Many volunteers will be needed for and in advance of OSNCon! At this early stage, we're still seeking volunteers to coordinate and plan for volunteers!

We will be looking for help in these areas:

  • Help in advance of the conference
    • Planning lunch
    • Designing t-shirt, managing the printing and ordering
    • Registration help
      • what info do we need?
      • sending confirmations
      • where to send fees?
      • Handling zero-fee regs
    • Other planning support
      • Developing help on accommodations and alternatives
      • carpool support?
      • suggesting useful resources for an SF-based conference
  • Help at the conference itself
    • Volunteers to help attendees generally ("volunteer concierges")
    • Help with lunch logistics
    • Help with t-shirts
    • Help accepting donations to support

Please Contact Us if you are able to chip in to make OSNCon 2008 a success! Thank you!


Right now we are doing a lot of planning regarding the logistics of the conference, and you can help out by chiming in there.

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