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A novel maximum-power-point-tracking (MPPT) controller for a photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion system is presented. Using the slope of power versus voltage of a PV array, the proposed MPPT controller allows the conversion system to track the maximum power point very rapidly. As opposed to conventional two-stage designs, a single-stage configuration is implemented, resulting in size and weight reduction and increased efficiency. The proposed system acts as a solar generator on sunny days, in addition to working as an active power line conditioner on rainy days. Finally, computer simulations and experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed technique
A novel maximum-power-point-tracking (MPPT) controller for a photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion system is presented. Using the slope of power versus voltage of a PV array, the proposed MPPT controller allows the conversion system to track the maximum power point very rapidly. As opposed to conventional two-stage designs, a single-stage configuration is implemented, resulting in size and weight reduction and increased efficiency. The proposed system acts as a solar generator on sunny days, in addition to working as an active power line conditioner on rainy days. Finally, computer simulations and experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed technique

===[ Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy; latest developments in the building integrated and hybrid PV systems]===
''A. Zahedi, Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy; latest developments in the building integrated and hybrid PV systems, Renewable Energy, Volume 31, Issue 5, April 2006, Pages 711-718, ISSN 0960-1481,''
Environmental concerns are growing and interest in environmental issues is increasing and the idea of generating electricity with less pollution is becoming more and more attractive. Unlike conventional generation systems, fuel of the solar photovoltaic energy is available at no cost. And solar photovoltaic energy systems generate electricity pollution-free and can easily be installed on the roof of residential as well as on the wall of commercial buildings as grid-connected PV application. In addition to grid-connected rooftop PV systems, solar photovoltaic energy offers a solution for supplying electricity to remote located communities and facilities, those not accessible by electricity companies.
The interest in solar photovoltaic energy is growing worldwide. Today, more than 3500MW of photovoltaic systems have been installed all over the world. Since 1970, the PV price has continuously dropped [8]. This price drop has encouraged worldwide application of small-scale residential PV systems. These recent developments have led researchers concerned with the environment to undertake extensive research projects for harnessing renewable energy sources including solar energy. The usage of solar photovoltaic as a source of energy is considered more seriously making future of this technology looks promising.
The objective of this contribution is to present the latest developments in the area of solar photovoltaic energy systems. A further objective of this contribution is to discuss the long-term prospect of the solar photovoltaic energy as a sustainable energy supply.
===[ Evaluating the limits of solar photovoltaics (PV) in electric power systems utilizing energy storage and other enabling technologies]===
''Paul Denholm, Robert M. Margolis, Evaluating the limits of solar photovoltaics (PV) in electric power systems utilizing energy storage and other enabling technologies, Energy Policy, Volume 35, Issue 9, September 2007, Pages 4424-4433, ISSN 0301-4215,''
In this work, we evaluate technologies that will enable solar photovoltaics (PV) to overcome the limits of traditional electric power systems. We performed simulations of a large utility system using hourly solar insolation and load data and attempted to provide up to 50% of this system's energy from PV. We considered several methods to avoid the limits of unusable PV that result at high penetration due to the use of inflexible baseload generators. The enabling technologies considered in this work are increased system flexibility, load shifting via demand responsive appliances, and energy storage.
===[ An investigation of mismatch losses in solar photovoltaic cell networks]===
''N.D. Kaushika, Anil K. Rai, An investigation of mismatch losses in solar photovoltaic cell networks, Energy, Volume 32, Issue 5, May 2007, Pages 755-759, ISSN 0360-5442,''
Solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays in field conditions deliver lower power than the array rating. In this paper, the sensitivity of solar cell parameters in the variation of available power from the array is investigated. The parameters characteristic of aging and fresh cells used in prototype field systems have been used for computation of reduction in the available power. It is found that in series string the fractional power loss would increase from 2% to 12% with aging of solar cells. However, this fractional power loss may be reduced to 0.4–2.4% by an appropriate series-paralleling.
===[ Effects of mismatch losses in photovoltaic arrays]===
''Charles E. Chamberlin, Peter Lehman, James Zoellick, Gian Pauletto, Effects of mismatch losses in photovoltaic arrays, Solar Energy, Volume 54, Issue 3, March 1995, Pages 165-171, ISSN 0038-092X,''
Experimental and modeling results on the effects of mismatch losses in photovoltaic arrays are presented. Field tests conducted on each of the 192 modules are used to describe the variation in the properties of production run photovoltaic modules. Module specific estimates of a five-parameter module model are obtained by nonlinear regression. Mathematical models of four-module parallel string and series block photovoltaic array performance based on the five-parameter module model are developed and used to evaluate the variation in maximum output power and mismatch loss of arrays with random module orderings. Module maximum output power averaged 14% below the nameplate rating and exhibited a coefficient of variation of 2.1%. Mismatch losses were very small, never exceeding 0.53%. No differences between parallel string and series block arrays in array maximum output power were observed.
===[ Forecasting photovoltaic array power production subject to mismatch losses]===
''D. Picault, B. Raison, S. Bacha, J. de la Casa, J. Aguilera, Forecasting photovoltaic array power production subject to mismatch losses, Solar Energy, Volume 84, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 1301-1309, ISSN 0038-092X,''
The development of photovoltaic (PV) energy throughout the world this last decade has brought to light the presence of module mismatch losses in most PV applications. Such power losses, mainly occasioned by partial shading of arrays and differences in PV modules, can be reduced by changing module interconnections of a solar array. This paper presents a novel method to forecast existing PV array production in diverse environmental conditions. In this approach, field measurement data is used to identify module parameters once and for all. The proposed method simulates PV arrays with adaptable module interconnection schemes in order to reduce mismatch losses. The model has been validated by experimental results taken on a 2.2 kWp plant, with three different interconnection schemes, which show reliable power production forecast precision in both partially shaded and normal operating conditions. Field measurements show interest in using alternative plant configurations in PV systems for decreasing module mismatch losses.


