Building sustainable houses is an important action we can take to reduce our impact on the environment. Details on some sustainable houses can help generate ideas for others and demonstrate what can be achieved.
Map[edit | edit source]
This is a collaborative map of sustainable houses around the world, most of the ported from GreenLivingPedia.
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class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ESydney\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Glebe house demonstrates the solar panels (a photovoltaic array) can be easily installed on an inner city terrace house in Sydney.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-33.87777777777800025660326355136930942535400390625,"lon":151.1862388888899886296712793409824371337890625,"icon":""},{"text":"Surrey Hills house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Hills house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.82718888888899755329475738108158111572265625,"lon":145.097833333329987226534285582602024078369140625,"icon":""},{"text":"30 The Bond\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E The Bond\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ESydney\u003Cbr /\u003E30 The Bond in Sydney is a sustainable commercial building that was the first CBD building in Australia to be accredited 5 stars under the Australian Building Greenhouse Rating.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-33.85855555555600204797883634455502033233642578125,"lon":151.20262222221998626991990022361278533935546875,"icon":""},{"text":"Elwood house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EYou can use the Community Portal for questions, feedback or observations relating to this article.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.8788555555560009224791429005563259124755859375,"lon":144.9855499999999892679625190794467926025390625,"icon":""},{"text":"60L green building\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E green building\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria 3053\u003Cbr /\u003EThe 60L Green Building is the the premier \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The 60L Green Building is the the premier green commercial building in Australia, unique in its approach to energy and water consumption, and the use of recycled and re-used materials during construction. 60L shows how we can achieve a commercially viable, healthy, low energy, resource-efficient workplace with minimal impact on the environment.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe 60L Green Building is the the premier green commercial building in Australia, unique in its approach to energy and water consumption, and the use of recycled and re-used materials during construction. 60L shows how we can achieve a commercially viable, healthy, low energy, resource-efficient workplace with minimal impact on the environment.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ece with minimal impact on the environment.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.804305555555998807903961278498172760009765625,"lon":144.96036111110998945150640793144702911376953125,"icon":""},{"text":"Paso Robles house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Robles house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ECalifornia","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":35.62676666666700242558363243006169795989990234375,"lon":-120.691244444440002325791283510625362396240234375,"icon":""},{"text":"Humpty Doo house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Doo house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ENorthern Territory","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-12.5783083333330001352123872493393719196319580078125,"lon":131.085822222220002686299267224967479705810546875,"icon":""},{"text":"Melbourne convention centre\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E convention centre\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne\u003Cbr /\u003EThe new Melbourne convention centre curren\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The new Melbourne convention centre currently under construction has been awarded a 6 Star Green Star rating for its innovative environmental design using the Green Star - Convention Centre PILOT rating tool developed by the \u0026quot;The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). A 6 Star Green Star certification demonstrates world leadership in sustainable building design and is a new global standard for Convention Centre design.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe new Melbourne convention centre currently under construction has been awarded a 6 Star Green Star rating for its innovative environmental design using the Green Star - Convention Centre PILOT rating tool developed by the \"The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). A 6 Star Green Star certification demonstrates world leadership in sustainable building design and is a new global standard for Convention Centre design.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ebal standard for Convention Centre design.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.7048666666670015956697170622646808624267578125,"lon":145.819583333330001551075838506221771240234375,"icon":""},{"text":"Beaconhills College\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E College\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EBeaconhills College has installed a solar array to help offset greenhouse gas emissions.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-38.0804499999999990222931955941021442413330078125,"lon":145.486363888889997042497270740568637847900390625,"icon":""},{"text":"Millerton round house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E round house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ENew York State","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":41.95370277777799827845228719525039196014404296875,"lon":-73.510677777777999608588288538157939910888671875,"icon":""},{"text":"Upper Yarra Arts Centre\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Yarra Arts Centre\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Upper Yarra Arts Centre in the heart o\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Upper Yarra Arts Centre in the heart of the historic mountain township of Warburton, the is part of the local shopping and cafe precinct and looks out on the upper reaches of the Yarra River. The Centre seeks to provide quality and enjoyable arts and cultural programs for the diverse community.