This literature review was completed in Jan 2015. Please feel free to add to it and place your thesis in alphabetical order:
- Abdulai, D. N. Technology blending and economic development in Africa a comparative case study of the Kumasi Suame Magazine and the Kumazi German Bus Assembly Plant (Neoplan) in Ghana (pp. viii, 221 leaves).
- Adams, G. H. Community participation and rural water wupply : a critical look at purported advantages and benefits (pp. iv, 57 leaves ; 29 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.S. in Energy Management and Policy) -- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 1987.).
- Adolfsson, N. (2000). Appropriate technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa : the transition of cultivation techniques Institutionsmeddelande / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för lantbruksteknik,; 2000:02; Variation: Institutionsmeddelande / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för lantbruksteknik ;; 2000:02. Retrieved from
- Agbesor, K. N. Employment creation and economic growth through technology adaptation and/or appropriate choice of technology : case studies of manufacturing companies in Nigeria (pp. xvi, 207 p.).
- Ajwang, F. O. (2014). Market in their palms? : exploring smallholder farmers' use of mobile phone farming applications and their effect on the farmers' farming, marketing and well-being : a case study of selected counties in Kenya : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Palmerston North: Massey University.
- Alagusundaram, S. W. J. C., & Thesis, a. Study on cinnamate polymers and cellulose thymine (pp. viii, 36 leaves). C2010.
- Anda, M. Technologists in remote Aboriginal communities : a regional approach for community-building technology (pp. xiii, 254 leaves).
- Andersen, G. S. Guide to appropriate electrification for rural areas of developing countries (pp. xi, 163 leaves).
- Apiradee, S. Feasibility study on production of shrimp crackers from pulp of black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) head (pp. [83] leaves).
- Arcia, G. Risk, institutional change and technology adoption for low income farmers an analysis of new bean alternatives for the southern Huila region of Colombia, South America (pp. ix, 197 leaves).
- Areerat Katemanee, S. P. (2006). <>. from N
- Astrand, R. N. Selection model to choose innovative building systems for progressive housing : with special reference to Metro Manila, Philippines (pp. xv, 256, [283] leaves).
- Astrand, R. N. (2002). Selection model to choose innovative building systems for progressive housing with special reference to Metro Manila, Philippines eTheses; Variation: School of Architecture..; Thesis.; McGill theses. Retrieved from http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=82824
- Atcharaporn Wareewanit, B. C. (2003). from Note: Abstract
- Barone-Nugent, E. The impact of computer technology on mathematics education in Victoria : teachers' perceptions of the influence of computer technology on assessment methods in mathematics education (pp. 54 leaves. Dissertation: Thesis (M. Ed.)--La Trobe University, 1997.).
- Barton, D. (2008). Social and technical aspects of community level decision-making on energy options in two remote island communities.
- Barwick, T. G. Building a sustainable community economy via energy efficiency, awareness, and the use of alternative technology and ideas (pp. 1 v. (various foliations)).
- Beatty, D. L. Development implications of technology levels the printing industry in India (pp. 2 volumes (x, 442 leaves) Dissertation: Ph. D.; Syracuse University).
- Bhatt, V., & Astrand, R. N. (2002). Selection model to choose innovative building systems for progressive housing with special reference to Metro Manila, Philippines. Retrieved from http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=82824
- Birman, F. Technology for development in the South Pacific a case study in Tonga (pp. vi, 90 leaves ; 31 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.Env.Sc.)--Monash University, 1988.).
- Bönig, W., & (1979). Adäquate Technologien für Entwicklungsländer : Perspektiven des Nutzens ihrer Anwendung. [Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische Akademie].
- Bregnhøj, H. (1995). Processes and kinetics of defluoridation of drinking water using bone char: Lyngby,.
- Burke, B. E. (2006). System building for sociotechnical change a sociological analysis of the efforts of energy-efficiency advocates in the U.S. residential housing system. Retrieved from
- Campbell, E. G. The expanding role of specialty commodities in the Chilean agricultural export industry (pp. ii, 57 leaves).
- Cândido, C. M. D. D. R., & Beggs, P. Indoor air movement acceptability and thermal comfort in hot-humid climates. Australia: Macquarie University.
- Candy, S. (2013). Appropriate Technology, Food Security and Nutrition in Humla, Nepal. Retrieved from
- Canney, I. Building a better future : green building programs and the small residential design-build contractor (pp. 1 v. (variously paged) ; 29 cm. Dissertation: A Division III examination in the School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies, Hampshire College, May 2001. Chairperson, Robert Goodman.). Amherst, Mass.: [s n ].
