This outlines the integration of the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) Certification requests on Appropedia.
Description[edit | edit source]
The OSHWA Certification is a validation of documentation that meets the open hardware definition.
Use cases[edit | edit source]
Actions that this tool will perform:
- A "OSHWA Certification" link on available for device pages (Possibly inside of Template:Device data).
- A script will extract the project parameters pertinent to the certification and will validate and provide feedback about:
- Format of parameters
- Level of completion
- A complete submission will allow users to request the OSHWA certification through the Certification API.
- User will receive feedback about the status of the certification based on the API response each time the page is visited in the future.
- If the Certification API offers the possibility to know whether a page is certified, it could offer the option to generate a certification badge for users to add to the page.
Motivation[edit | edit source]
OSHWA Certification provides an easy and straightforward way for producers to indicate that their products meet a uniform and well-defined standard for open-source compliance. This is particularly helpful to those that are considering commercializing open hardware through one of the many proven open hardware business models. In addition, the web itself has proven ineffective at protecting inventions from being patented by others/ Current work is underway to encourage the patent offices to add the OSHWA Certified database to their list of prior art.
Use this as a guide to correctly fill out your OSHWA Certification documentation on Appropedia.
Data requirements[edit | edit source]
The tool will extract all relevant information existing on an Appropedia documentation page during the application process. Please note that you must add three. Once you receive the certification, you can generate a badge to display on the page. See Anisa Foundation parabolic solar hot water heater as an example.
OSHWA API parameter | required | description | porting instructions |
responsiblePartyType | yes | string
Responsible party type. Must be either "Individual", "Company", or "Organization". |
responsibleParty | yes | string
Name of Individual, Company, or Organization Responsible for the Certified Item. Required. |
There are two ways to fill out on Appropedia:
bindingParty | yes | string
If not an Individual, name of Individual with Authority to Bind the Company or Organization. Required only if responsiblePartyType is not "Individual". |
country | yes | string | |
streetAddress1 | string | ||
streetAddress2 | string | ||
city | string | ||
state | string | ||
postalCode | string | ||
privateContact | string email | ||
publicContact | string email | ||
projectName | yes | string | Defaults to the Appropedia project page title. If you wish to rename it, consider moving the page. |
projectWebsite | string | Unless stated otherwise, this defaults to Appropedia's URL. | |
projectVersion | string
e.g. 1.0 |
Due to the nature of most projects, Appropedia does not use version control numbers. MediaWiki provides the possibility to count page edit count or to assign a unique ID number to a revision page but it will not be implemented for now. | |
previousVersions | Array of strings
An array of OSHWA UIDs |
projectDescription | string | This will be provided through a page excerpt (here is an example of a call through the API). | |
primaryType | yes | string
Primary project type. The GET api/options endpoint provides all valid options. |
This will search on the uses parameter (on Project data) the first occurrence of any of the following keywords: 3D Printing, Agriculture, Arts, Education, Electronics, Enclosure, Environmental, Home Connection, IOT, Manufacturing, Robotics, Science, Sound, Space, Tool, Wearables |
additionalType | Array of strings
Additional project types. The GET api/options endpoint provides all valid options. |
This will search on the uses parameter (on Project data) starting with the second occurrence of any of the following keywords: 3D Printing, Agriculture, Arts, Education, Electronics, Enclosure, Environmental, Home Connection, IOT, Manufacturing, Robotics, Science, Sound, Space, Tool, Wearables | |
projectKeywords | Array of strings
Additional searchable keywords |
keywords parameter on Template:Page data. | |
citations | Array of objects[ items ]
If the project incorporates or builds upon other open projects that are not currently certified by OSHWA, this field can be used to cite those projects. |
documentationUrl | string
URL for project documentation |
This will be taken as Appropedia page's URL. | |
availableFileFormat | boolean
All project documentation and design files are available in the preferred format for making changes. |
hardwareLicense | yes | string
The GET api/options endpoint provides all valid options. |
hardware-license parameter on Template:Device data. Please note that it defaults to CERN-OHL-S. |
softwareLicense | yes | string
The GET api/options endpoint provides all valid options. |
software-license parameter on Template:Device data. It does not have a defaults value. |
documentationLicense | yes | string
The GET api/options endpoint provides all valid options. |
license parameter on Template:Page data. All documentation on Appropedia is under a CC-BY-SA-4.0 license by default. |
noCommercialRestriction | yes | string
The project is licensed in a way to allow for modifications and derivative works without commercial restriction. |
explanationNcr | yes | string
Explanation is required if noCommercialRestriction is false. |
noDocumentationRestriction | yes | boolean
There is no restriction within my control to selling or giving away the project documentation. |
explanationNdr | yes | string
Explanation is required if noDocumentationRestriction is false. |
openHardwareComponents | yes | boolean
Where possible, I have chosen to use components in my hardware that are openly licensed. |
explanationOhwc | yes | string
Explanation is required if openHardwareComponents is false. |
creatorContribution | yes | boolean
I understand and comply with the "Creator Contribution requirement," explained in the Requirements for Certification. |
explanationCcr | yes | string
Explanation is required if creatorContribution is false. |
noUseRestriction | yes | boolean
There is no restriction on the use by persons or groups, or by the field of endeavor. |
explanationNur | yes | string
Explanation is required if noUseRestriction is false. |
redistributedWork | yes | boolean
The rights granted by any license on the project applies to all whom the work is redistributed to. |
explanationRwr | yes | string
Explanation is required if redistributedWork is false. |
noSpecificProduct | yes | boolean
The rights granted under any license on the project do not depend on the licensed work being part of a specific product. |
explanationNsp | yes | string
Explanation is required if noSpecificProduct is false. |
noComponentRestriction | yes | boolean
The rights granted under any license on the project do not restrict other hardware or software, for example by requiring that all other hardware or software sold with the item be open source. |
explanationNor | yes | string
Explanation is required if noComponentRestriction is false. |
technologyNeutral | yes | boolean
The rights granted under any license on the project are technology neutral. |
explanationTn | yes | string
Explanation is required if technologyNeutral is false. |
certificationMarkTerms | yes | object
Certification Mark Terms |
explanationCertificationTerms | yes | string
Explanation for certification mark terms |
relationship | yes | string
Relationship |
agreementTerms | yes | boolean
Agreement to terms |
parentName | yes | string
Parent name |
Other information[edit | edit source]
The OSHWA Certification form will require other information from the person submitting hardware documentation, such as personal information and other questions that do not need to be displayed on the documentation page on Appropedia. The tool will send OSHWA all this information without storing any of it.
About this tool[edit | edit source]
You can find more about the tool at the Appropedia:OSHWA Certification tool design page.