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Authors Mary Mattingly
Location New york
Status Deployed
Years 2016
OKH Manifest Download

Swale is a floating food forest launched in Summer 2016 in New York. The project is spearheaded by Mary Mattingly, the visionary behind such projects as the Waterpod, Flock House, and WetLand. This project includes many of the same designers from the previous projects and, in addition, has new team members, a designer, and contributors. Projected interactive environmental art is coordinated by BiomeArts. The barge measures 130ft x 40ft.


What if healthy, fresh food could be a free public service, and not just an expensive commodity? That's the question we really want to ask with Swale. Swale, a collaborative floating food project, is dedicated to rethinking and challenging New York City's connection to our environment. Built on a 110-foot by 30-foot floating platform, Swale contains an edible forest garden. Functioning as both a sculpture and a tool, Swale provides free healthy food at the intersection of public art and service. With Swale, we want to reinforce water as a commons, and work towards fresh food as a commons too.


The projects on board will be open source so that they can be recreated. They will include:


The focus will be on local plants and plants that can adapt to the possibly harsher environment... and of course - their deliciousness! The plan is to grow:

Italian Alder, Pawpaw, Asian Persimmon, North Red
Saskstoon, Northline serviceberry, gooseberry, huckleberry, rosemary, low bush blueberry
Lovage, anise hyssop, sweet cicely, salad burnet, Egyptian onion, scallions, French sorrel, profusion sorrel, mitsuba, Borage, wild leek, Dandelion, Chives, Garlic chives, Buck's Horn Plantain, Sylvetta Arugula, Perpetual Swiss Chard, Miners Lettuce, sea beets, radicchio, nagoon berry, oregano, Kurrat leek, Roman chamomile, wild ginger, Good King Henry-Chenopodium bonus-henricus, lemon balm
asparagus, stampede Jerusalem artichoke, edible daylily, giant Solomon's seal, watercress, strawberries, dragon's blood, white clover, red clover, ramps, sea kale, Adam's yucca, yarrow, ostrich fern
Groundnut, Chinese mountain yam, scarlet runner bean
Raspberry ground cover, thyme, purslane, camass,
Conopodium majus, skirret
Red mustard, chard, wild arugula, wild garden chicory-cichorium, lambsquater-Chenopodium giganteum, western front kale, amaranth, cherry tomatoes, Ttmatillos,
Basil, arugula, mizuna, bok choy
Cilantro, kale, and more.


There has been lots of great press. As this is an outreach and inspiration project, the more press the better!


Swale NY has had an incredible base of support from private foundations to municipal organizations that have helped the program each year.

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