Slot Dies

Slot die coating is a process used to deposit various liquids onto a substrate. Slot dies are prevalent in the manufacturing processes of a wide rage of applications including polymer batteries, sensors, optical coatings, and solar cells. It is considered a pre-metered coating technique, where the volume of liquid deposited is predetermined upstream of the deposition site. Slot die coating is desirable primarily due to it's high speed production capabilities along with it's high accuracy. Because slot die coating is industry scalable, it appears to be the best option to obtain economically sensible solution-processed solar cells.

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Literature Review

PV Applications of Slot Dies

Polymer solar cell modules prepared using roll-to-roll methods: Knife-over-edge coating, slot-die coating and screen printing [1]

Abstract A complete polymer solar cell module prepared in the ambient atmosphere using all-solution processing with no vacuum steps and full roll-to-roll (R2R) processing is presented. The modules comprise five layers that were prepared on a 175-mm flexible polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) substrate with an 80-nm layer of transparent conducting indium–tin oxide (ITO). The ITO layer was first patterned by screen printing an etch resist followed by etching. The second layer was applied by either knife-over- edge (KOE) coating or slot-die coating a solution of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-nps) followed by curing. The second layer comprised a mixture of the thermocleavable poly-(3-(2-methylhexan-2-yl)- oxy-carbonyldithiophene) (P3MHOCT) and ZnO-nps and was applied by a modified slot-die coating procedure, enabling slow coating speeds with low viscosity and low surface tension ink solutions. The third layer was patterned into stripes and juxtaposed with the ITO layer. The fourth layer comprised screen-printed or slot-die-coated PEDOT:PSS and the fifth and the final layer comprised a screen-printed or slot-die-coated silver electrode. The final module dimensions were 28 cm 32 cm and presented four individual solar cell modules: a single-stripe cell, a two-stripe serially connected module, a three-stripe serially connected module and finally an eight-stripe serially connected module. The length of the individual stripes was 25 cm and the width was 0.9 cm. With overlaps of the individual layers this gave a width of the active layer of 0.6 cm and an active area for each stripe of 15 cm2 increased ten fold compared to mass-produced modules employing screen printing for all five layers of the device. The processing speeds employed for the R2R processed layers were in the range of 40–50 m h. Finally a comparison is made with the state of the art represented by P3HT–PCBM as the active layer and full R2R solution processing using slot-die coating.

  • All layers of cell coated via slot die method (steel head)
  • Steel slot die head capable of 60nm thicknesses
  • Humidity while drying creates slightly uneven surfaces

3D Printer Based Slot-Die Coater as a Lab-to-Fab Translation Tool for Solution-Processed Solar Cells [2]

Abstract A 3D printer based slot-die coater is developed as a lab-to-fab translation tool for solution-processed solar cells. The modified 3D printer is used to develop the printing process for potential use in large scale roll-to-roll production. Fabrication of a 47.3 cm2 organic solar cell module with 4.56% efficiency and printed perovskite solar cells with 11.6% efficiency are demonstrated.

  • Stainless steel slot die head utilized to prevent issues arising from printing organic solutions
  • Consistent films of desired thickness (50-200nm) not easily attainable through control of extrusion rate
  • To obtain desired thickness, slot die head speed was manipulated

Dependence of opto-electric properties of (semi-)conducting films in polymer based solar cells on viscous shear during the coating process [3]

Abstract Organic photovoltaic is a promising technology for low-cost energy conversion. One of its major challenges is the transfer of the manufacturing process to a continuous roll-to-roll process. Previous research showed that the coating method has a significant impact on film properties, which may be explained by a shear-rate induced crystallization of the polymer– fullerene-blend. In this paper we report on a controlled variation of the shear-rate during slot-die coating of photoactive and conductive layers for polymer solar cells. Light absorption of photoactive layers increased towards higher coating speed and thus higher shear-rate by up to 28% from 0.6 m/min to 12 m/min. The currently lower performance of roll-to-roll processed solar cells, compared to laboratory scale devices may be increased by intentionally applying a high shear rate during the coating process. In contrast, a shear induced crystallization is insignificant for conductive (PEDEOT:PSS and Ag-nanoparticle) films, where conductivity decreased when the operating point approached the stability limit. Thus, a low capillary number is desirable for PEDOT:PSS layers, whereas the performance of the photoactive layer increased within the investigated velocity range. These tendencies, shown here for a standard material system (P3HT:PCBM), are substantial for the design of a roll-to-roll process for efficient polymer solar cells.

