I'm interested mostly in permaculture-related topics. There's so much great information out there that I want to make easily available.

IRC me

Working permaculture topic tree

  • Design Concepts
    • Zones
    • Sectors
    • Layers
    • Guilds
  • Landscape
    • Climate
    • Ecoregion
    • Soil
    • Hydrology
    • Disturbance regime
    • Landscape position
    • Biologial structures
    • Built structures
  • Elements
  • Techniques
    • Tools
    • Tillage
    • Forage
    • Harvest
    • Storage
    • Irrigation
    • Planting
  • People
    • Social permaculture
    • Permaculture sites
    • Permaculture organizations
    • Permaculture economics
  • Permaculture media

to do

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