben, Thomas F. Eck, Alexander Smirnov, Yoram J. Kaufman, Michael D. King, Didier Tanré, and Ilya Slutsker. “Variability of Absorption and Optical Properties of Key Aerosol Types Observed in Worldwide Locations.” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 59, no. 3 (February 1, 2002): 590–608.<0590:VOAAOP>2.0.CO;2.
- Types of wavelengths absorbed depend on composition of aerosols, smoke, dust, and urban air pollution all have different absorbtion wavelenghts
- Different locations also can be identified by the aerosols, smokes have different compositions based on the primary fuel being burned
- Try AERONET database
Virkkula, A., Ahlquist, N. C., Covert, D. S., Arnott, W. P., Sheridan, P. J., Quinn, P. K., and Coffman, D. J.: Modification, calibration and a field test of an instrument for measuring light absorption by particles, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 39(1), 68–83, 2005.
- Example of calibration of a different sensor
- light extinction and wavelength are important for determing impacts from airborne particles since those affect detection of the particles
- scattering correction factors? can they be applied to other instruments