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Manufacturing files https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4022333
Hardware license CERN-OHL-S
Certifications Start OSHWA certification

Urine Diverter for Composting Toilet

Project developed by [Will Omberg]

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When using a composting toilet, it is common practice to separate urine from feces. This reduces the smell and pathogens that are present in the toilet. Excess moisture in the toilet creates an anaerobic environment which promotes the growth of smelly bacteria. The goal of this project is to produce a diverter that can be used on a 5 gallon bucket style toilet. Current models range in price from around $10-40 which is very expensive for a developing community.



Bill of Materials

The CAD model and STL can be found at MyMiniFactory or Thingiverse

1X 5mm flexible plastic tubing or equivalent

1X hose clamp or zip tie

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

This print is very basic and requires no supports. It may require a brim to reduce warping.

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

To assemble, simply press the tube onto the barb and use a hose clamp or zip tie to secure it in place.

Common Problems and Solutions

The most common problems with this design would be issues with print adhesion and other common printing problems.

Cost savings

This device is designed to replace much more expensive diverters that are commercially available. This diverter is one that is commercially available. It is $50.77.

This design can be printed for under $1

14 ft of tubing can be had for $13

200 zip ties are about $4

This means that this design is 65% cheaper than the alternative. The spare parts are also very useful and can be used for many different things besides this tool.

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