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Upper Yarra Arts Centre in the heart of the historic mountain township of Warburton, the is part of the local shopping and cafe precinct and looks out on the upper reaches of the Yarra River. The Centre seeks to provide quality and enjoyable arts and cultural programs for the diverse community.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eltural programs for the diverse community.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.75432500000000146656020660884678363800048828125,"lon":145.687097222219989589575561694800853729248046875,"icon":""},{"text":"Hawthorn West house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E West house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Hawthorn West house is a sustainable renovation featuring a greywater system, solar panels and numerous energy efficiency features.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.82201944444400254496940760873258113861083984375,"lon":145.03748611111001309836865402758121490478515625,"icon":""},{"text":"Narre Warren house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Warren house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ENarre Warren","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-38.0277444444439964854609570465981960296630859375,"lon":145.303808333330010782447061501443386077880859375,"icon":""},{"text":"JECO house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ECamberwell\u003Cbr /\u003EThe JECO showhouse is a family home built \u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The JECO showhouse is a family home built in 2006 in Camberwell It is a detached house on a small site with 11 others. The site was purchased with planning permission and little scope to externally alter it. It does not have optimum orientation or design, with flat roof, no windows in the Northfacing wall, and no overhanging eaves. Never the less, it is rated at 32 points, equivalent to 7 stars. This was achieved within a cost limit of around 5% above the cost for the 5 star minimum currently required.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe JECO showhouse is a family home built in 2006 in Camberwell It is a detached house on a small site with 11 others. The site was purchased with planning permission and little scope to externally alter it. It does not have optimum orientation or design, with flat roof, no windows in the Northfacing wall, and no overhanging eaves. Never the less, it is rated at 32 points, equivalent to 7 stars. This was achieved within a cost limit of around 5% above the cost for the 5 star minimum currently required.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Efor the 5 star minimum currently required.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":51.4745694444440005099750123918056488037109375,"lon":-0.0925416666666669940344291944711585529148578643798828125,"icon":""},{"text":"Swinburne National Centre for Sustainability\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E National Centre for Sustainability\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Swinburne University National Centre f\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Swinburne University National Centre for Sustainability and Environmental Design Building, located in Wantirna, Melbourne has been built with innovative sustainability features. The building is the new home for staff of the National Centre for Sustainability. The grand opening for the building was held on October 14 2008 as part of the Wantirnas Centenary function.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Swinburne University National Centre for Sustainability and Environmental Design Building, located in Wantirna, Melbourne has been built with innovative sustainability features. The building is the new home for staff of the National Centre for Sustainability. The grand opening for the building was held on October 14 2008 as part of the Wantirna's Centenary function.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Epart of the Wantirna's Centenary function.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.8529305555560000584591762162744998931884765625,"lon":145.243474999999989449861459434032440185546875,"icon":""},{"text":"Portland Energised House\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Energised House\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EPortland\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Portland Energised House is a home in Portland, Victoria which is a fully self-reliant project.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":45.520247222221996707958169281482696533203125,"lon":-122.6741944444400047586896107532083988189697265625,"icon":""},{"text":"Greensborough house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EGreensborough","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.70402777777800196190582937560975551605224609375,"lon":145.10821666666998908112873323261737823486328125,"icon":""},{"text":"Blackburn South house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E South house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Blackburn South house features a sustainable garden that produces a quantity of food for the family. The target is to become more self sufficient for food.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.8388333333329995866733952425420284271240234375,"lon":145.148786111110013052893918938934803009033203125,"icon":""},{"text":"Oakleigh East house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E East house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Oakleigh East house has an inspired design by one of Melbourne's leading architects which spans 4 levels. The home was built in the 1980s and was ahead of its time for sustainable features.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.90392222222200047099249786697328090667724609375,"lon":145.115341666669991127491812221705913543701171875,"icon":""},{"text":"Mount Evelyn house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Evelyn house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.78731944444400170368680846877396106719970703125,"lon":145.388302777780012320363312028348445892333984375,"icon":""},{"text":"Bellarine Peninsula house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Peninsula house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Bellarine Peninsula house is situated at the picturesque Waters Edge Terrace on Victoria\u2019s Bellarine Peninsula, and was constructed by local builders Daran Constructions. The home as been deemed by HIA GreenSmart to be Australia \u2019s most sustainable.