Small-scale oil extraction from groundnuts and copra
- Introduction
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Scope of the memorandum
- Oilseeds considered in the memorandum
- Technologies covered by the memorandum and target audience
- Summary of remaining chapters
- Chapter 2: Pre-processing of coconuts and groundnuts
- Raw materials
- Pre-processing of coconuts
- Pre-processing of groundnuts
- Chapter 3: Oil extraction fround groundnuts and copra
- Power ghani mill
- Baby expeller mill
- Small package expeller mill
- Medium and large expeller mills, solvent extraction plants and wet-processing plants
- Chapter 4: Economic aspects of oil processing
- Methodological framework for the estimation of production costs and revenues
- Assumptions made in economic evaluation of alternative oil extraction technologies
- Case study: two-ghani-power mill
- Economic comparison of alternative oil extraction technologies
- Break-even prices of raw materials and oil
- Chapter 5: Socio-economic evaluation of alternative oil extraction technologies
- Employment impact
- Skills requirements
- Investment and foreign exchange costs
- Multiplier effects
- Energy and water requirements
- Suggested policy measures for the promotion of suitable oil extraction technologies
- Appendices
- Present worth of an annuity factor
- Equipment manufacturers
- List of institutions and agencies involved in oil extraction
- List of directories which provide information on equipment manufacturers
- Selected list of journals on oil extraction
- Selected bibliography