  • Covers effect of drying rate and coating speed on light absorption
  • Coating method dictates many properties of cell
  • May not be useful due to different type of cells being constructed

ITO-free flexible inverted organic solar cell modules with high fill factor prepared by slot die coating [4]

Abstract A complete polymer solar cell module prepared in the ambient atmosphere using all-solution processing with no vacuum steps and full roll-to-roll (R2R) processing is presented. The modules comprise five layers that were prepared on a 175-μm flexible polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) substrate with an 80-nm layer of transparent conducting indium–tin oxide (ITO). The ITO layer was first patterned by screen printing an etch resist followed by etching. The second layer was applied by either knife-over-edge (KOE) coating or slot-die coating a solution of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-nps) followed by curing. The second layer comprised a mixture of the thermocleavable poly-(3-(2-methylhexan-2-yl)-oxy-carbonyldithiophene) (P3MHOCT) and ZnO-nps and was applied by a modified slot-die coating procedure, enabling slow coating speeds with low viscosity and low surface tension ink solutions. The third layer was patterned into stripes and juxtaposed with the ITO layer. The fourth layer comprised screen-printed or slot-die-coated PEDOT:PSS and the fifth and the final layer comprised a screen-printed or slot-die-coated silver electrode. The final module dimensions were 28 cm×32 cm and presented four individual solar cell modules: a single-stripe cell, a two-stripe serially connected module, a three-stripe serially connected module and finally an eight-stripe serially connected module. The length of the individual stripes was 25 cm and the width was 0.9 cm. With overlaps of the individual layers this gave a width of the active layer of 0.6 cm and an active area for each stripe of 15 cm2. The performance was increased ten fold compared to mass-produced modules employing screen printing for all five layers of the device. The processing speeds employed for the R2R processed layers were in the range of 40–50 m h−1. Finally a comparison is made with the state of the art represented by P3HT–PCBM as the active layer and full R2R solution processing using slot-die coating.

  • Steel slot die head utilized
  • 100nm film thicknesses obtained
  • Successfully printed cell on large scale

Toward Large Scale Roll-to-Roll Production of Fully Printed Perovskite Solar Cells [5]

Abstract Fully printed perovskite solar cells are demonstrated with slot-die coating, a scalable printing method. A sequential slot-die coating process is developed to produce efficient perovskite solar cells and to be used in a large-scale roll-to-roll printing process. All layers excluding the electrodes are printed and devices demonstrate up to 11.96% power conversion efficiency. It is also demonstrated that the new process can be used in roll-to-roll production.

  • Nitrogen used to cool PbI2 immediately after deposition to create more uniform layers
  • Obtained coating thicknesses of 20nm via slot die (steel)- ZnO layer
  • Perovskite formed by reaction on substrate with 2 separate layers reacting (MAI + PbI2)

Fast Printing and In Situ Morphology Observation of Organic Photovoltaics Using Slot-Die Coating [6]

Abstract The mini-slot-die coater offers a simple, convenient, materials-efficient route to print bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) organic photovoltaics (OPVs) that show efficiencies similar to spin-coating. Grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) and GI small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) methods are used in real time to characterize the active-layer formation during printing. A polymer-aggregation–phase-separation–crystallization mechanism for the evolution of the morphology describes the observations.

  • Film thickness adjusted by altering temperature, solution concentration, substrate slot die distance, and slot die head speed
  • Tuned parameters yielded consistent layers of 100nm
  • Mini slot die head (steel) utilized

Roll-to-Roll Slot–Die Coated Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) Modules with High Geometrical Fill Factors [7]

Abstract Flexible semi-transparent organic photovoltaic (OPV) modules were manufactured by roll-to-roll slot–die coating of three functional layers [ZnO, photoactive layer, and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS)] and either the screen printing or inkjet printing of the top electrodes. A poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6] phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM) layer deposited from non-chlorinated solvents was used as the absorber layer. The modules were realized by slot–die coating of the layers onto a laser-patterned polyethylene terephthalate/indium-tin oxide (PET/ITO) substrate, followed by laser structuring of all coated layers. The top electrodes were realized by high-resolution printing, which, combined with laser patterning of other layers, enables manufacturing of the modules with high geometrical fill factor (92.5 %). The modules have an active area of 156 cm2, and contain 13 serially interconnected cells. Two semitransparent electrodes (ITO from the bottom and PEDOT:PSS/Ag-grid from the top side) allow the absorption of photons incident from both sides. The performance of the modules was evaluated and compared among the modules by considering the following factors: (i) roll-to-roll slot–die coated vs. spin-coated layers, (ii) inkjet-printed vs. screen-printed top electrodes, (iii) top vs. bottom illumination. The demonstrated technology is one of the proven feasible ways towards industrial manufacturing of the OPV modules.

