There are tons of free energy saving programs around Humboldt County, CA, USA. These programs provide equipment and services that can be used to reduce energy consumption and can assist in utility bill payments. The following is a list of all services that are available as of May 2011. There area also many Humboldt County organizations working on energy issues as well.
List[edit | edit source]
Energy Saving Item | Where To Get It | Eligibility |
CFL | RCEA | Humboldt resident |
Faucet Aerator | RCEA | Humboldt resident |
CFL | Energy Savings Assistance Program | Income-qualified |
Caulking | Energy Savings Assistance Program | Income-qualified |
Low-Flow showerheads | Energy Savings Assistance Program | Income-qualified |
Minor Home Repair | Energy Savings Assistance Program | Income-qualified |
Refrigerator Replacement | Energy Savings Assistance Program | Income-qualified |
Furnace Replacement | Energy Savings Assistance Program | Income-qualified |
Water Heater Replacement | Energy Savings Assistance Program | Income-qualified |
Attic Insulation | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Refrigerator Replacement | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Furnace Replacement | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Weatherstripping | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Caulking | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Low-Flow showerheads | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Water Heater Blanket | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Door Repair | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Building Envelope Repair | LIEE | Income-qualified |
Attic Insulation | LIHEAP | Income-qualified |
Caulking | LIHEAP | Income-qualified |
Water Heater Blanket | LIHEAP | Income-qualified |
Heating System Repair | LIHEAP | Income-qualified |
Cooling System Repair | LIHEAP | Income-qualified |
Natural Gas Testing | RCAA | Humboldt resident |
Propane Testing | RCAA | Humboldt resident |
Attic Insulation | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Floor Insulation | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Duct Insulation | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Water Heater Blanket | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Water Heater Timer | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Heating System Repair | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Cooling System Repair | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Carbon Monoxide Detector | RCAA | Humboldt resident |
Low-Flow showerheads | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Faucet Aerator | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Storm Windows | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Thermal Windows | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
CFL | RCAA | Humboldt income-qualified |
Lead Hazard Abatement | RCAA | Grant funded basis |
Power strips | HSU Green Campus | HSU dorm student |
Faucet Aerator | HSU Green Campus | HSU dorm student |
CFL | HSU Green Campus | HSU dorm student |
Programs[edit | edit source]
LIEE[edit | edit source]
Low-Income Energy Efficiency Program
- The LIEE program provides no-cost weatherization services to low-income households who meet the CARE guidelines.
- Services provided include attic insulation, energy efficient refrigerators, energy efficient furnaces, weatherstripping, caulking, low-flow showerheads, waterheater blankets, and door and building envelope repairs which reduce air infiltration.
- Contact your electric utility company
LIHEAP[edit | edit source]
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
- A federally funded program under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)that provides two basic types of services, 1) outreach and 2) financial assistance.
- Free weatherization which can include attic insulation, caulking, weather stripping, door replacement, water heater blankets, heating/cooling system repair, and other conservation measures.
- Variable utility bill assistance that is income-qualified. Provides a direct payment to an eligible client's utility bill to help offset the cost of heating or cooling their home.
- Contact: 1-866-675-6623 or website:
RCAA[edit | edit source]
Redwood Community Action Agency
- A locally based, private non-profit organization that provides a wide range of services to low and moderate income residents of Humboldt County.
- The Energy and Environmental Services Division is committed to assisting low to moderate income households reduce their energy burden, improve the health and safety conditions of occupied housing and to foster client self-sufficiency. In support of these goals, they provide the following services:
- Health & Safety Testing and Repairs - provides Combustion Appliance Safety (CAS) testing for all combustion appliances and health and safety related repairs or replacements.
- Energy Efficiency & Weatherization - high quality energy efficiency and weatherization services for income qualified low to moderate income households. The services are available for qualified renters and homeowners.
- Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction & Inspection Services - designed to make housing occupied by families with small children, lead safe and to safeguard the workers through following lead safe practices.
- Energy, Environmental & Telecommunications Education - providing information and education services for low to moderate income households on issues that are of importance and that impact their lives.
- Energy Assistance - assistance for the payment or purchase of of electricity, propane or natural gas.
- Contact: (707) 444-3831 or website:
RCEA[edit | edit source]
Redwood Coast Energy Authority
- A joint powers authority made up of Humboldt county members. Offers 3 main programs that apply to renters
- Residential Neighborhood Sweeps which provide free: CFL, LED nightlights, fluorescent torcheries, faucet aerators.
- Fluorescent Take it Back, which provides free disposal of CFL, and flourescent tubes in various locations across the county
- Holiday Light Exchange: replaces incandescent lights with LED ones, for free during the holiday season.
- Contact: (800) 931 - RCEA(7232) or website:
Green Campus[edit | edit source]
- A federally funded program under the Alliance To Save Energy, that focuses on students of Cal Poly Humboldt (HSU). Green Campus is only available to currently enrolled students of the university. Eligible students primarily receive information and assistance with conservation such as energy audits. The program can provide free: CFL, power-strips, and faucet aerators, but supply is limited and targeted towards dormitory residents.
- Contact website:
Energy Savings Assistance Program[edit | edit source]
- PG&E's Energy Savings Assistance Program provides income-qualified renters and homeowners with easy, free solutions to help manage their energy use and save money on their monthly energy bills.
- Contact: 1-800-989-9744 or website:
CARE Program[edit | edit source]
California Alternate Rates for Energy Program
- A Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) program that provides a monthly discount on energy bills for income-qualified households.
- For specific program guidelines go to
- Contact: 1-866-743-2273
FERA[edit | edit source]
Family Electric Rate Assistance
- The PG&E FERA program provides a monthly discount on electric bills for income-qualified households of three or more persons.
- For specific program guidelines go to
- Contact: 1-800-743-5000 for residential single family home or 1-866-743-2273 for sub-metered residential facilities
Medical Baseline Allowance[edit | edit source]
- Get additional quantities of energy through PG&E at the lowest (baseline) price for residential customers. To qualify for Medical Baseline, a California-licensed physician must certify that a full-time resident in your home has one of these medical conditions:
- Dependent on life-support equipment while at home*
- A paraplegic, hemiplegic, quadriplegic or multiple sclerosis patient with special heating and/or cooling needs
- A scleroderma patient with special heating needs
- A life-threatening illness or compromised immune system with special heating and/or cooling requirements to sustain the patient's life or prevent deterioration of the patient's medical condition
- Visit for details and application documents
REACH[edit | edit source]
Relief for Energy Assistance Through Community Help
- This is a PG&E program that provides one time assistance (during an 18 month period) to low income families that have undergone an unforeseen hardship. The program gives aid in the form of an energy credit, that can be up to $200, depending on the amount of past due PG&E balance.
- Contact: 1-800-933-9677 or website:
Flex Your Power[edit | edit source]
Flex Your Power - California Energy Efficiency and Conservations
- Browse ALL California Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs
- Find incentives/rebates/services in your own zipcode
- Review all energy saving tips and programs through California's Flex Your Power's main webpage at