CCAT energy conservation
Currently, most of the energy we use comes from finite natural resources such as coal and natural gas, or from the destructive processes of nuclear fission and large dams. Environmental problems including air pollution, acid rain, and increased carbon dioxide emissions are upsetting natural ecosystems. Global warming, climate changes and respiratory illnesses are becoming more prevalent every day as a result of non-renewable energy consumption.
At CCAT, our goal is to conserve energy wherever possible and to utilize renewable energy sources. Among the variety of ways to conserve energy, CCAT has adequate wall and ceiling insulation, unplugs appliances and turns off lights when not in use, uses energy efficient appliances (laptop computer and Sunfrost refrigerator), uses an efficient wood-burning stove and an on-demand water heater, and has switched to compact fluorescent light bulbs that last up to fifteen years and use 1/4 the energy of a standard light bulb. We also use a cold cabinet for refrigeration part of the year, an insulated box that allows food to continue cooking without energy from the stove, a skylight and Solatube to bring in natural lighting, and thermal curtains that help to retain heat inside the house at night. As a result, CCAT uses only 17KWh per week, while the average US home uses 40 to 60 KWh.
Cold Box[edit | edit source]
How to Make A Cold Closet PDF 9.6KB
HSU Student Article by Tori Colby (Spring 2000)
How to Make A Cold Closet PDF 11.9KB
HSU Student Article by Misty Lysler (Spring 2000)
Refrigeration[edit | edit source]
The Sunfrost Refrigerator at CCAT
CCAT Staff Article
Sun Frost: The World's Most Efficient Refrigerators
HSU Student Website by Kosuke Itakura (Spring 2002)
Energy Concervation Tips[edit | edit source]
Quick and Dirty Side-Pull Thermal Curtain Instructions PDF 611.7KB Volunteer Handout by Sean Armstrong (Spring 2005)
Thermal Curtains: Making Your Windows Warm PDF 140KB
Volunteer Handout by Sean Armstrong
12 Ways to Green up your Apartment
CCAT Co-director Article by Jeff Adams
Sendog6913 17:30, 2 March 2008 (PST) Cal Poly Humboldt - CCAT