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Photovoltaic Technology: The case for thin film Solar cells

Shah, A., Torres, P., Tscharner, R., Wyrsch, N. and Keppner, H., 1999. Photovoltaic technology: the case for thin-film solar cells. science, 285(5428), pp.692-698. [1]

  • Principle of Operation of PV Solar Cells has been discussed.
  • Types of solar cells has been discussed.

Solar feasibility- Can solar energy compete economically?

A. T. Furman and M. H. Rashid, "Solar feasibility- Can solar energy compete economically?," CONIELECOMP 2011, 21st International Conference on Electrical Communications and Computers, San Andres Cholula, 2011, pp. 10-13. doi: 10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2011.5749323 [2]

  • History of photovoltaics,
  • Different solar PV systems have been described.

Molecular Design of Photovoltaic Materials

Li, Y., 2012. Molecular design of photovoltaic materials for polymer solar cells: toward suitable electronic energy levels and broad absorption. Accounts of Chemical Research, 45(5), pp.723-733. [3]

  • Detailed concept of polymer solar celss have been discussed.

Floating Solar Cell power generation

S. F. Hui, H. F. Ho, W. W. Chan, K. W. Chan, W. C. Lo and K. W. E. Cheng, "Floating solar cell power generation, power flow design and its connection and distribution," 2017 7th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications - Smart Mobility, Power Transfer & Security (PESA), Hong Kong, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/PESA.2017.8277783 [4]

  • Floating solar panel installation.
  • Advantage of FPV over land PV installation.

Advances in solar thermal electricity technology

Mills, D., 2004. Advances in solar thermal electricity technology. Solar energy, 76(1-3), pp.19-31. [5]

Powering the planet: Chemical challenges in solar energy utilization

Lewis, N.S. and Nocera, D.G., 2006. Powering the planet: Chemical challenges in solar energy utilization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(43), pp.15729-15735. [6]

Powering the planet with solar fuel

Gray, H.B., 2009. Powering the planet with solar fuel. Nature chemistry, 1(1), p.7. [7]

A review of floating photovoltaic installations: 2007–2013

Trapani, K. and Redón Santafé, M., 2015. A review of floating photovoltaic installations: 2007–2013. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 23(4), pp.524-532. [8]

  • This paper gives details about floating Photovoltaic Installation projects and its concepts.

Photovoltaic materials, past, present, future

Goetzberger, A. and Hebling, C., 2000. Photovoltaic materials, past, present, future. Solar energy materials and solar cells, 62(1-2), pp.1-19. [9]

  • Silicon as the main photovolatic material.
  • Use of crystalline silicon.

An active cooling system for photovoltaic modules

Teo, H.G., Lee, P.S. and Hawlader, M.N.A., 2012. An active cooling system for photovoltaic modules. Applied Energy, 90(1), pp.309-315. [10]

Solar power generation by PV (photovoltaic) technology: A review

Singh, G.K., 2013. Solar power generation by PV (photovoltaic) technology: A review. Energy, 53, pp.1-13. [11]

Research on solar energy technologies for the ecological architecture

Wu Zhao and Yan Ma, "Research on solar energy technologies for the ecological architecture," Proceedings of 2011 6th International Forum on Strategic Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 2011, pp. 452-455. doi: 10.1109/IFOST.2011.6021061 [12]

Energy assessment of floating photovoltaic system

Yadav, N., Gupta, M. and Sudhakar, K., 2016, December. Energy assessment of floating photovoltaic system. In Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES), International Conference on (pp. 264-269). IEEE. [13]

Solar cell efficiency tables (version 37)

Green, M.A., Emery, K., Hishikawa, Y. and Warta, W., 2011. Solar cell efficiency tables (version 37). Progress in photovoltaics: research and applications, 19(1), pp.84-92. [14]

Impact of Snow and Ground Interference on Photovoltaic Electric System Performance

N. Heidari, J. Gwamuri, T. Townsend and J. M. Pearce, "Impact of Snow and Ground Interference on Photovoltaic Electric System Performance," in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1680-1685, Nov. 2015. doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2015.2466448 [15]

An approach to the impact of snow on the yield of grid connected PV systems

Becker, G., Schiebelsberger, B., Weber, W., Vodermayer, C., Zehner, M. and Kummerle, G., 2006. An approach to the impact of snow on the yield of grid connected PV systems. Bavarian Association for the Promotion of Solar Energy, Munich. [16]

  • Effects of snow on PV system in Munich with the use of reference PV rooftop system of 1 MW.

