Pipette Carousel OSAT Project

Project developed by Sam Wurst

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This Open Source Appropriate Technology (OSAT) fulfills a request for pipette accessories on the "Requests for 3-D printable open source appropriate technology" Appropedia page. I chose this OSAT because sanitation in any type of healthcare situation is vital to avoid infections and disease. This carousel keeps medical and lab pipettes suspended so as not to contaminate both the area around the and the samples inside them clean and safe.

Picture of completed pipette carousel print using my printer Smwurstosatpipette.jpg

Bill of Materials

  1. Pipette Carousel Base - 44g PLA 3D printer filament
  2. Pipette Carousel Lower Layer - 24g PLA 3D printer filament
  3. Pipette Carousel Upper Layer - 36g PLA 3D printer filament

Unable to upload FreeCAD and stl files to Appropedia. Files can be found by selecting the following Thingiverse link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4023762.

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

I need experience using a 3D printer, CAD software (FreeCAD), and 3D object slicing software (Cura).

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

Print all pieces at 15% infill. Adhere to print surface by applying a glue stick to the surface shortly before starting the print.

Pipette Carousel Base Pipettecarousel1.jpeg

Estimated print time: 2 hours 42 minutes.

Pipette Carousel Lower Level Pipettecarousel2.jpeg

Estimated print time: 1 hours 23 minutes.

Pipette Carousel Base Pipettecarousel3.jpeg

Estimated print time: 2 hours 10 minutes.

Assembly time: 1 minute

Common Problems and Solutions

The pieces need to be adhered to the print surface, otherwise they tend to curl up. This project is a simple print and put together.

Cost savings

  • My Cost: 104g of PLA filament at $20/kg = $2.08
  • Commercial equivalent: Heathrow Scientific Universal Carousel Pipette Stand costing $83.20 [1]
  • Monetary Savings: $81.12
  • Percent Savings: 97.5%

Benefited Internet Communities

  • Name and add links to at least 5 using single brackets around [url name]


Requests for 3-D printable open source appropriate teechnology Available: https://www.appropedia.org/Requests_for_3-D_printable_open_source_appropriate_technology

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