- Carmody, K. (2010). Narrative, contingency and the innovation journey : a case study of the wired homes project.
- Carpenter, K. H. A decision making model for the selection of appropriate energy technologies in the Caribbean Basin (pp. vi, 174 leaves).
- Caye, M. Is this the appropriate system? : sustainability -- a closer look at eco-technology (pp. iii, 82 leaves ; 28 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)--School for International Training, 2004.).
- Chew, S. Y. K. Reverse technology transfer : looking South for appropriate alternatives (pp. ix, 55 leaves ; 29 cm Dissertation: M.A.; University of Oregon; 1987).
- Chodorkoff, D. Un milagro de Loisaida : alternative technology and grassroots efforts for neighborhood reconstruction on New York's Lower East Side (pp. [iv], 259 pages Dissertation: Ph. D.; New School for Social Research; 1980).
- Christensen, P. D. Solar earth-water distillation : an appropriate technology for Hong Yuan? : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters [i.e. Master] of Natural Resources Engineering at Lincoln University (pp. x, 164 leaves).
- Congden, S. W. An empirical examination of the relationship between competitive strategy and process technology in the tooling and machining industry (pp. xii, 183 leaves, bound).
- Connell, D. J. Sheep breeding project analysis : Carahue Chile (pp. v, 92 leaves ; 29 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.S. in Energy Management and Policy) -- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 1987.).
- Crewe, E. Size isn't everything : an anthropologist's view of the cook, the potter, her engineer and his donor, in appropriate technology development in Sri Lanka, Kenya and UK.
- Crichton, S., & Onguko, B. (2012). Teachers' professional development in a challenging educational context - a study of actual practice in rural western Kenya. Retrieved from
- Cyders, T. J. (2008). Design of a human-powered utility vehicle for developing communities. Retrieved from
- Dean, C. H. N. J. (1994). Applications of UASB technology in Mauritius. Leeds: University of Leeds.
- DelCore, A. D. Development of a sustainable solar headlamp for rural medical attendees in developing countries (pp. 1 v. (various pagings)).
- Droz GoodShield, P. Planning and design elements of a Native American appropriate technology center for the Great Lakes Anishinaabe community (pp. viii, 122 leaves).
- Ewaze, M. A. Retrofitting of reinforced concrete beams with CARDIFRC in hot climate (pp. 212 leaves. Dissertation: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cardiff University, 2010.).
- Eziakor, G. I. Appropriate development strategies for developing countries lessons and policy implications for promoting small-scale agriculture in Nigeria (pp. x, 232 leaves Dissertation: Ph. D.; Michigan State University; 1983).
- Faisal, M. (1977). Optimal land and water use and production response under alternative technologies in Bangladesh a programming approach. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International.
- Fee, S. T. An analysis of the competencies recommended for a baccalaureate construction management program (pp. iv, 55 leaves ; 28 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.S.)--Illinois State University, 1997.).
- Filimban, G. Z. The meta-synthesis of electronic commerce technology adoption (pp. xii, 203 leaves).
- Finnegan, B. V. D., & thesis, s. (2010). Effectiveness and storability of Moringa Oleifera-functionalized sand for water treatment. Retrieved from
- Franklin, P. R. The barriers to the introduction of new materials technology into industry (pp. [iv], 188, iv, [186], 186 leaves).
- Fraser, A. H. Adoption of appropriate technology smokeless wood-stoves in Rajasthan, India (pp. xi, 354 leaves).
- Fulton, E. L. (1993). AIDS in Africa : condom promotion as an appropriate prevention strategy.
- Game, G. K. (2004). Evaluation of the agricultural extension system in major major maize, tefand wheat producing zones of southern nations, nationalities and people's regional state (SNNPRS), Ethiopia.
- Ghodke, R. (2003). Analysis of electronic marketplace solutions for construction industry. Baltimore, MD: University of Baltimore.
- Goldman, Y. R. The composting greenhouse : an alternative to fossil fuels (pp. 60 leaves).
- Grobbelaar, F. R. (2000). A methodology to aid in appropriate forest technology decision-making for developing countries. from
- Hartoonian, G. (1982). Housing technology : a critical evaluation of the concept of appropriate technology : a dissertation in architecture. [Pennsylvania]: University of Pennsylvania.
- Hartoonian, G. (1983). Housing technology a critical evaluation of the concept of appropriate technology. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International.
