- 1.1 Geological description of limestone
- 1.2 Chemical composition of limestone
- 1.3 Physical characteristics of limestone
- 1.4 Classification of limestone
- 1.5 Chemical reactions in the production of lime
- 1.6 Common uses of lime in developing countries
2. Project Investigation and Implementation
- 2.1 Schematic representation
- 2.2 Socio-economic study
- 2.3 Mineral resource investigations
- 2.4 Site surveys
- 2.5 Market study
- 2.6 Location of production site and decision on technological level
- 2.7 Production plan
- 2.8 Financing
- 2.9 Marketing plan
- 2.10 Example economic feasibility calculation
- 2.11 Project implementation programme and resource plans
- 2.12 Project implementation
3. Technical and Production Information
4. Testing and Quality Control
- 4.1 Geological investigation (the geological surveying)
- 4.2 Laboratory testing
- 4.3 Field testing
- 4.4 Quality control
- 4.5 Tests
5. Technical Account of a 3 Tonne/Day Limeburning Operation in Moshaneng, Botswana