Leucaena/Additional reading
The following list is by no means comprehensive. Rather, it is intended to introduce the serious reader to the growing body of world literature on leucaena. All publications listed here contain bibliographical listings for further reference. Please note that price and mailing costs are not listed, as they may change.
- -Brewbaker, J.L., ed. 1980. Giant leucaena energy tree farm: an economic feasibility analysis for the Island of Molokai, Hawaii. HNEI 81-04. Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Honolulu. 90pp.
An economic analysis of a 420 ha leucaena biomass plantation. Copies available from: Hawaii Natural Energy Institute; Holmes Hall, University of Hawaii; 2540 Dole St.; Honolulu, HI 96822; U.S.A.
- -Brewbaker, J.L., and E.M. Hutton. 1979. Leucaena: versatile tropical tree legume. In: G.A. Ritchie, ed. New Agricultural Crops. AAAS Selected Symposia 38. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado. Pp. 207-259.
A concise discussion of the uses, qualities, and production of leucaena. Copies may be obtained from: Westview Press; 5500 Central Avenue; Boulder, Colorado 80301; U.S.A.
- -Demon, F.H. 1983. Wood for Energy and Rural Development-the Philippines Experiences. Published by author. 232pp.
A good discussion of the Philippine Dendrothermal program, which has established about 20,000 ha of leucaena plantations. Copies may be obtained from the author: Dr. Frank Denton; 3181 Readsborough Ct.; Fairfax, VA 22031; U.S.A.
- -Leucaena Research Reports. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association, Honolulu.
An annually-published periodical featuring summaries of original, international research on leucaena. Back issues and subscriptions available from: Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association; P.O. Box 680; Waimanalo, HI 96795; U.S.A.
- -NAS. 1984. Leucaena: Promising Forage and Tree Crop for the Tropics. Second Edition. National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 100 pp.
A good introduction to leucaena, with excellent bibliography, listings of research contacts and seed/inoculum sources. Copies available from: BOSTID (JH-217D); National Research Council; 2101 Constitution Ave.; Washington, D.C. 20418; USA.
- -Oakes, A.J. 1982-1984. Leucaena Bibliography. USDA Germpalsma Resources Lab, Beltsville, Maryland.
A 3-volume bibliography with over 2500 listings. Available from: NFTA; PO Box 680; Waimanalo, HI 96795; USA.
- -Pound, Barry, and L. Martinez Castro. 1983. Leucaena; its Cultivation and Uses. Overseas Development Association (UK), London. 287 pp.
The most comprehensive review of leucaena research to date. A must for any serious student of leucaena. Copies may be obtained from: Overseas Development Association (Attn: M. Vowles); Eland House; Stag Place; London SW1 5DH, UK.