- Hoverman, S. Conflicting values in the provision of renewable energy technologies a case study of three projects in Tonga (pp. vii, 96 leaves).
- Hu, X. (2005). Sustainable housing for future China.
- Hurriyet, H. (2010). An organic approach for designing the factory of the future Variation: University of Western Sydney theses.
- Hurst, K. R. Technology acceptance in a mandatory technology-based learning environment (pp. x, 110 leaves).
- Hurst, K. R. (2010). Technology acceptance in a mandatory technology-based learning environment. Retrieved from
- Jafta, R. C. C. Building up technological capabilities : possibilities and policy implications for South Africa (pp. 145 leaves ; 130 cm. Dissertation: Study project (M. Econ.)--University of Stellenbosch, 1990.).
- Jarassri Rungvichaniwat, B. C. (2003). from Note: Abstract
- Jaturiya Intarak, G. T. (2006). from Note: Abstract
- Jensen, K. (2007). Wheels of opportunity : a technology based development project in Namibia Retrieved from WorldCat database Retrieved from
- Jinchutar Srijohn, S. L. W. L. M. D. (2009). Volatile organic compounds removal by biofilter made from wastewater sludge Retrieved from WorldCat database Retrieved from
- Johnson, D. (2003). Selecting appropriate design concepts for manufacture in developing countries. from
- Joseph, S. D. Developing a local capacity to plan and implement appropriate technologies : methodology and constraints.
- Kagiri, M. G. (1990). Selection of the most appropriate method of construction : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Kanemoto, W. D. (1982). Conceptual frameworks for design of appropriate land use in rural ecodevelopment : thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... for the degree of Master of Landscape Architecture.
- Kemp, W. Reinventing the wheel : an exercise in intermediate technology (pp. 50 leaves plus plates (some color), figs. and appendices).
- Kennady, M. E. (2014). Examining the use of knowledge management technology in a small nonprofit to attain organizational goals. from
- Kilpatrick, R. T. Analysis of demand for farm equipment in low-resource agriculture : implications to manufacturers in sub-saharan Africa (pp. x, 74 leaves ; 29 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.S. in Energy Management and Policy) -- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 1987.).
- Kinsey, B. H. Agricultural technology and rural development in the rainfed maize area of southeastern Zambia (pp. xiii, 277 leaves).
- Kleiman, J. B. The Appropriate Technology movement in American political culture (pp. 2 v. (viii, 641 leaves) ; 629 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Rochester. Dept. of History, 2000.).
- Koteng, D. O. Appropriate technology applied to the bridge construction industry in Kenya (pp. viii, 204 leaves, bound).
- Lauridsen, N. N. (1994). A study of the efforts to develop the Jua Kali : sector in Kenya and proposals for improvements : a thesis. Nairobi: United States International University Africa.
- Law, A. M. Alternative technologies in organic synthesis Undergraduate Honors Program. Collection of senior honors theses, 2007. Dissertation: Thesis (B.S.)--University of South Alabama, 2007. (pp. xi, 78 leaves).
- Law, S. M. (1991). A review of appropriate energy technologies for household use in underdeveloped areas in South Africa. {S.l: s n }.
- Linardi, M., & Santos, A. R. d. (2007). Análise por impedância eletroquímica \"on-line\" de conjuntos eletrodo/membrana (MEA) de células a combustível a membrana polimérica (PEMFC). Retrieved from
- Loetscher, T. (1999). Appropriate sanitation in developing countries : the development of a computerised decision aid. Brisbane: University of Queensland.
- Mabaso, M. C. (2009). The socio-economic efficacy of improved wood stoves upon two non-electrified, low income peri-urban areas of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. from
- Mahadevan, V. L. Appropriate technology : implications of production, marketing and socio-cultural context : three case studies from Ghana (pp. v, 63 leaves ; 28 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)--University of California, Los Angeles, 1990.).
- Maluleka, J. K. The relevance of indigenous technology in curriculum 2005 with special reference to the technology learning area (pp. xii, 278 leaves. Dissertation: Thesis (Ph. D.)--Vista University, 2003.).
- Manadhar, R. The role of self-reliance in small communities (pp. 2 v. (xlvi, 612 p.)).
- Manser, N. D. J. R. M. (2012). Technical and Economic Assessment of Adobe as the Primary Building Material On the Water Yield of a Single Basin Solar Still. Retrieved from
- Mauderli, A. F. (1981). The use of appropriate technology for irrigation development in remote rural areas : a presentation of the technology and an agro-economic analysis of a model pilot scheme in the Kilombero area of Tanzania. [Zurich]: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.
