Drop Spindle

Project developed by Alicia Steele

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The Drop Spindle is an ancient tool used for spinning fibers such as wool, cotton, flax, and hemp into yarn, without the need for a large, expensive, and complex spinning wheel. Traditionally Drop Spindles are made out of wood with with a notch, groove, or metal hook on the end for securing the yarn. The drop spindle provides the tension necessary to spin yarn and provides a convenient way to introduce twist into the yarn as well as a place to wind yarn as it is being spun. Spun yarn can be woven, knitted, or crocheted into a multitude of fabrics or garments that can keep oneself warm or be traded for goods and services.

  1. Picture of completed print using

Bill of Materials

  1. PLA Filament, about 20grams
  2. Marine Epoxy Stick ~$3.39 per container. Only need 1/16 of container.
  • Alternatively any super glue or epoxy will do. Natural gums and saps that harden may work as well

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make and Use the OSAT


  1. Provide directions for print/assembly - be detailed enough in your “how to” to ensure that someone could construct the device from your description. Consider the elegance of IKEA like instructions.
  2. Include print time estimate
  3. Include assembly time estimate
  4. Including drawings or pictures of the device at stage of assembly at minimum. (http://www.appropedia.org/Special:Upload)
  5. Consider video if appropriate
Example video summary of textbook
Error in widget YouTube: Unable to load template 'wiki:YouTube'

Common Problems and Solutions

  1. Rod is too large to fit through hole in disk
  • Enlarge Hole in disk with pen knife
  • Make Rod slimmer using Pen knife
  • Be sure not to over do it, ideally you will have a press fit.
  1. Rod is too small to stay in place in disk
  • Use Super Glue, 5-Minute Epoxy, or Marine Epoxy puddy to secure disk to rod

Cost savings

  • If your solution is not a low cost one then it is not really appropriate.
  1. Estimate your costs
  2. Find a commercial equivalent
  3. Calculate $ savings and % savings


  • The sources of information (e.g. engineering handbooks, journal articles, government documents, webpages, books, magazine articles etc.)formation you did. For example: [1]
  1. web page: Department of Energy (DOE) Landscaping and Energy Efficiency, DOE/GO-10095 (1995) Available: http://www.eren.doe.gov/erec/factsheets/landscape.html

Based on the developmental needs addressed (e.g. food, heat, electricity, clean water, health care, etc.) be sure to label your device in the proper categories e.g. use [[Category:Water]]. Be sure to categorize your device so that it will be easy to find – for example “Low voltage connection basics” is categorized in [[Category:How tos]] [[Category:Electricity]] [[Category:Electric lighting]].

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