Ultraviolet radiation as a stress factor for the PV-modules — Global approach

K. Slamova, J. Wirth, C. Schill and M. Koehl, "Ultraviolet radiation as a stress factor for the PV-modules — Global approach," 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Tampa, FL, 2013, pp. 1594-1599. doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744450 [17]

  • Different irradiance data sources have been compared.
  • UV irradiance is performed on two test sites- Gran Canaria(Spain) and Zugspitze(Germany)

Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Solar Hybrid Water Collectors

K. Touafek et al., "Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Solar Hybrid Water Collectors," 2017 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), Tangier, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/IRSEC.2017.8477382 [18]

  • Concept of Hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector (PVT) has been described in detail.
  • How the thermal and electrical efficiency is improved using PVT is described.

Floating photovoltaic power plant: A review

Sahu, A., Yadav, N. and Sudhakar, K., 2016. Floating photovoltaic power plant: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66, pp.815-824. [19]

  • Insights about Floating PV Technology, status and design options.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different Floating PV installations.
  • Components of floating PV system.
  • Companies who installed FPV worlwide.

A new photovoltaic floating cover system for water reservoirs

Ferrer-Gisbert, C., Ferrán-Gozálvez, J.J., Redón-Santafé, M., Ferrer-Gisbert, P., Sánchez-Romero, F.J. and Torregrosa-Soler, J.B., 2013. A new photovoltaic floating cover system for water reservoirs. Renewable energy, 60, pp.63-70. [20]

  • The Photovoltaic Floating Cover System (PFCS) and its advantages and purpose is described in this paper.
  • Construction and components of PFCS is described in detail.
  • Use of PFCS in agriculture industries.

Floating photovoltaic plants: Performance analysis and design solutions

Cazzaniga, R., Cicu, M., Rosa-Clot, M., Rosa-Clot, P., Tina, G.M. and Ventura, C., 2018. Floating photovoltaic plants: Performance analysis and design solutions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, pp.1730-1741. [21]

  • Limitations of further development of PV installations are described.
  • Advantages of PV floating solutions.
  • Supporting structures of FPV are described.
  • Cooling and cleaning in FPV is described.

Floating solar photovoltaic systems: An overview and their feasibility at Kota in Rajasthan

D. Mittal, B. K. Saxena and K. V. S. Rao, "Floating solar photovoltaic systems: An overview and their feasibility at Kota in Rajasthan," 2017 International Conference on Circuit ,Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), Kollam, 2017, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/ICCPCT.2017.8074182 [22]

  • Floating PV technology is discussed in this paper.
  • Advantages and components of FPV has been dsiscussed.
  • FPV Installations in India have been discussed.

Potential of floating photovoltaic system for energy generation and reduction of water evaporation at four different lakes in Rajasthan

D. Mittal, B. Kumar Saxena and K. V. S. Rao, "Potential of floating photovoltaic system for energy generation and reduction of water evaporation at four different lakes in Rajasthan," 2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon), Bangalore, 2017, pp. 238-243. doi: 10.1109/SmartTechCon.2017.8358376 [23]

  • Detailed description on FPV, its advantages are discussed.
  • For study of FPV, four lakes of Rajasthan, India are considered.

A study on power generation analysis of floating PV system considering environmental impact

Choi, Y.K., 2014. A study on power generation analysis of floating PV system considering environmental impact. Republic of Korea. [24]

  • Concept of FPV.
  • Comparison and anaysis of 100 KW, 500KW FPV system installed by K-Water.
  • Comparison of performance of floating PV and Overland PV.
  • Wind and wave effect on the structure has been discussed.

Plasmonics for improved photovoltaic devices

Atwater, H.A. and Polman, A., 2010. Plasmonics for improved photovoltaic devices. Nature materials, 9(3), p.205. [25]

  • Plasmonic solar cell designs.
  • Difficult to understand the concept

Organic photovoltaics

Kippelen, B. and Brédas, J.L., 2009. Organic photovoltaics. Energy & Environmental Science, 2(3), pp.251-261. [26]

  • use of organic semiconductors in PV modules.
  • Materials, device structured, device operation, performance.

Toward cost-effective solar energy use

Lewis, N.S., 2007. Toward cost-effective solar energy use. science, 315(5813), pp.798-801. [27]

  • Cost-effective solar energy system techniques discussed
  • Efficiency can be improved, but manufacturing costs of these system must be reduced
  • Working methods and limitations of these techniques is discussed

An active cooling system for photovoltaic modules

Teo, H.G., Lee, P.S. and Hawlader, M.N.A., 2012. An active cooling system for photovoltaic modules. Applied Energy, 90(1), pp.309-315. [28]

  • Advantage of using cooling method for PV module.
  • Comparison of temperature using active cooling and without active cooling.