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-38.1914000000000015688783605583012104034423828125,"lon":144.5571194444399907297338359057903289794921875,"icon":""},{"text":"Goongerah house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Goongerah house is built from natural materials and has a solar array for power operating off the grid.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.34249722222200063015407067723572254180908203125,"lon":148.700386111109992270939983427524566650390625,"icon":""},{"text":"2009 casa G-M\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E G-M-edilizia-sostenibile-Capo di Leuca.htm\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ECapo di Leuca\u003Cbr /\u003EProgetto architettonico ed interior design di una villa al mare costruita ex-novo in base ai canoni dell'architettura spontanea mediterranea ed ai principi dell'architettura bioclimatica e dell'eco-sostenibilit\u00e0 ambientale.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":39.79950555555600288926143548451364040374755859375,"lon":18.357949999999998880184648442082107067108154296875,"icon":""},{"text":"Surrey Hills house II\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Hills house II\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.82718888888899755329475738108158111572265625,"lon":145.097833333329987226534285582602024078369140625,"icon":""},{"text":"CERES EcoHouse\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E EcoHouse\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EEast Brunswick\u003Cbr /\u003EThe CERES EcoHouse is a sustainable display home that provides working examples of sustainable features that can be added to existing housing stock.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":40.42031111111099761501463945023715496063232421875,"lon":-74.37129444444400405700434930622577667236328125,"icon":""},{"text":"Mitcham East house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E East house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.8103083333329976767345215193927288055419921875,"lon":145.194747222220001958703505806624889373779296875,"icon":""},{"text":"Brunswick East Office\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E East Office\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria 3057\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Brunswick East Sustainable office was designed and completed by Sunpower Design as their commercial premises above a residential dwelling in East Brunswick.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.75863055555600311663511092774569988250732421875,"lon":144.976697222219996774583705700933933258056640625,"icon":""},{"text":"Prahran house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.8519138888890012140109320171177387237548828125,"lon":145.000599999999991496224538423120975494384765625,"icon":""},{"text":"Brunswick house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EBrunswick","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":34.071819444444003011085442267358303070068359375,"lon":-78.19142222222200189207796938717365264892578125,"icon":""},{"text":"Ivanhoe house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EAustralia\u003Cbr /\u003EA residential home in Ivanhoe, Victoria, Australia","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.768844444443999464056105352938175201416015625,"lon":145.045591666669992036986513994634151458740234375,"icon":""},{"text":"La Casa Verde\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Casa Verde\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ECalifornia\u003Cbr /\u003ELa Casa Verde, situated in San Francisco's\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"La Casa Verde, situated in San Franciscos Mission District, is built with sustainable materials and uses renewable sources of energy. This is one of the first homes in the U.S. to achieve certification through Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ratings.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ELa Casa Verde, situated in San Francisco's Mission District, is built with sustainable materials and uses renewable sources of energy. This is one of the first homes in the U.S. to achieve certification through Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ratings.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003En Energy and Environmental Design ratings.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":37.759930555555996534167206846177577972412109375,"lon":-122.4191388888900036135964910499751567840576171875,"icon":""},{"text":"Portland sustainable cottage\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E sustainable cottage\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EPortland\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Portland sustainable cottage is inspir\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Portland sustainable cottage is inspired by writings such as Thoreaus Walden and Portland, Oregons green building movement. The goal was to create an inspiring space in a humble dwelling in Portlands (United States) south-west hills by constructing a \u0026quot;green\u0026quot; cottage. Total costs, including land and site development, have been less than $70,000.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Portland sustainable cottage is inspired by writings such as Thoreau's Walden and Portland, Oregon's green building movement. The goal was to create an inspiring space in a humble dwelling in Portland's (United States) south-west hills by constructing a \"green\" cottage. Total costs, including land and site development, have been less than $70,000.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E development, have been less than $70,000.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":45.520247222221996707958169281482696533203125,"lon":-122.6741944444400047586896107532083988189697265625,"icon":""},{"text":"Queen Victoria Market\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Victoria Market\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne, Victoria has the largest urban grid-connected solar photovoltaic array in the Southern Hemisphere consisting of 1328 solar panels covering one third of the market roof.