- Mauderli, A. F. (1981). The use of appropriate technology for irrigation development in remote rural areas : a presentation of the technology and an agro-economic analysis of a model pilot scheme in the Kilombero area of Tanzania ; a dissertation submitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Zürich: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
- McDonald, M. A. An experimental garden center (pp. 47 leaves).
- McManamon, P. Appropriate technology for water supply and sanitation in developing countries (pp. 4 microfiches. Dissertation: Thesis (M. Eng. Sc.)--Monash University, 1991.). Clayton, Vic.: Monash University.
- Miranda, M. B. Puerto Rican dance forms : toward a historical and musical appreciation (pp. vii, 128 leaves).
- Moreira, L. The choice of technology of multinational corporations in Brazil and its implications for employment (pp. viii, 185 leaves ; 128 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Notre Dame, 1983.).
- Mu Ashekele, H. (1992). Development strategy for production and design in Namibian construction industry. Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Surveying.
- Narumon Paiboonsittikun, S. S. (2005). Note: Abstract
- Noah N. Ranells, C. C.-C., Frank J. Louws, C. M., J. Paul Mueller, C. M., Nancy G. Creamer, C. C.-C., & McClintock, N. C. D. T. D. E. T. D. (Production and Use of Compost and Vermicompost in Sustainable Farming Systems.
- Oleas, C. (2011). Needs assessment of agricultural, environmental, and social systems of small farmers in Chimaltenango, Guatemala
- Pariyart Salimee, C. S., Pinai, O., Suraweth, K., & Chaiyos, P. (1991). Note: Abstract
- Pather, R. A study of building technology in the Natal building industry, South Africa (pp. ix, 74 leaves).
- Pathiraja, M. (2010). The idea of 'robust technology' in the definition of a 'third-world' practice : architecture, design and labour training.
- Piller, A. (1980). Die Rolle von Alternativ-Technologien im sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklungsprozess unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungsländer. Wien: Verband der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs.
- Pixley, C. M. (2013). The use of non-traditional technologies to improve the efficiency and sustainability of modern poultry production. from
- Port, J. S. The permacity theory : agapé - papatuanuku in action (pp. vi, 156 leaves).
- Preecha, J. Test to the appropriate technology model for economic development (pp. v, [114] leaves. Dissertation: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1983.).
- Price, L. In creation with nature : building in Tlholego Eco-Village South Africa (pp. 42 leaves ; 28cm. Dissertation: Thesis (Master of International and Intercultural Management) -- School for International Training, 2004.).
- Proaño, J. P. Evaluation methodology for building systems (pp. ix, 274 leaves).
- Quast, D. G. (1972). Mathematical models for oxidation of dry foods and application to storage stability studies. [Cambridge, Mass.]: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Quigley, J. Small-scale wind, solar and biogas applications : renewable energy resources as appropriate technology for rural, third world development (pp. iv, 149 leaves).
- Rajadhyaksha, M. Gender and information - and - communication technologies (ICTs) in development policy-making : a case of the World Summit on the Information Society (pp. vi, 130 leaves).
- Robinson, R. Appropriate technologies for water supply to remote aboriginal outstations (pp. iv, 194 leaves).
- Rohwedder, W. J. (1987). Appropriate technology in transition : an organizational analysis. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley.
- Ross, P. V. Appropriate technology needs of missionaries serving in developing countries (pp. v, 122, [124] leaves).
- Rushton, J. (1992). Low tech alternative house construction techniques : earth wall construction, timber pole construction, log construction.
- Sanderson, K. (1998). The establishment of sustainable farms in the Auckland Region : a critique of planning mechanisms with regard to the implementation of ecologically beneficial technologies in rural areas.
- Schmid, P., Riedijk, W., Erkelens, P. A., & Ravesloot, C. M. (2005). Rombo tactiek:ontwikkeling van een organisatiemethode voor realisatie van energieneutrale woningbouw in Nederland. Retrieved from
- Schwarzkopf, M. J. (2009). Development and evaluation of oriented strandboard bonded with soy-based formaldehyde-free adhesives. from
- Selvaraj, R. A framework for advanced technology selection (pp. ix, 111 leaves).
- Shaikh, G. M. (1983). An appraisal of timber harvesting practices and scope for mechanization in Sind, Pakistan.
- Sharp, D. S. Strategies for the transfer of appropriate technology to developing countries : the implementation and development of environmental health programs in Tunisia (pp. xvi, 258 leaves).
