This page has been specially curated to showcase Appropedia's latest projects. This page presents diverse initiatives, ranging from sustainability and innovation to environmental impact and social development. As a hub for collaborative knowledge sharing, Appropedia continues to inspire and support projects that make a real difference in our world.

Highlighted initiative[edit | edit source]

Octicons puzzle-piece.svg

( pages) The Knowledge Products and Solutions Mapping Guide (Guía para productos de conocimiento y mapeo de soluciones), is a collaborative effort between the UNDP Acceleration Lab in El Salvador and the Appropedia Foundation. The guide aims to enhance the capabilities of international development professionals, NGOs, academics, and anyone interested in documenting solutions and innovations aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Knowledge Products and Solutions Mapping Guide[edit | edit source]

(88,331 pages) The Knowledge Products and Solutions Mapping Guide (Guía para productos de conocimiento y mapeo de soluciones), is a collaborative effort between the UNDP Acceleration Lab in El Salvador and the Appropedia Foundation. The guide aims to enhance the capabilities of international development professionals, NGOs, academics, and anyone interested in documenting solutions and innovations aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ASApedia[edit | edit source]

ASApedia is a place where people come together to share ideas and solutions for a better environment. It's a simple and practical resource where anyone can learn and contribute. Join us to help make the world a greener place.

Tolocar Playbook[edit | edit source]

Inspired by the Ukrainian tradition of Toloka, which symbolizes solidarity through hands-on aid, German and Ukrainian teams, with support from GIZ, launched the Tolocar project amid the Russian invasion. This initiative aims to aid emergency relief and foster a participatory innovation ecosystem for Ukraine's socio-economic revival.

Cartografías Líquidas[edit | edit source]

Cartografías Líquidas is an impactful environmental project developed in El Salvador. Their mission is to foster collaborative creativity, resulting in artistic products, processes, and practices that generate knowledge and narratives surrounding environment, ecology, agroecology, climate change, memory, and territory.

Tolocar[edit | edit source]

Tolocar is an innovative project driven by collaboration between Insulate Ukraine, CADUS, and MetaLab. Their mission is to positively impact the lives of those affected by the socio-political situation in Ukraine.

Digital sustainability guide for tech practitioners[edit | edit source]

This guide is a tool for any tech practitioner to explore the systemic impact of digital services. It is intended as a starting point to think critically about your work and your ability to create a positive environmental influence for the Internet.

Hexayurt Project[edit | edit source]

The Hexayurt, inspired by the Rocky Mountain Institute, is a refugee shelter system designed as an autonomous unit. It provides shelter and essential family support features like water purification, composting toilets, fuel-efficient stoves, and solar lighting, with the flexibility to add modular components.

ENGR 205 Introduction to Design[edit | edit source]

In the ENGR 205 Introduction to Design course, students learn and experience the engineering design process with a sustainability focus. They are actively honing various computing skills essential for engineers and scientists, such as word processing, spreadsheet use, CAD (Computer-Aided Design), and internet proficiency, encompassing email, web searches, and web/wiki pages.

Previous banners[edit | edit source]

January 2023[edit | edit source]

April 2022[edit | edit source]

FR banner[edit | edit source]

April 2021[edit | edit source]

January 2021[edit | edit source]

December 2020[edit | edit source]

Old anouncements[edit | edit source]

Follow Appropedia on Facebook.

Appropedia is now on Facebook. If you use Facebook to network and follow groups, join up and invite your friends!

Welcome CCAT!

Appropedia is proud to announce our new partnership with the 30 year old Campus Center for Appropriate Technology. They are currently moving their existing online project pages to Appropedia. Next, their never-seen-on-the-web content will be ported. This will allow for more exposure, project continuity and collaboration opportunities.

AFH new logo.jpgMyanmar Rebuilding Appeal

As Myanmar (Burma) has begun to loosen its doors to allow relief agencies US officials are reporting that the death toll may exceed 100,000 and that 1 million are displaced. [1] If you are interested in contributing to Architecture for Humanity's Myanmar Rebuilding efforts, please donate.

We are faster!

Our growing number of pages, members, visitors and edits had brought our site to a crawlingly slow speed. After two days of work, we are finally on a faster server with more expansion options. Thank you for your patience in what amounted to the longest amount of time we have been down in almost two years. Please let us know if you encounter problems. Enjoy.

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