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MOST Delta RepRap Mod

Thrown Rod Halt

Project developed by  Bwbarker

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  • I know everyone of us with a MOST Delta RepRap has thrown a rod at some point during a print. Even when you finally have a very well calibrated printer it is still possible that your hotend runs into your print or your hand as you try to fix something you don't like before your printer head comes back.
  • Since the end effector, rods, and carriages are all magnetically attached we can use this system as a fail safe or pause switch.

Bill of Materials

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer
    1. Requires a printer with magnetically attached diagnonal rods
  2. Wire strippers

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

  • Some knowledge of your firmware and host software
  • A very rudimentary knowledge of circuits and ohm meters

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

  1. Provide directions for print/assembly - be detailed enough in your “how to” to ensure that someone could construct the device from your description. Consider the elegance of IKEA like instructions.
  2. Include print time estimate
  3. Include assembly time estimate
  4. Including drawings or pictures of the device at stage of assembly at minimum. (

Common Problems and Solutions

  • The most common problem that I have found with this modification is the total resistance related to the final circuit.
    • In order to overcome the majority of the resistance, extra wire needs to be strung between the ball bearings to eliminate the aluminum rods from the circuit.


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