Wood Harvesting with Hand Tools
- Credits
- Introduction
- Basic Work and Maintenance Tools
- Axes
- Bow Saws
- Cross-cut Saws
- The Worker
- Tree Felling
- Preparation for Tree Felling
- Tree Felling with Axe and Bow Saw
- Tree Felling With Axe and Cross-cut Saw
- Precautions When Making the Undercut and the Back Cut
- Felling Trees Leaning into the Planned Felling Direction
- Felling Trees Leaning to the Side
- Tree Felling in Dense Tropical Forests
- Felling of Trees with Plank Buttresses
- Wood Wastage Due to Poor Working Techniques in Felling
- Releasing Lodged Trees
- Debranching and Debarking
- Cross-Cutting
- Cutting Windfalls
- Wood Splitting
- Wood Handling and Transport
- Stacking and Storing of Wood
- Pit-sawing
- Training in Wood Harvesting