Thanks for suggesting the Interwiki collaboration month‎ - I left a comment there.

Are you in/near London? One of Appropedia's directors is there (Andrew Lamb) and of course we have some other contacts. We've casually discussed some kind of event in London - unfortunately I'm not likely to be there for that one, but I'd love to see it happen. --Chriswaterguy 09:56, 4 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Would love to work with you

Hi Phil,

Re putting Sustainable Community Action pages here. In short: absolutely!

I think everything you're doing would be very welcome here. The only problem I could imagine is if you were covering political matters in a biased way, but as far as I can see you're not covering political activism as such (i.e. not focusing on particular parties).

We're also in the process of merging with Ekopedia, so things should be getting bigger and more active in the new year!

Is there anything that needs clarifying, or where you need help? Be sure to let me know.

For converting pages to wiki markup, see Appropedia:WikEd, which explains how to use our conversion tool. Cheers! --Chriswaterguy (talk) 03:55, 4 December 2013 (PST)

PS looks like you didn't get the official welcome. Here it is...

Hi Philralph

Thanks for the invite. Of course I'm on board. I don't know my way around yet, but I'm here. Tried to put the box on my user page, to no avail. Flowergirl

Great! To get the box to show, you just need to replace the space between 'User sca' & 'Flowergirl' with a '|' Philralph (talk) 23:56, 26 June 2015 (PDT)

Aussome. Will do. Can we talk? I'm flowergirl.donna "at" I can see you're a busy man. My feelings won't be hurt if it takes you a while to get around to it.

OK, but best keep it to these wiki talk pages. (I've taken the liberty of altering your address above. Straightforward adresses run the risk of being automatically 'harvested' resulting in spam coming your way) Philralph (talk) 23:50, 28 June 2015 (PDT)


Great stuff

Really great to see these place and event pages - these are important resources, and very complementary. I'll work on getting attention for these efforts - let us know if you need anything. --Chriswaterguy (talk) 04:29, 20 December 2013 (PST)

SCA template; blog post

FYI we still have {{SCA}} pointing to the old wiki (used on these pages). What do you think we should do with those?

One of my goals is to communicate much more about what Appropedia is doing, starting with our blog - I just wrote a post about your work with SCA.

Thanks again for all your contributions. --Chriswaterguy (talk) 05:40, 10 January 2014 (PST)

Thanks Chris, replied at User_talk:Chriswaterguy#Could_Sustainable_Community_Action_contribute_to_Appropedia.3F

'Facts about' links on location pages

Hi Phil,

Re "I noticed the 'Facts about...' box which doesn't seem to appear in the edit box, and seems to disappear if the redirect is replaced. "

Don't worry about the boxes. I don't understand their purpose, but they're something to do with Semantic Mediawiki (which we are using). I hope to understand that better in coming months as we work on this.

"Unless I hear otherwise I'll name the affected pages as eg 'Costa Rica, sustainable community action'" - seems reasonable. One important thing is consistency, and I think you're being consistent. I wasn't sure about the comma, but if it's consistent, it's okay.

Thanks --Chriswaterguy (talk) 07:25, 17 January 2014 (PST)

Replied here - thanks --Chriswaterguy (talk) 21:11, 17 January 2014 (PST)

Green vision link

Looks good. Replied here. --Chriswaterguy (talk) 13:08, 24 February 2014 (PST)

Hi and Open CO2 project

Hi Phil, I just came across your page via the Appropedia active users list - great to learn about these projects you're working on.

The "Open CO2" definitely piques my interest in more open data, and deliberately using visualisations of complex issues to aid in public debate/engagement. Perhaps there is some parallel to work I'm doing to better visualise how transport systems work, especially in terms of weaknesses of public transport networks and how to effectively improve them - see Transport Informatics, e.g. Travel time maps as one example. Feel free to contact me via links on my userpage. --PatSunter (talk) 23:50, 14 March 2014 (PDT)

  • BTW: if any of your Sustainable Community Action pages you're porting here are transport-focused, please let me know. I'm working on improving the several pages in the transport section of Appropedia at the moment.

Mini libraries

Hi Phil (nice to internet-meet you),

I just created the article mini library. It seems like it would fit in well with the SCA material. If you could take a moment to categorize it, I'd appreciate it. Great job on all the work you've done on green wikis over the years! --Ethan (talk) 09:24, 15 May 2015 (PDT)

replied on your talk page, Philralph (talk) 09:39, 15 May 2015 (PDT)
Sure, I'd be glad to join the SCA side of things. I went ahead and created and populated the sharing category. Thanks! --Ethan (talk) 11:29, 15 May 2015 (PDT)


Congratulations on porting over all of the articles! --Ethan (talk) 14:38, 2 September 2015 (PDT)

Thanks, Ethan. Just the resources section, plus maybe a few more 'meta' type pages to go. Maybe finished overall by Xmas. Philralph (talk) 23:50, 2 September 2015 (PDT)
I see, well it's a milestone at least. By the way, would you like me to delete the old categories left over from the SCA to CAS renaming? --Ethan (talk) 00:37, 28 September 2015 (PDT)
Hi Ethan, yes, that'd be good. Bit more renaming of categories to come, but not a prority at present, Cheers, Philralph (talk) 00:45, 28 September 2015 (PDT)

African vernacular architecture

I ran across an interesting website that hosts images of natural material buildings across Africa: I'd like to post links to the various country pages on CAS. What would be the best place to put them? Maybe as a subheading under "Resources"? --Ethan (talk) 18:44, 9 October 2015 (PDT)

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