Cloughjordan Ecovillage is an ecovillage of 114 homes and 16 live/work units integrated into the town of Cloughjordan in Ireland.
It consists of:
- 67-acres of land,
- Allotments, farming, woodland, community buildings, and more.
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- A solar and wood-powered community heating system,
- The headquarters of the new Cloughjordan Enterprise Centre, managed by the North Tipperary Green Enterprise Park Ltd (NTGEP). Its aim is to provide workspace and services for eco entrepreneurs in North Tipperary.
It is north of the town centre and the entrance forms a new intersection on the Main Street.
The first residents moved into their homes in December 2009.
Vinay Gupta works with the community on matters of design and appropriate technology and the site includes a number of Hexayurts (affordable but effective shelters).
Notes and references[edit | edit source]
"The rise of the Sharing Economy in my community", REconomy October 10, 2013 (creative commons website)
See also[edit | edit source]
External links[edit | edit source]
- Wikipedia:Cloughjordan
- The Village - official website.
- Eco-village - in brief on local website.
- Hexayurt H13 at the Cloughjordan Ecovillage - Vinay Gupta's blog.