  • Layer thickness if 60 nm archived via steel slot die
  • 3 layers deposited via slot die (PEDOT:PSS, ZnO, and photoactive layer)

All solution roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cells free from indium-tin-oxide and vacuum coating steps [8]

AbstractA roll-to-roll process enabling fabrication of polymer solar cells comprising five layers on flexible substrates is presented. The device geometry is inverted and allow for fabrication on both transparent and non-transparent flexible substrates. The process is illustrated in this work by formation of a bottom electrode comprising silver nanoparticles on a 130 micron thick polyethyleneternaphthalate (PEN) substrate. Subsequently an electron transporting layer of zinc oxide nanoparticles was applied from solution followed by an active layer of P3HT-PCBM and a hole transporting layer of PEDOT:PSS. These first four layers were applied by slot-die coating. The final electrode was applied by screen printing a grid structure that allowed for transmission of 80% of the light. The materials were patterned into stripes allowing for formation of a single cell device and serially connected modules comprising 2, 3 and 8 stripes. All five layers in the device were processed from solution in air and no vacuum steps were employed. An additional advantage is that the use of indium-tin-oxide (ITO) is avoided in this process. The devices were tested under simulated sunlight (1000 W m−2, AM1.5G) and gave a typical performance 0.3% in terms of power conversion efficiency (PCE) for the active layer. The low PCE was due to poor transmission of light through the back electrode.

  • Obtained coating thicknesses of 100nm via slot die (steel)
  • TiO2 and SiO2 layers deposited
  • Solution concentration vs viscosity discussed

Roll-to-roll fabrication of polymer solar cells [9]

Abstract As the performance in terms of power conversion efficiency and operational stability for polymer and organic solar cells is rapidly approaching the key 10–10 targets (10 % efficiency and 10 years of stability) the quest for efficient, scalable, and rational processing methods has begun. The 10–10 targets are being approached through consistent laboratory research efforts, which coupled with early commercial efforts have resulted in a fast moving research field and the dawning of a new industry. We review the roll-to-roll processing techniques required to bring the magnificent 10–10 targets into reality, using quick methods with low environmental impact and low cost. We also highlight some new targets related to processing speed, materials, and environmental impact.

  • Double slot die coatings have been used to deposit 2 layers simultaneously
  • Currently able to produce fill factors of 45–67 %

Investigations on knife and slot die coating and processing of polymer nanoparticle films for hybrid polymer solar cells [10]

Abstract Hybrid solar cells have a high potential to become an inexpensive alternative to conventional photovoltaic. Their major advantage is the possibility to produce them by solvent based deposition in a cost efficient roll to roll (R2R) process. Due to their high optical absorption, high conductivity, tunable particle size and shape they could proof superior to fullerenes. Currently all hybrid cells are produced by spin-coating on laboratory scale. Coating technologies for pilot scale production are discussed. We present an experimental setup that was designed to investigate the coating and drying of hybrid layers with roll to roll compatible methods. Specific problems of processing semiconducting nanoparticle/polymer films such as minimization of hold-up are addressed. First results indicate that the processing conditions determine not only the morphology of the film but also its optoelectric properties such as light absorption, conductivity and eventually cell efficiency. Finally, we can report the preparation of knife and slot die coated hybrid solar cells with up to 1.18% PCE for knife coated devices.

  • Discussed the design of slot die utilized in experiments
  • Produces wet film thicknesses of 5-100 micrometers
  • Die cavity volume of 2ml
  • Yielded layers ~30nm thick

Possible Slot Die Material

Analysis of nonvolatile oxidation products of polypropylene. II. Process degradation [11]

Abstract The nonvolatile products of polypropylene that has been process degraded in the melt by a Brabender torque rheometer have been quantitatively identified by infrared analysis and chemical reactions carried out on molded sheets. The molecular weight changes with degradation have been determined by gel-permeation chromatography (GPC). It was determined that there is only one functional group per chain scission instead of the two groups previously found for thermal oxidation in the solid state. The molecular weight distribution is similar, but the functional groups and the general scheme of oxidation differ slightly from those previously found for polyolefin oxidation carried out below the melting point. The functional group distribution differs from that determined in a process-degraded polyethylene sample.

