Bibliography[edit | edit source]
(E) = English; (F) = French; (G) = German
01 CRATerre (Centre de recherche et d'applicationTerre: P. Doat; A. Hays; H. Houben; S. Matuk; F. Vitoux): Construire en terre editions alternatives, Paris, 1985 (F)
02 CRATerre (H. Houben, H. Guillaud): Traite de Construction en Terre - L'encyclopedie de la Construction en Terre Vol. 1, Parentheses, Marseille, 1989 (F)
03 CRATerre (H. Houben, P. E. Verney); ENTPE (M. Olivier, A. Mesbah, Ph. Michel): Raw Earth Construction: The French Equipment, CRATerre, Grenoble, 1987 (E)(F)
04 CRATerre (H. Houben, P. E. Verney): Compressed Earth Blocks: Selection of Production Equipment, Centre for the Development of Industry (ACP-EEC Lome Convention), Brussels, 1989 (E) (F)
05 Houben, Hugo; Guiliaud, Hubert: Earth Construction Technology, (4 Volumes: a. Manual on Basic Principles of Earth Application; b. Manual on Design and Construction Techniques; c. Manual on Production of Rammed Earth, Adobe and Compressed Soil Blocks; d. Manual on Surface Protection), UNCHS, (Habitat), Nairobi, 1986 (E)
06 Jagadish, K.S.; Venkatarama Reddy, B.V.: A Manual of Soil Block Construction, Alternative Building Series - 1, Centre for Application of Science and Technology for Rural Areas, (ASTRA), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, January 1981 (E)
07 Lunt, M.G.: Stabilized Soil Blocks for Building, Overseas Building Note No.184, Building Reseatch Establishment, Garston, February 1980 (E)
08 McHenry jr., P.G.: Adobe and Rammed Earth Buildings, Design and Construction, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984 (E)
09 Minke, Gernot (Ed.): Bauen mit Lehm, Journal on Building with Soil, Reports on new developments, research studies and building projects, Okobuch-Verlag, Grebenstein/Freiburg, 1984/1987 (G)
10 Norton, John: Building with Earth, A Handbook, IT Publications, London, 1986 (E)
11 Smith, R.G.; Webb, D.J.T.: Small-scale manufacture of stabilized soil bricks, Technical Memorandum No. 12, International Labour Office, Geneva, 1987 (E)
12 Stulz, Roland; Mukerji. Kiran: Appropriate Building Materials, A Catalogue of Potential Solutions, SKAT, St. Gall, GATE, Eschbom, IT Publications Ltd., London, 1988 (E)'