Having the failure database of all kinds of 3D printing technology will be highly beneficial to develop an intelligent additive manufacturing, and collaboration of makers around the world will help us to reach this goal significantly faster.

On this page, we are trying to systematize a set of rules for creating a uniform dataset that will be convenient to work with in the future.

Contrast visual marker template

First thing you need to do is to prepare a contrast visual marker template:

  1. Download the template and print it on a letter-size paper (fit to format or 100-120% scale, precise dimensions in millimeters are not that important since you provide them together with your image, so we can restore the real scale)
  2. Visual markers apetsiuk.jpg
  3. Cut a square area in the middle of the paper
  4. Visual markers printed ap.jpg

3D print your part

In case of failed print, please do the following:

  1. Put your visual template right on the printing bed (do not remove the failed part). You can cut out its corners or middle parts and use tape so that the template aligns with the bed.
  2. Take a picture of the failed part on the bed (black square X-markers should be visible in your picture)
  3. Visual markers failed print ap.jpg
  4. Fill out the table and send the picture (described in the section below)

Fill out the table

The information you provided will help us to process your image appropriately and to generate a solid database.

  1. Download the information template: Table template
  2. Fill the tables
  3. Attach the STL file of the failed print
  4. Attach the G-Code file of the failed print
Parameter Value
Part ID (Filename) ...
Failure type ...
Printer model ...
Slicer used ...
Nozzle diameter ...
Layer height ...
Infill type ...
Infill percentage ...
Outer wall thickness ...
Error height [mm] (at what height your print began to fail) ...
Error height [layer number] (at what layer your print began to fail) ...
Camera model (it will help us to retrieve the image distortions caused by your camera) ...

Bed level coefficients
If you use Franklin: u = ... v = ... w = ...
If you use MatterControl: (x1, y1, z1) = (..., ..., ...) (x2, y2, z2) = (..., ..., ...) (x3, y3, z3) = (..., ..., ...)
Other ... ... ...

Send the picture, STL file, G-Code, and filled tables

Upload all the necessary files (preferably with the same filename), i.e.:

  1. bronze_husky.JPG
  2. bronze_husky.ODT or .DOCX
  3. bronze_husky.STL
  4. bronze_husky.GCODE

Failure Database data apetsiuk.png



Have a great printing

We wish you a failure less printing, but even in case of printing error happened your participation will help us to prevent these disappointing things in the future.

Thank you for collaboration!

The following links can help you better understand the nature of the failures and adjust your printing parameters with maximum efficiency:

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