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.8128111111110030151394312269985675811767578125,"lon":144.962588888889996496800449676811695098876953125,"icon":""},{"text":"Hawthorn house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Hawthorn house has a 2.1 kW solar array, solar hot water and water tanks installed where a swimming pool was decommissioned.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.82442499999999796500560478307306766510009765625,"lon":145.0317194444400001884787343442440032958984375,"icon":""},{"text":"Laurimar zero emission house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E zero emission house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Laurimar zero emission house is a demo\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The Laurimar zero emission house is a demonstration low-energy home built in Melbourne by Delfin in partnership with CSIRO. The home will embody the vision of a near zero-emissions house (ZEH) that Australian families can afford: \u0026quot;The house is expected to use 70% less energy than a traditional home of similar size!\u0026quot;\u0026amp;#91;1]\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe Laurimar zero emission house is a demonstration low-energy home built in Melbourne by Delfin in partnership with CSIRO. The home will embody the vision of a near zero-emissions house (ZEH) that Australian families can afford: \"The house is expected to use 70% less energy than a traditional home of similar size!\"[1]\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ean a traditional home of similar size!\"[1]","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.58853055555599809167688363231718540191650390625,"lon":145.136816666670000586236710660159587860107421875,"icon":""},{"text":"CH2 building\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E building\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria 3000\u003Cbr /\u003ECouncil House 2 (CH2) is claimed to be Aus\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Council House 2 (CH2) is claimed to be Australia\u2019s greenest and healthiest office building. It opened in Melbourne in August 2006 and has set a new world standard benchmark for design and construction of future high-rise buildings. The building is described as visionary with potential to change the way Australia and the world approaches ecologically sustainable design and construction.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003ECouncil House 2 (CH2) is claimed to be Australia\u2019s greenest and healthiest office building. It opened in Melbourne in August 2006 and has set a new world standard benchmark for design and construction of future high-rise buildings. The building is described as visionary with potential to change the way Australia and the world approaches ecologically sustainable design and construction.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Ecally sustainable design and construction.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.81739444444399822486957418732345104217529296875,"lon":144.9560999999999921783455647528171539306640625,"icon":""},{"text":"Knox civic centre\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E civic centre\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.8712000000000017507773009128868579864501953125,"lon":145.245341666669986580018303357064723968505859375,"icon":""},{"text":"Santa Monica house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Monica house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003ECalifornia\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Santa Monica house was one of the first homes built by LivingHomes and is the residence of Steve Glenn, founder of the company.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":34.0194694444439988956219167448580265045166015625,"lon":-118.4912277777799971545391599647700786590576171875,"icon":""},{"text":"Moonee Ponds house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Ponds house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.7659361111110030151394312269985675811767578125,"lon":144.919261111109989315082202665507793426513671875,"icon":""},{"text":"Brunswick West house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E West house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EBrunswick West\u003Cbr /\u003EStuart McQuire's home in West Brunswick wa\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"Stuart McQuires home in West Brunswick was the first in Victoria and the second in Australia to feed energy it created into the states power grid. Since 1996 the house has has generated more electricity than it has used. After an outlay of $5000, Stuart hasnt paid an electricity bill.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EStuart McQuire's home in West Brunswick was the first in Victoria and the second in Australia to feed energy it created into the state's power grid. Since 1996 the house has has generated more electricity than it has used. After an outlay of $5000, Stuart hasn't paid an electricity bill.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003E0, Stuart hasn't paid an electricity bill.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.76333333333300146250621764920651912689208984375,"lon":144.942555555560005586812621913850307464599609375,"icon":""},{"text":"Bass Coast Community Health Service\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Coast Community Health Service\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Bass Coast Community Health Service in San Remo, Victoria has a photovoltaic array of 4.2Kw","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-38.521491666667003528345958329737186431884765625,"lon":145.3693944444399903659359551966190338134765625,"icon":""},{"text":"Box Hill house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Hill house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.819327777777999699537758715450763702392578125,"lon":145.122136111109995226797764189541339874267578125,"icon":""},{"text":"Greensborough house 2\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house 2\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EGreensborough","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.70402777777800196190582937560975551605224609375,"lon":145.10821666666998908112873323261737823486328125,"icon":""},{"text":"Crossways Eco Arch house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Eco Arch house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EKent\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Crossways Eco Arch house was designed by Richard, who is an architect, for his family residence.