Education[edit | edit source]

EDUC - DFID - 1 - School effectiveness in developing countries - A summary of the research evidence

EDUC - DFID - 2 - Educational cost-benefit analysis

EDUC - DFID - 3 - Reducing the cost of technical and vocational education

EDUC - DFID - 4 - Report on reading in English in primary schools in Malawi

EDUC - DFID - 5 - Report on reading in English in primary schools in Zambia

EDUC - DFID - 6 - Education and development the issues and the evidence

EDUC - DFID - 7 - Planning and financing sustainable education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

EDUC - DFID - 9 - Factors affecting female participation in education in seven developing countries

EDUC - DFID - 10 - Using literacy - A new approach to post-literacy materials

EDUC - DFID - 11 - Education and training for the informal sector

EDUC - DFID - 12 - Multi-grade teaching - A review of research and practice

EDUC - DFID - 13 - Distance education in engineering for developing countries

EDUC - DFID - 14 - Health & HIV/AIDS education in primary & secondary schools in Africa & Asia

EDUC - DFID - 15 - Labour market signals & indicators

EDUC - DFID - 16 - In-service support for a technological approach to science education

EDUC - DFID - 17 - Action research report on reflect

EDUC - DFID - 18 - The education and training of artisans for the informal sector in Tanzania

EDUC - DFID - 19 - Education research gender, education and development - A partially annotated and selective bibliography

EDUC - DFID - 20a - Contextualising teaching and learning in rural primary schools: Using agricultural experience - Volume 1

EDUC - DFID - 20b - Contextualising teaching and learning in rural primary schools: Using agricultural experience - Volume 2

EDUC - DFID - 21 - Gender and school achievement in the Caribbean

EDUC - DFID - 22 - School-based understanding of human rights in four countries: A commonwealth study

EDUC - DFID - 23 - Girls and basic education - A cultural enquiry

EDUC - DFID - 24 - Investigating bilingual literacy: Evidence from Malawi and Zambia

EDUC - DFID - 25 - Promoting girls' education in Africa - The design and implementation of policy interventions

EDUC - DFID - 26 - Getting books to school pupils in Africa

EDUC - DFID - 27 - Cost Sharing in Education - Public Finance, School and Household Perspectives

EDUC - DFID - 28 - Vocational Education and Training in Tanzania and Zimbabwe in the Context of Economic Reform

EDUC - DFID - 29 - Re-defining Post-Literacy in a Changing World

EDUC - DFID - 30 - In Service for Teacher Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - A Review of Literature Published between 1983-1997

EDUC - DFID - 31 - Locally Generated Printed Materials in Agriculture: Experience from Uganda and Ghana

EDUC - DFID - 32 - Sector Wide Approaches to Education - A Strategic Analysis

EDUC - DFID - 33 - Distance Education Practice: Training and Rewarding Authors

EDUC - DFID - 34 - The Effectiveness of Teacher Resource Centre Strategy

EDUC - DFID - 35 - Evaluating Impact

EDUC - DFID - 36 - African Journals - An Evaluation of the Use of African-published Journals in African Universities Evaluating Impact

EDUC - DFID - 37 - Monitoring the Performance of Educational Programmes in Developing Countries

EDUC - DFID - 38 - Towards Responsive Schools Supporting Better Schooling for Disadvantaged Children

EDUC - DFID - 39 - Preliminary Investigation of the Abuse of Girls in Zimbabwean Junior Secondary Schools

EDUC - DFID - 40 - The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development

EDUC - DFID - 41 - The Quality of Learning and Teaching in Developing Countries: Assessing Literacy and Numeracy in Malawi and Sri Lanka

EDUC - DFID - 42 - Learning to Compete: Education, Training & Enterprise in Ghana, Kenya & South Africa

EDUC - DFID - African Journals Distribution Programme: Evaluation of the Pilot Project

EDUC - DFID - Breaking the Barriers - Women and the Elimination of World Poverty

EDUC - DFID - Case Study Research - A Model of Best Practice at Loreto Day School, Sealdah, Calcutta - Occasional Paper No. 1

EDUC - DFID - The Challenge of Universal Primary Education - Strategies for Achieving the International Development Targets

EDUC - DFID - Education for Reconstruction - Report for the Overseas Development Administration

EDUC - DFID - Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century - White Paper on International Development

EDUC - DFID - Eliminating World Poverty: Making Globalisation Work for the Poor - White Paper on International Development

EDUC - DFID - "Factors Affecting Girl's Access to Schooling in Niger" - Final Report to ODA Education Division

EDUC - DFID - Illicit Drugs and the Development Assistance Programme - Strategy Paper

EDUC - DFID - Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning through Community Participation: Achievements, Limitations and Risks

EDUC - DFID - Learning Opportunities for All - A Policy Framework for Education

EDUC - DFID - Poverty Elimination and the Empowerment of Women

EDUC - DFID - Realizing Human Rights for Poor People - Strategies for Achieving the International Development Targets

EDUC - DFID - Redressing Gender Inequalities in Education - A Review of Constraints and Priorities in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Electric[edit | edit source]

