The subject of sustainable ICTs is intricate. First, because the Internet is very complex, and because sustainability is hard to measure. This quiz will open the discussion by exploring some of your previous knowledge and assumptions regarding sustainable digital technologies. It will also help by introducing some of the inventory elements we'll discuss later in this guide.

Note! The questions on this quiz are meant to be tricky to make you think hard about these issues, so if you disagree with any of the answers, that's okay! If you have any feedback or recommendations, please add them to our discussion page.

1 Using digital systems will always lead to a reduced environmental impact of related physical activities. For example, buying online will help reduce the physical carbon footprint associated with shopping.


2 Using data centers for software development and deployment is usually more energy-efficient than maintaining a local server.


3 If a computer is never turned on, its carbon footprint will be zero.


4 The environmental impact of a digital system is only associated with its hardware and none around its software.


5 As computers become more efficient, due to Moore's Law, data centers and digital systems will surely reduce the Internet's energy usage.


6 Switching your laptop or smartphone regularly for more energy-efficient alternatives can help reduce your environmental impact.


7 Once electronics stop working, they stop producing a carbon footprint.


8 Working from home helps reduce the carbon footprint of a tech team, as opposed to working at an office.


9 The development and adoption of innovative digital systems can lead to negative social and environmental impact in communities, in aspects such as access to land or water.


10 Wireless systems such as the Internet of Things increase society's carbon footprint.

true, because more devices will consume energy to operate.
true, because data routing systems are needed to transport information
true, because more minerals are extracted to manufacture electronic chips
true, because their life span is shorter and will quickly become obsolete
false, because the overall amount of digital systems remains equal

References[edit | edit source]

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