  • Polypropylene will not dissolve into Isopropanol
  • Maybe prove to be viable material for slot die head

Swelling parameter of polypropylene used in household appliances [12]

Abstract Samples of unfilled copolymer polypropylene were immersed in various solvents and the equilibrium swelling was recorded. Two-dimensional solubility maps of the Hildebrand parameter, δ, versus hydrogen bonding parameter, γc, and δh versus δv for polypropylene were plotted. Using the calculated percentage swell values and the solubility maps, the δ and δh values for detergent were postulated. No changes in the polypropylene backbone were revealed by mid- or far-infrared spectra, showing that the polypropylene polymer, when subjected to a number of different solvents, had not altered substantially.

  • Polypropylene swelling was characterized
  • Polypropylene showed high resistance to swelling when subjected to various solvents


  1. [1] F. C. Krebs, “Polymer solar cell modules prepared using roll-to-roll methods: Knife-over-edge coating, slot-die coating and screen printing,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 93, no. 4, pp. 465–475, Apr. 2009.
  2. D. Vak, K. Hwang, A. Faulks, Y.-S. Jung, N. Clark, D.-Y. Kim, G. J. Wilson, and S. E. Watkins, “3D Printer Based Slot-Die Coater as a Lab-to-Fab Translation Tool for Solution-Processed Solar Cells,” Adv. Energy Mater., vol. 5, no. 4, p. n/a–n/a, Feb. 2015.
  3. L. Wengeler, R. Diehm, P. Scharfer, and W. Schabel, “Dependence of opto-electric properties of (semi-)conducting films in polymer based solar cells on viscous shear during the coating process,” Org. Electron., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1608–1613, Jun. 2013.
  4. N. M. Sammes, S. Vohora, and A. M. Cartner, “Swelling parameter of polypropylene used in household appliances,” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, vol. 29, no. 23, pp. 6255–6258, Jan. 1994.
  5. K. Hwang, Y.-S. Jung, Y.-J. Heo, F. H. Scholes, S. E. Watkins, J. Subbiah, D. J. Jones, D.-Y. Kim, and D. Vak, “Toward Large Scale Roll-to-Roll Production of Fully Printed Perovskite Solar Cells,” Adv. Mater., vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1241–1247, Feb. 2015.
  6. F. Liu, S. Ferdous, E. Schaible, A. Hexemer, M. Church, X. Ding, C. Wang, and T. P. Russell, “Fast Printing and In Situ Morphology Observation of Organic Photovoltaics Using Slot-Die Coating,” Adv. Mater., vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 886–891, Feb. 2015.
  7. Y. Galagan, H. Fledderus, H. Gorter, H. H. ’t Mannetje, S. Shanmugam, R. Mandamparambil, J. Bosman, J.-E. J. M. Rubingh, J.-P. Teunissen, A. Salem, I. G. de Vries, R. Andriessen, and W. A. Groen, “Roll-to-Roll Slot–Die Coated Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) Modules with High Geometrical Fill Factors,” Energy Technology, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 834–842, Aug. 2015.
  8. F. C. Krebs, “All solution roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cells free from indium-tin-oxide and vacuum coating steps,” Organic Electronics, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 761–768, Aug. 2009.
  9. R. Søndergaard, M. Hösel, D. Angmo, T. T. Larsen-Olsen, and F. C. Krebs, “Roll-to-roll fabrication of polymer solar cells,” Materials Today, vol. 15, no. 1–2, pp. 36–49, Jan. 2012.
  10. L. Wengeler, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, K. Peters, P. Scharfer, and W. Schabel, “Investigations on knife and slot die coating and processing of polymer nanoparticle films for hybrid polymer solar cells,” Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, vol. 50, no. 5–6, pp. 478–482, May 2011.
  11. J. H. Adams and J. E. Goodrich, “Analysis of nonvolatile oxidation products of polypropylene. II. Process degradation,” J. Polym. Sci. A-1 Polym. Chem., vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 1269–1277, May 1970.
  12. N. M. Sammes, S. Vohora, and A. M. Cartner, “Swelling parameter of polypropylene used in household appliances,” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, vol. 29, no. 23, pp. 6255–6258, Jan. 1994.
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