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This is a page for conveying homework assignments for HSU Chiapas Appropriate Technology courses July and August, 2010. Assignments are due before class starts on the day denoted below.

Week 1 - July 5, 2010

1 - lunes

Topics covered: Introductions, Syllabus design, ???

Assignments due

1 - martes

Topics covered: Microhydro and projects

Assignments due
  1. Find and record a photo and location for each of two local example ATs from Chiapas in groups of two
    • We will pick topics in class.
    • For each of the two topics, answer the following on a piece of paper:
      • Brief description such as type and application.
      • Location (address or coordinates)
      • Justification as Appropriate Technology based on a definition of AT.
      • Issues with its appropriateness based on a definition of AT.
      • Notes, such as phone number, if applicable.
    • We will be posting these as a future assignment.
  2. Select and bring your top three project choices in order of preference
  3. Start Appropedia user page
    1. Select and copy the text below
    2. Click your username (after logging in) in the upper right of Appropedia
    3. Paste the text
    4. Replace Capitalized words with your own
    5. Preview, summarize and save
    6. Add your photo (see this screencast for help on how).

Copy the following the code

 [[Image:IMAGENAME.JPG|thumb|left|CAPTION TEXT]]

  Nombre: TU NOMBRE
  Teléfono en Parras: TU TELÉFONO
  Ubicación en Parras: TU UBICACIÓN
 ===Intereses en Tecnología Apropiada===
 ===Experencia en Tecnología Apropiada===

1 - miércoles

Topics covered: Microhydro and projects

Assignments due
  1. Pmax
    • Pmax for 220GPM and 100ft
    • Pmax for 80GPM and 200ft
  2. Find units for K for the 3 other Qs
  3. Read Microhydro power

1 - jueves

Topics covered: Otros Mundos, working in the field, Criteria, Literature Review

Assignments due
  • Microhydro power with 3" pipe and the other givens.

1 - viernes

Topics covered: Field trip - Las Abejas

Assignments due

Week 2 - July 12, 2010

2 - lunes

Topics covered: Lab day - Microhydro

Assignments due
  • Literature review

2 - martes

Topics covered: Improved cookstoves

Assignments due
  • Criteria
  • Microhydro lab

2 - miércoles

Topics covered: Fieldwork

Assignments due
  • Create a login to Openpario
  • Join the project - Openpario/hsuchiapas2010
  • Consider making your own project. See Openpario/engr380/issues for an example.

2 - jueves

Topics covered: Lab day - Improved cookstoves

Assignments due
  • Project description

2 - viernes

Topics covered: Lab day - Improved cookstoves

Assignments due

Week 3 - July 19, 2010

3 - lunes

Topics covered: Biogas

Assignments due
  • Lots of project work

3 - martes

Topics covered: Lab day - Biogas

Assignments due
  • Do the math that makes these sentences equivalent.
  • Photo, video or drawing 1 kg, 1 meter, 1 N, 1 joule, 100 W, 1 kWh

3 - miércoles

Topics covered: Lab day - Biogas

Assignments due

3 - jueves

Topics covered: Project day and Quiz at night

Assignments due
  • In your group from yesterday's assignment
    • How many tortillas/time equal 100W
    • A more creative equivalent to 1 kWh

3 - viernes

Topics covered: Lab Day - Rainwater Catchment

Assignments due

Week 4 - July 26, 2010

4 - lunes

Topics covered: Fieldwork

Assignments due
  • Post at least one useful link per team and one vocabulary word related to appropriate technology per person at HSU_Chiapas/shared_resources.

4 - martes

Topics covered: Fieldwork

Assignments due

4 - miércoles

Topics covered: Rainwater

Assignments due
  • Read on Rainwater
  • Calculate the rainwater that can be caught in a given month from a 900 square foot house with a total roof area (from a steep roof) of 1300 square feet. The given month for your area has a precipitation of 3.2 inches. You have installed a 4000 liter tank and are not planning on using any water for that first given month.
    • In addition diagram the the necessary components for that rainwater system.
  • Optional - do this problem set on unit conversion.

4 - jueves

Topics covered: Appropriate Technology

Assignments due

4 - viernes

Topics covered: Wind and global policy

Assignments due
  • Final project - visual inspection
  • Show your work on the following questions from class:
    1. If you have a wind turbine with three blades, each 4 meters long, what distance does the tip of each blade travel in one full revolution?
    2. If this turbine is rotating at a rate of 42 Revolutions per Minute (RPM), how long does it take to make one full revolution?
    3. Based on your answers from 1 and 2, calculate how fast the tips of this wind turbine are moving through the air.
    4. If the wind is blowing at 6 meters per second, what is the tip speed ratio of this turbine? Use your answers from questions 1-3 to help solve this problem.
    5. According to the “optimal” tip speed ratio for this three-bladed turbine, are these blades moving too fast or too slow?
    6. An offshore wind turbine with three 60 meter blades rotates at a leisurely 12 RPM. The wind is whipping along at 18 meters per second. What is the tip speed ratio for this turbine? How does this compare to the “optimal” tip speed ratio for this turbine?
  • Read on Energy from the wind

Week 5 - August 2, 2010

5 - lunes

Topics covered: Fieldwork

Assignments due

5 - martes

Topics covered: Test at 10am on Energy, Units and Biogas

Assignments due

5 - miércoles

Topics covered:

Assignments due
  • Assignment on _____
  • Practice presentation

5 - jueves

Topics covered: Final Test at 10am on Wind, Appropriate Technology and Synthesis

Assignments due
  • Assignment on _____
  • Printout of presentation (6 slides per page)
  • Digital version of powerpoint
  • Final presentation - 6pm to 8pm

5 - viernes

Topics covered: Final 10% presentations and potluck

Assignments due
  • Final writeup
  • Final peer evaluation
    • Please grade yourself and your teammates on your project.
    • Make one paragraph for each person (including yourself). State the letter grade deserved and be thorough on your justification. Your final project grades are affected by this peer evaluation.
    • Please also include any program/project feedback that you are comfortable with me sharing openly.
    • Email it to me, before midnight, with the subject "Engr480: YOUR NAME-Peer Evaluation" (replacing the ALLCAPS).
  • Final video
    • on windows try the built in Movie Maker, or the free and simple FreeMake, or the free and complex/full featured Handbrake.
  • Thank you notes
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Authors Lonny Grafman
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 0 pages link here
Aliases HSU Chiapas/HW
Impact 36 page views (more)
Created July 5, 2010 by Lonny Grafman
Last modified May 1, 2022 by Felipe Schenone
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