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Installation

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Intro

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Circuits

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Machines

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Switchgear

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Generation

ELECTRIC - IBE_Lighting_Install

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Accidents_3

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Accidents

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Accidents_2

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Joints

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Joints_2

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Protective_2

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Protective

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Cables

ELECTRIC - IBE_Electr_Lines

ELECTRIC - DED_Digital_Teaching_Aid

ELECTRIC - DED_Amplifier_Teaching_Aid

ELECTRIC - DED_Radio_Electronics

Fisheries[edit | edit source]

FISH - BOSTID_Mariculture


FISH - BF_Freshwater_Fish_Farming

FISH - BF_Fish_Farming_Pond

FISH - BF_Fish_Farming_3

FISH - BF_Fish_Farming_4

FISH - VITA - Fish Ponds and Fish Farming - (fr de it po es)

FISH - IDRC_Rice_Fish_Farming

Technical Guide for Tilapia Farming, 51 p.

FISH - NRI_Fish_Postharvest_Losses

FISH - PC_Smallscale_Marine_Fishing

FISH - VITA - Fish Processing - (fr de it po es)

FISH - VITA - AquaCulture - (fr de it po es)

Food Production[edit | edit source]

FOODPROC - BOSTID_Fermented_Foods

FOODPROC - Benin_Food_Processing_FR

Solar Drying in Morocco

FOODPROC - GTZ_FR_Solar_Drying

FOODPROC - VITA - Solar Grain Dryer - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Solar Dryer - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - GRET_FR_Fruit_Veg_Solar_Drying

FOODPROC - NRI_Solar_Drying_Fish

Solar and Energy Conserving Food Technologies, 175 p.

FOODPROC - PC_Food_Drying_Storage


FOODPROC - PC_Food_Drying

FOODPROC - GRET_Fish_Conservation_FR

FOODPROC - GRET_FR_Cheesemaking

Traditional Cheesemaking, 74 p.

FOODPROC - GRET_Baby_Food_Production_FR

FOODPROC - ILO_SmallScale_Fish_Processing

FOODPROC - ILO_SmallScale_Oil_Extraction

Small Scale Vegetable Oil Extraction, 105 p.

FOODPROC - GTZ_Oilseeds_Process

FOODPROC - GRET_FR_Oil_Plant_Processing

FOODPROC - VITA - Vegetable Oil Extraction - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Vegetable Oil Solvent Extraction - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Oil and Starch from Sorghum - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - CTA_FR_Maize_Milling

FOODPROC - ILO_SmallScale_Maize_Milling

FOODPROC - VITA - Flour Mill - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Grain Milling - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Grain Enemies - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Grain Losses - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Grain Preparation - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - GTZ_Yam_Cassava_Storage

FOODPROC - GTZ_Maize_Cob_Storage

FOODPROC - ILO_FR_Grain_Storage

FOODPROC - GTZ_Grain_Storage

FOODPROC - GTZ_Crop_Storage

FOODPROC - GTZ_Crop_Storage_Traditional

FOODPROC - NRI_Crop_Storage

FOODPROC - GTZ - Integrated Stored Product Protection

FOODPROC - GTZ - Maize Protection non-chemical

FOODPROC - CTA_FR_Vegetable_Conservation

FOODPROC - CTA_FR_Fruit_Conservation

[Preserving Tomatoes]], 35 p.

FOODPROC - VITA - Fruit Preservation Manual I - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Fruit Preservation Manual II - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Citrus Fruits - (fr de it po es)

Small-scale Manufacture of Compound Animal Feed, 87 p.

FOODPROC - NRI_Fish_Processing


FOODPROC - NRI_Fish_Drying_Racks


FOODPROC - VITA - Fish Meal - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - NRI_Insect_Storage_Pests

FOODPROC - NRI_Emerg_Storage

FOODPROC - NRI_Emerg_Storage_WindForce


FOODPROC - TOOL_Food_Packaging

FOODPROC - VITA - Grape Juice - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Honey Extraction Centrifugal - (fr de it po es)

FOODPROC - VITA - Food Processing - (fr de it po es)

Post Harvest[edit | edit source]

POSTHARV - Integrated stored product protection for farmholders

POSTHARV - Manual of the prevention of post-harvest grain losses

POSTHARV - Traditional storage of yams and cassava and its improvement

POSTHARV - Implementation of and further research on biological control of the Larger Grain Borer

POSTHARV - The ecology of Prostephanus truncatus in Togo with particular emphasis on interaction with the predator Teretriosoma nigrescens

POSTHARV - Research into the biology and host-specificity of Teretriosoma nigrescens, a potential natural antagonist of Prostephanus truncatus

POSTHARV - Getting it right: Integrated approach for short and long term Post-harvest protection

POSTHARV - Traditional procedures and methods of storage protection

POSTHARV - Protecting stored maize cobs against pests by the use of non chemical products

POSTHARV - The Use of Teretriosoma nigrescens for Biological Control of the Larger Grain Borer (Prostephanus truncatus

POSTHARV - Methyl Bromide Substitution in Agriculture

POSTHARV - Integrated Rodent Management in Post-harvest Systems

POSTHARV - Integrated Post-Harvest Protection Is Worth Its Money !

