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Engineering 305 (Engr 305), Appropriate Technology, is a course on appropriate technology at Humboldt State University taught by instructor Lonny Grafman.

Potential projects for Spring Semester 2009

The following is a partial list of potential projects. Talk to me about more.

  • Bike trailer:
    • Hml 23:50, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

  • Natural Building Test Wall: (2 people) Work with a partner to compare and test out a few different insulative materials on a test wall that CCAT provides. Your group will apply and then test the different insulative/ Natural Building Materials you choose to work with and present your findings to CCAT via an Appropedia page.
  • Natural Building Test Plaster: (2 people) Work with a partner to compare and test different natural plasters by applying them to the wall that the previous group insulated. Participants will use Natural Building materials to create the plasters. Two prime examples would be clay vs. lime based plasters. Participants will present findings to CCAT via Appropedia page. **ApproPeters 07:36, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Cold Box: (1 person) Design and build a cold box for CCAT's kitchen. Research the construction, materials, and efficiency of a cold box. Obtain donated/discounted materials from local sources and create an insulated, functioning cold box. Emphasis on aesthetics and design. Carpentry skills required, being that woodwork will be involved.**PazLebov 06:28, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Thermal Curtains: (1 person) Research materials and indoor air quality considerations. Create curtains for some of CCAT’s north facing windows. Create in-depth interpretive materials.
  • Remediation Zone: (2 people) This project focuses on CCATs North-Eastern Slope. Different aspects of the project include researching and planting a combination of beneficial and aesthetic bushes, flowers, and shrubs in order to stabilize the slope as well as attract helpful insects such as butterfly's. Students come up with innovative ways to secure gravel from running down the slope (baffles or steps) while beautifying the area.**Humantrout 06:10, 29 January 2009 (UTC) humantrout
  • Appropriate Technology Kids Zone (2 people) The new downstairs of the CCAT building is a prime place for interpretive and interactive exhibits, especially for kids! This project will research and create an interactive and educational display or toy (found at such places like the S.F Exploratorium or Eureka Discovery Museum). Past and potential projects have created hand generated musical instruments, mini-bicycle powered street lights, old fashioned water wheels that generate power for lights, recycled 'trash instruments' and wind power. Strong emphasis must be placed on durability and safety being that kids are rough and rugged!**Dana Martin 02:20, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Clothes Drying System (1 person) Design and develop an efficient and effective process and/or method for CCAT to dry its clothing. This project will address the challenges of the rainy and damp climate of Humboldt County. **Kad53 23:46, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Cob Loving (1 people) The cob oven and cob bench at CCAT have sustained weather damage and could use some restoration and research with consideration of future potential erosion.
  • Bamboo Grove(1 person) Produce signage or pamphlets for CCAT regarding the different methods of harvesting, propagating, and transplanting the bamboo found at CCAT. Student may also build with the bamboo that can be harvested on site.
  • Solar Water Heated Hot Tub! (1 person) Collaborate with community member to design and construct a solar water heated hot tub using CCATs old Solar Water Heating panels!
  • Redwood log milling (1 person) Research and accomplish milling of logs found on the CCAT site. **Abumkim 01:28, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Grey Water End Use Efficiency (1-2 people) Create an end use for CCAT's grey water marsh and develop testing of the system (BOD's, water input, etc.)
    • Ltpayne 01:58, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Rain Water Catchment System (1 person) Work with other classes previous research to implement a rain water catchment system connected to CCATs new recycled metal seamed roof !
  • Improved solar learning station (1 person)
    • Pjl11 19:29, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Internet Internship (1 or 2 people)
Projects with Bart (Bart6591 at yahoo dot com)
  • Bike or Solar
    • Doodle 03:59, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
Projects with the The Water Pod
  • Portable, bike power, AC/DC generation stand
  • Picohydro generator
    • Tebie 07:48, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
    • Jdklehr 01:25, 27 January 2009 (UTC) Julian Klehr - Project: Multi-use bicycle.
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