Community Solar Lit Review

The following publications were found on google scholar using the search phrase "Community Solar".

Jason Coughlin, Jennifer Grove, et al., "Guide to community solar: Utility, private, and non-profit project development"U.S. Department of Energy, 2011.

  • Great community solar overview
  • Also talks about some main methods of implementation
  • Includes policies

Baylin, F. et al. "Economic Analysis Of Community Solar Heating Systems That Use Annual Cycle Thermal Energy Storage". (1981): n. pag. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.

  • Dated
  • Very technical detail about how to store heat in underground tanks
  • Multiple geographic locations and community sizes looked at

Asmus, Peter. "Exploring New Models Of Solar Energy Development". The Electricity Journal 21.3 (2008): 61-70. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.

  • Brings up "community choice aggregation", California legislation.
  • Well defined community solar definition
  • Solar shares
  • List and overview of current (up until 2008) community solar projects

The following were found using the search term "Community solar pv" on google scholar Ashok, S. "Optimised Model For Community-Based Hybrid Energy System". Renewable Energy 32.7 (2007): 1155-1164. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.

  • Community 'microgrid' idea for rural area, case study in India
  • Uses multiple generation sources; wind, hydro, solar, and tries to minimize cost of each
  • 'dated' -> optimization plan results in not choosing PV due to cost, although it was included originally.

Noll, Daniel, Colleen Dawes, and Varun Rai. "Community Organizations And Active Peer Effects In The Adoption Of Residential Solar PV". SSRN Electronic Journal 67 330-343. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.

  • Analyses of residential PV increase
  • Solar Community Organizations (SCOs)
  • Review of residential PV across U.S.

St. Denis, Genevieve and Paul Parker. "Community Energy Planning In Canada: The Role Of Renewable Energy". Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13.8 (2009): 2088-2095. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.

  • Large vs small communities and interest in renewable s
  • energy usage management
  • conservation and efficiency vs renewables

Walker, Gordon. "What Are The Barriers And Incentives For Community-Owned Means Of Energy Production And Use?". Energy Policy 36.12 (2008): 4401-4405. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.

  • cooperatives, community charities, etc -> diffenent community solar models
  • non-technical
  • high level overview
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