Battery energy storage for enabling integration of distributed solar power generation

Hill, C.A., Such, M.C., Chen, D., Gonzalez, J. and Grady, W.M., 2012. Battery energy storage for enabling integration of distributed solar power generation. IEEE Transactions on smart grid, 3(2), pp.850-857. [29]

  • Solar PV and battery increases reliability of the smart grid.

The economic viability of battery storage for residential solar photovoltaic systems–A review and a simulation model

Hoppmann, J., Volland, J., Schmidt, T.S. and Hoffmann, V.H., 2014. The economic viability of battery storage for residential solar photovoltaic systems–A review and a simulation model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39, pp.1101-1118. [30]

  • conditions under which the battery storage will be economic in PV systems

Efficiency improvements of photo-voltaic panels using a Sun-tracking system

Al-Mohamad, A., 2004. Efficiency improvements of photo-voltaic panels using a Sun-tracking system. Applied Energy, 79(3), pp.345-354. [31]

  • Sun-tracking mechanism to collect maximum solar radiation is discussed.
  • Use of Programmable logic Controller in the system.
  • System is divided into 2- System Hardware and system Software
  • System HArdware consists of Programmable logic controller, photovoltaic panel and electro-mechanical movement mechanism, system power supply,sensor ad signal processing unit,and PC monitoring and data handling rogram.
  • System software consists of PLC control and monitoring program and PC monitoring and data handling program
  • The output power from the PV module is more when the tracking system is used.
  • Use of PLC allows many PV module connection in series and parallel which reduces cos of tracking system.

Solar Tracking System: More Efficient Use of Solar Panels

Rizk, J.C.A.Y. and Chaiko, Y., 2008. Solar tracking system: more efficient use of solar panels. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 41, pp.313-315. [32]

  • Simple solar tracking system is designed and constructed.
  • Light Dependant Resistor is is used in this tracking system.

Two axes sun tracking system with PLC control

Abdallah, S. and Nijmeh, S., 2004. Two axes sun tracking system with PLC control. Energy conversion and management, 45(11-12), pp.1931-1939. [33]

  • Construction of 2 axes sun tracking system
  • Use of PLC system which controls the work of actuator so that it track the sun's position.
  • Use of two axes tracking system result in increase in the output.

Integrated photovoltaic maximum power point tracking converter

J. H. R. Enslin, M. S. Wolf, D. B. Snyman and W. Swiegers, "Integrated photovoltaic maximum power point tracking converter," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 769-773, Dec. 1997. doi: 10.1109/41.649937 [34]

  • Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is integrated in PV module.
  • Details and performance of MPPT Converter is discussed.
  • How this MPPT is better than other ones and how the cost and efficiency gets better is discussed.

Solar panel racking system

Eide, K., 2014. Solar panel racking system. U.S. Patent 8,661,747. [35]

  • This paper concerns about the racking/Mounting system for PV solar panels which are typically roof-mounted in a tilted up array.
  • Racking system reduces the cost and weight of an installation.
  • Different drawings of the racking system and their decriptions have been mentioned.

A low-cost, high-efficiency solar cell based on dye-sensitized colloidal TiO2 films

O'regan, B. and Grätzel, M., 1991. A low-cost, high-efficiency solar cell based on dye-sensitized colloidal TiO2 films. nature, 353(6346), p.737. [36]

  • A photovoltaic cell created from medium purity materials through low cost processes is described.
  • need more information on this- could not understand in depth.

Increasing solar panel efficiency in a sustainable manner

W. J. C. Melis, S. K. Mallick and P. Relf, "Increasing solar panel efficiency in a sustainable manner," 2014 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Cavtat, 2014, pp. 912-915. doi: 10.1109/ENERGYCON.2014.6850534 [37]

  • methods to increase panel efficiency has been described.
  • It is done ny cleaning and cooling down the panel at the same time.

Impact of dust on solar photovoltaic (PV) performance: Research status, challenges and recommendations

Mani, M. and Pillai, R., 2010. Impact of dust on solar photovoltaic (PV) performance: Research status, challenges and recommendations. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 14(9), pp.3124-3131. [38]

  • Characteristics of dust settlement on PV systems are described in detail.
  • research on impact of dust on PV system is explained in 2 phases.
  • phase 1 comprised research carried out from 1940 to 1990.
  • phase 2 comprised fo research carried out fro 1990 and represented detailed study on dust deposition.
  • with increase in tilt angle from horizontal, there is considerable decrease in dust settlement.