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":51.207075000000003228706191293895244598388671875,"lon":0.72103611111110998965756380130187608301639556884765625,"icon":""},{"text":"Apollo Bay house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Bay house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EVictoria","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-38.7547444444440003508134395815432071685791015625,"lon":143.669147222220004778137081302702426910400390625,"icon":""},{"text":"ACROS Fukuoka building\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Fukuoka building\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EFukuoka City\u003Cbr /\u003EThe ACROS Fukuoka building in Fukuoka City\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The ACROS Fukuoka building in Fukuoka City in Japan is an amazing office building with two very distinct sides: one side looks like a conventional office building with glass walls, but on the other side there is a huge terraced roof that merges with a park. The garden terraces, which reach up to about 60 meters above the ground, contain some 35,000 plants representing 76 species. A huge semicircular atrium and the triangular lobby provide contrast to the greenery, in this space is a symphony hall, offices and shops.\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe ACROS Fukuoka building in Fukuoka City in Japan is an amazing office building with two very distinct sides: one side looks like a conventional office building with glass walls, but on the other side there is a huge terraced roof that merges with a park. The garden terraces, which reach up to about 60 meters above the ground, contain some 35,000 plants representing 76 species. A huge semicircular atrium and the triangular lobby provide contrast to the greenery, in this space is a symphony hall, offices and shops.\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Eace is a symphony hall, offices and shops.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":33.59435833333299825653739389963448047637939453125,"lon":130.32189722222000227702665142714977264404296875,"icon":""},{"text":"Kancoona house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EKancoona South\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Kancoona house is a stone dwelling in Victoria's north east that has a standalone energy system using solar, micro hydro and LPG gas backup systems.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-36.580105555556002627781708724796772003173828125,"lon":146.9824083333299995501874946057796478271484375,"icon":""},{"text":"Mount Waverley house\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Waverley house\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.87526388888900186202590703032910823822021484375,"lon":145.12812500000001136868377216160297393798828125,"icon":""},{"text":"Bank apartments Melbourne\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E apartments Melbourne\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EMelbourne\u003Cbr /\u003EThe Bank Apartments are designed in harmony and synergy with nature. Residents will enjoy the increased comforts and benefits of 6 star apartment living.","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.81421666666700076575580169446766376495361328125,"lon":144.963161111109997136736637912690639495849609375,"icon":""},{"text":"St Kilda Ecohouse\u003Cbr /\u003E\u003Ca class=\"external\" href=\"\"\u003E Kilda Ecohouse\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EAustralia\u003Cbr /\u003EThe St Kilda Ecohouse was a project of the\u003Cspan class=\"smw-highlighter\" data-type=\"2\" data-state=\"persistent\" data-title=\"Information\" title=\"The St Kilda Ecohouse was a project of the Port Phillip EcoCentre. The goals were to transform the house and garden on the corner of the St Kilda Botanical Gardens into a model sustainable building to provide education and inspiration to the wider community, acting as a seed for further change. An existing brick house was redesigned and refitted with sustainable features, including:\"\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwtext\"\u003E \u2026 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cspan class=\"smwttcontent\"\u003EThe St Kilda Ecohouse was a project of the Port Phillip EcoCentre. The goals were to transform the house and garden on the corner of the St Kilda Botanical Gardens into a model sustainable building to provide education and inspiration to the wider community, acting as a seed for further change. An existing brick house was redesigned and refitted with sustainable features, including:\u003C/span\u003E\u003C/span\u003Etted with sustainable features, including:","title":"Sustainable housing directory/data","link":"","lat":-37.86382499999999851070242584683001041412353515625,"lon":144.981636111109992270939983427524566650390625,"icon":""}],"imageLayers":[]}
Add house[edit | edit source]
Information sources by region[edit | edit source]
This directory contains information sources on various topics and businesses related to sustainable housing. Please add either external links, or links to relevant articles on Appropedia or related wikis.
Australia[edit | edit source]
- Greenlivingpedia:The EcoShop - online eco shop with links to information resources
- Earth Garden magazine -- Australia's original magazine about sustainable living with country and city alternatives, now in its 33rd year
- Earth garden favourite Links -- renewable energy, RAP installers, owner building, earth and straw building, permaculture and organic gardening, waste management, ethical investment, green organizations, ecoproperty, eco products
- The Greendirectory - Australian online eco directory
- Alternative Technology Association - Australia's leading not-for-profit organisation, promoting sustainable technology and practice to protect the environment.
- Sustainable Living Foundation is a community based not-for-profit organisation committed to promoting, celebrating and practicing principles of sustainable living.
- [Warming: Cool It] An Australian Government home guide to reducing energy costs and greenhouse gases.
- SolarGen Australia Rebate and Installation Information.
Victoria[edit | edit source]
- Greenlivingpedia:Sunpower Design - over 25 years experience specialising in integrated sustainable building design of homes that exceed the 5 star energy performance rating.
- Star Energy Assessment can make your home the most comfortable for its environment. Have your home assessed using the 5 star energy performance rating and achieve more than 5 stars for your home.