POSTHARV - Gender-Orientation in the Post-Harvest Sector


POSTHARV - Postharvest of Perishable Fruits and Vegetables in Jordan


POSTHARV - Market Oriented Yam Storage

POSTHARV - The Cassava Chipping Machine


POSTHARV - Proper Preparation of Cassava Flour

POSTHARV - Guidelines for the Analysis of Post-production Systems

POSTHARV - Small-scale postharvest handling practices - A manual for horticultural crops - 3rd edition

POSTHARV - A commodity systems assessment methodology for problem and project identification

POSTHARV - Post-harvest systems of potato and sweet potato in Kenya - Final report

POSTHARV - Training manual for the control of the greater (larger) grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus, Horn)

POSTHARV - Workshop on Mycotoxins in Food in Africa - November 6-10 1995, Cotonou, Republic of Benin International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

POSTHARV - 7-year results of hermetic storage of barley under PVC liners: Losses and justification for further implementation of this method for grain storage

POSTHARV - South Pacific Commission - Community Health Services - SOUTH PACIFIC FOODS

POSTHARV - Post-harvest loss due to pests in dried cassava chips and comparative methods for its assessment. - A case study on small-scale farm households in Ghana

POSTHARV - Long-term hermetic storage of barley in PVC-covered concrete platforms under Mediterranean conditions

POSTHARV - Small-scale food processing - A guide for appropriate equipment

POSTHARV - Overview of the phenomenon of losses during the post-harvest system

POSTHARV - Storage and Processing of Roots and Tubers in the Tropics

POSTHARV - Facilitating regional trade of agricultural commodities in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa

POSTHARV - Catalogue of small-scale food processing equipment

POSTHARV - Rice post-harvest e-mail conference draft summary - V.1.2

POSTHARV - Selected listings of agro-industry technology applications in some southeast Asian countries

POSTHARV - Farm structures in tropical climates

POSTHARV - Preserving tomatoes

POSTHARV - Horticultural marketing - a resource and training manual for extension officers

POSTHARV - Food loss prevention in perishable crops

POSTHARV - Prevention of post-harvest food losses fruits, vegetables and root crops a training manual

POSTHARV - Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in human nutrition

POSTHARV - Maize in human nutrition

POSTHARV - Agricultural engineering in development

POSTHARV - Meat and meat products in human nutrition in developing countries

POSTHARV - Rice in human nutrition

POSTHARV - Sorghum and millets in human nutrition

POSTHARV - Grain storage techniques

POSTHARV - An atlas of food and agriculture

POSTHARV - A guide to marketing costs and how to calculate them

POSTHARV - Post-harvest deterioration of cassava

POSTHARV - Fruit and vegetable processing

POSTHARV - Quality assurance for small-scale rural food industries

POSTHARV - Inventory credit - An approach to developing agricultural markets

POSTHARV - African experience in the improvement of post-harvest techniques

POSTHARV - Research and Development Issues in Grain Postharvest Problems in Africa

POSTHARV - Research and development issues in grain postharvest problems in Asia

POSTHARV - Problems of pesticide residues in stored grain

POSTHARV - Policy issues in the small grains sector of Southern Africa

POSTHARV - Private enterprise and the post-harvest sector

POSTHARV - Monitoring and evaluation methods for innovations in grain post-harvest technology

POSTHARV - Risks and consequences of the misuse of pesticides in the treatment of stored products

POSTHARV - Mycotoxins in Grain

POSTHARV - A training manual in fresh produce marketing for the Eastern Caribbean

POSTHARV - Economic and marketing aspects of post-harvest handling of grains

POSTHARV - Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops

POSTHARV - Expert consultation on planning the development of sundrying techniques in Africa

POSTHARV - Phytosanitary procedures to be adopted for maize and other food-aid hipments to reduce the risks of insect infestation and damage

POSTHARV - Cassava processing

POSTHARV - Mycotoxin prevention and control in foodgrains

POSTHARV - Prevention of post-harvest food losses: a training manual

POSTHARV - Rural processing and preserving techniques for fruits and vegetables

POSTHARV - Manual of fumigation for insect control

POSTHARV - Minor oil crops

POSTHARV - The farming systems approach to development and appropriate technology generation

POSTHARV - Traditional post-harvest technology of perishable tropical staples

POSTHARV - Proceedings of the roundtable on the reduction of post-harvest fruit and vegetable losses through the development of the cottage industry in rural areas in the caribbean countries

POSTHARV - Production, handling and processing of nutmeg and mace and their culinary uses

POSTHARV - Towards integrated commodity and pest management in grain storage

POSTHARV - Utilising root crops

POSTHARV - Compendium on Post-harvest Operations (20 Megabytes)

POSTHARV - CookBook with recipes for Root Crops ( 1 Megabyte)

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 1-50 (15 Megabytes in total)

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 51-100

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 101-150

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 151-200

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 201-250

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 251-300

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 301-350

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 351-400

POSTHARV - PhotoBank 401-450

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Created May 22, 2022 by Irene Delgado
Last modified May 22, 2022 by Irene Delgado
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