Effect of dust on the transparent cover of solar collectors

Elminir, H.K., Ghitas, A.E., Hamid, R.H., El-Hussainy, F., Beheary, M.M. and Abdel-Moneim, K.M., 2006. Effect of dust on the transparent cover of solar collectors. Energy conversion and management, 47(18-19), pp.3192-3203. [39]

  • understanding of the rate at which desert dust causes degradation of the output of unattended PV modules.
  • measurements of various dust densities is carried out to see the effect on output of pv modules.

The Market Value and Cost of Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Production

Borenstein, S., 2008. The market value and cost of solar photovoltaic electricity production. [40]

  • Market Valuation of Solar PV

Estimating the manufacturing cost of purely organic solar cells

Kalowekamo, J. and Baker, E., 2009. Estimating the manufacturing cost of purely organic solar cells. Solar Energy, 83(8), pp.1224-1231. [41]

  • Potential of organic solar cells(OSC)
  • Manufacturing cost model which includes material, process ad overhead costs.

A single-stage grid connected inverter topology for solar PV systems with maximum power point tracking

Jain, S. and Agarwal, V., 2007. A single-stage grid connected inverter topology for solar PV systems with maximum power point tracking. IEEE transactions on power electronics, 22(5), pp.1928-1940. [42]

  • single stage grid connected PV system
  • improved features of single stage system.
  • switching devices has been used and simulation for the same has been performed.

Compositional engineering of perovskite materials for high-performance solar cells

Jeon, N.J., Noh, J.H., Yang, W.S., Kim, Y.C., Ryu, S., Seo, J. and Seok, S.I., 2015. Compositional engineering of perovskite materials for high-performance solar cells. Nature, 517(7535), p.476. [43]

  • perovskite materials for next generation solar devices.
  • how the power conversion of solar cell is improved by combining lead iodide with methylammonium lead bromide as the light-harvesting unit in a bilayer solar-cell architecture.
  • Methods are described.

Degradation of organic solar cells due to air exposure

Kawano, K., Pacios, R., Poplavskyy, D., Nelson, J., Bradley, D.D. and Durrant, J.R., 2006. Degradation of organic solar cells due to air exposure. Solar energy materials and solar cells, 90(20), pp.3520-3530. [44]

  • Photovoltaic devices were prepared for the study of degradation of orgnic cells due to air exposure.
  • degradation results from the exposure of the device to water.
  • humidity insensitive to the PEDOT:PSS layer in organic solar cells is important.

Concentrating solar power–technology, potential and policy in India

Ummadisingu, A. and Soni, M.S., 2011. Concentrating solar power–technology, potential and policy in India. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 15(9), pp.5169-5175. [45]

  • scope odf CSP in India.
  • advantages of CSP over Photovoltaic applications.
  • Comparison of various CSP technologies.

Solar powered street lighting system

Doan, D., 1980. Solar powered street lighting system. U.S. Patent 4,200,904. [46]

  • solar power lightning system explained.
  • Its classificatin, description and construction explained.

Solar panel fabrication

Du, J.E.W.P.S., National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1971. Solar panel fabrication. U.S. Patent 3,565,719. [47]

  • Method to fabricate solar cells on a substrate.

Fabrication of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin-film solar cell prepared by pulsed laser deposition

Moriya, K., Tanaka, K. and Uchiki, H., 2007. Fabrication of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin-film solar cell prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 46(9R), p.5780. [48]

  • Properties ad description of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS).
  • Pulsed laser deposition method for fabricatiin very thin solar cells.

Roll-to-roll fabrication of polymer solar cells

Søndergaard, R., Hösel, M., Angmo, D., Larsen-Olsen, T.T. and Krebs, F.C., 2012. Roll-to-roll fabrication of polymer solar cells. Materials today, 15(1-2), pp.36-49. [49]

  • continuous process as roll-to-roll (R2R) processing for organic PV.

Economic PV waste recycling solutions—Results from R&D and practic

Palitzsch, W. and Loser, U., 2012, June. Economic PV waste recycling solutions—Results from R&D and practice. In Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2012 38th IEEE (pp. 000628-000631). IEEE. [50]

  • Proposal of recycling PV waste.
  • Further use of metals.
  • treatment of silicon cells which proves to be useful in waste water treatment and paper processing.
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