- Singh, H. V. Some aspects of implementing appropriate technology : with special reference to cotton textile industry in India (pp. iv, 374 leaves ; 331 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1985.).
- Sinnott, A. (2001). Appropriate technology for sustainable development : an analysis of the Ministry for the Environment's organochlorines programme.
- Sloniowski, K. Wastewater management and alternative technology : an ecological and socio-economic study (pp. 92 leaves ; 29 cm. Dissertation: A Division III examination in the School of Social Science, Hampshire College, May 1996. Chairperson, Robert Rakoff.). Amherst, Mass.: [s n ].
- Smith, N. Utilizing nature in the construction industry : biomimicry & energy effiency (pp. viii, 39 leaves).
- Somasundaram, D. A study on the process and technique of demonstration in coimbatore district (pp. 101 p+107 Bib+137 tables+116 Fig. Dissertation: M. Sc (Agri.); University of Madras, Coimbatore; 1970; Duraisamy, K.N.).
- Spettel, S. C. A framework for the assessment of technologies appropriate for economic development (pp. 65, [10] leaves ; 29 cm Dissertation: M.A.; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 1985).
- Subramaniam, V. (2001). A benefit-cost spreadsheet analysis of precision farming technologies for grain producers of varying sizes. Lexington, Ky.: University of Kentucky.
- Suriptono. Small scale community based sanitation technology : an Indonesian case study (pp. xxvii, 294 leaves).
- Sweeney, A. (1996). Appropriate technology in two-thirds world development : can New Zealand agencies benefit from adopting appropriate technology? : a report with a focus on water resources development in rural Africa
- Sweeney, A. (1996). Appropriate technology in two-thirds world development : can New Zealand agencies benefit from adopting appropriate technology? : a report with a focus on water resources development in rural Africa : a report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Resource Management [i.e. Master of Science in Resource Management] at Lincoln University.
- Tembo, M. Conceptualization of appropriate technology in Lundazi District of rural Zambia (pp. xiv, 276 leaves).
- Tembo, M. (1992). Conceptualization of appropriate technology in Lundazi District of rural Zambia Retrieved from WorldCat database Retrieved from
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- Thanasorn Sotthisopa, K. M. (2003). from
- Thiets, R. C. (2008). A method for developing a Triple-Bottom-Line business case for the implementation of alternative fuels and technology Note: Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Thomas, M. Analysis of passive design principles and appropriate technologies for institutional buildings in Auckland (pp. xlvii, 148 leaves).
- Thompson, A. M. Technology and development in South Africa (pp. 259 leaves. Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.)--University of South Africa, 1987.). [S.l.: s n ].
- Thompson, A. M. (1987). Technology and development in South Africa. {S.l: s n.
- Thompson, D. J. L. Appropriate technology - the vital alternative : towards a new approach in development economics (pp. vi, 227 leaves ; 229 cm. Dissertation: Thesis (M.A.) in Economics--University of Maine, 1981.).
- Tragakes, E. The political economy of national and international agricultural research (pp. vii, 390 leaves ; 329 cm Dissertation: Ph. D.; University of Maryland, College Park; 1987).
- Ubonpun Promprangchai, P. S., Pongpit, P., & Sura, P. (2001).
- Vroom, W. (2009). Reflexive Biotechnology Development : Studying plant breeding technologies and genomics for agriculture in the developing world Retrieved from
- Wachira Jirarattanarangsri, V. C. (2003).
- Wang, Z. W. C.-C. (2010). Shi dang ke ji gai nian yin su jie gou zhi yan jiu = A study of the structure for appropriate technology concept. [Gao xiong shi]: Wang zheng zhong.
- Weaver, A. An integrated groundwater study for Chasnigua, Honduras (pp. xii, 104 leaves or p.).
- Wekesa, B. W. Building construction technologies for marginalised communities (pp. xvii, 265 leaves).
- Wieler, A. F. Appropriate technology design : bike carts and biodiesel (pp. 1 v. (variously paged)). Amherst, Mass.: [s n ].
- Williams, C. A. Choice of technology and low-cost housing in Latin America : a case study of selected building block technologies in Cd. Juárez (pp. vii, 165 leaves).
- Willoughby, K. W. Appropriate technology : an integrated framework for policy and practice (pp. xii, 461 leaves).
- Wright, S. (1985). New police technologies and sub-state conflict control. London: British Library.
- Zhang, T. (2012). The renovation of the traditional Chinese courtyard house : a new design design for energy efficiency in north China. Note: e-Thesis University of Auckland