- Zen Architects
- Lighter footprints is a climate change neighbourhood action group active in Surrey Hills and adjacent suburbs, Melbourne, Victoria
- Families Facing Climate Change is a group based in Ashburton, Melbourne, Australia.
- Greenlink Box Hill -- Local plants for local places.
- Environment Victoria -- Victoria's peak non-government environment organisation, campaigning across Victoria for more than 30 years.
- Bayside Climate Change Action Group -- formed by parents in the Bayside area, the group goals are to provide a collective voice for Bayside residents for both families and individuals determined to fight for a clean energy future.
- Wren Industries -- makes of concertina foil bats and Renshade aluminium foil holland blinds for windows.
- Going Solar -- provides innovative solutions for integrating PV solar power modules into buildings.
- Building and renovating sustainably -- Sustainability Victoria, Victorian Government, how you can be energy and water efficient in all aspects of your project.
- Solar Power Melbounre Solar power Melbourne, bringing the best Solar panels and systems in Victoria
Western Australia[edit | edit source]
- Greenlivingpedia:Solar Dwellings -- passive solar energy efficient homes designer in Perth.
- Sustainable Consulting -- Perth-based consulting firm established in 2001 to help progress the sustainability agenda in Western Australia and beyond.
- [Sustainable Living WA] -- provides information from Western Australian Government agencies and other sources on sustainable living in Western Australia.
Queensland[edit | edit source]
- [Sustainable Living QLD] -- Queensland Government information on sustainable living and building.
New South Wales[edit | edit source]
- The Institute for Sustainable Futures -- Based in Sydney, Australia
- Michael Mobbs Sustainable Projects -- design, consulting and speaking services.
- Air Services -- Sydney-based company dedicated to helping home owners cool and heat their homes efficiently, and with less power than conventional air conditioning
Tasmania[edit | edit source]
- Sustainable Living Tasmania -- community resource and education centre to provide a for the protection and restoration of the natural environment and the development of homes and cities for a sustainable future.
- Greenlivingpedia:Core Collective -- is committed to the production of innovative architecture grounded in a sensitivity for its environmental, social, cultural and economic context.
United States[edit | edit source]
- Green Home Building
- Building Living Neighborhoods
- TheGreenerHome -- Sustainable Living Resource for Western North Carolina
- LA Green Living
- America -- Economic Action for a Just Planet
- Architecture For Humanity -- charitable organization promoting architectural and design solutions to global, social, and humanitarian crises.
Germany[edit | edit source]
- SCHOTT AG -- is one of the leading solar industry companies worldwide, offering a wide range of future-oriented products and solutions for almost all photovoltaic and solar thermal applications.
United Kingdom[edit | edit source]
General information and topics[edit | edit source]
Wikis[edit | edit source]
For a guide to this area of the wikisphere, see Green wiki and Green wikis and development wikis.
- Appropedia is an active wiki in this area. Focused on reducing poverty through international development and increasing sustainability through the use of appropriate technology, it also covers housing in rich and poor settings, urban and rural.
- Greenlivingpedia, primary focus on green architecture and green living for city dwellers.
Energy[edit | edit source]
- Oil Depletion Protocol is an international agreement that will enable nations of the world to cooperatively reduce their dependence on oil.
- -- information about clean power, polluting power, energy efficiency, climate change, oil peak, politics, energy efficient homes and transport solutions.
- Renew News -- is a community-based resource about Renewable Energy
Wikipedia articles[edit | edit source]
- Carbon dioxide sink
- Global warming
- Greenhouse effect
- Natural gas
- Permaculture
- Renewable energy
- Solar power
- Sustainability
- Sustainable energy
- Sustainable living
Keywords | housing, sustainability, sustainable houses |
SDG | SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities |
Authors | Curt Beckmann, Chris Watkins |
License | CC-BY-SA-3.0 |
Organizations | Green living wiki |
Ported from | (original) |
Language | English (en) |
Related | 1 subpages, 6 pages link here |
Aliases | Sustainable houses map, List of sustainable houses, Sustainable houses map/data |
Impact | 158 page views (more) |
Created | March 17, 2007 by Curt Beckmann |
Last modified | February 28, 2024 by Felipe Schenone |
Cite as | Curt Beckmann, Chris Watkins (2007–2024). "Sustainable housing directory". Appropedia. Retrieved September 13, 2024. |
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