Revision as of 20:28, 2 February 2015

This page is part of a course at Michigan Tech under Dr. Pearce.


Energy Consumption in Access Networks

J. Baliga, R. Ayre, W. V. Sorin, K. Hinton, and R. S. Tucker, "Energy Consumption in Access Networks," Meetings

This paper presents a comparison of energy consumption of access networks. It considers passive optical networks, fiber to the node, point-to-point optical systems and WiMAX. Optical access technologies provide the most energy-efficient solutions.

Power consumption and energy efficiency in the internet

Hinton, K.; Baliga, J.; Feng, M.Z.; Ayre, R.W.A.; Tucker, RodneyS., "Power consumption and energy efficiency in the internet," Network, IEEE , vol.25, no.2, pp.6,12, March-April 2011 doi: 10.1109/MNET.2011.5730522

This article provides an overview of a network-based model of power consumption in Internet infrastructure. This model provides insight into how different parts of the Internet will contribute to network power as Internet access increase over time. The model shows that today the access network dominates the Internet's power consumption and, as access speeds grow, the core network routers will dominate power consumption. The power consumption of data centers and content distribution networks is dominated by the power consumption of data storage for material that is infrequently downloaded and by the transport of the data for material that is frequently downloaded. Based on the model several strategies to improve the energy efficiency of the Internet are presented.

Energy Consumption in Optical IP Networks

Baliga, J.; Ayre, R.W.A.; Hinton, K.; Sorin, W.V.; Tucker, RodneyS., "Energy Consumption in Optical IP Networks," Lightwave Technology, Journal of , vol.27, no.13, pp.2391,2403, July1, 2009 doi: 10.1109/JLT.2008.2010142

As community concerns about global energy consumption grow, the power consumption of the Internet is becoming an issue of increasing importance. In this paper, we present a network-based model of power consumption in optical IP networks and use this model to estimate the energy consumption of the Internet. The model includes the core, metro and edge, access and video distribution networks, and takes into account energy consumption in switching and transmission equipment. We include a number of access technologies, including digital subscriber line with ADSL2+, fiber to the home using passive optical networks, fiber to the node combined with very high-speed digital subscriber line and point-to-point optical systems. In addition to estimating the power consumption of today's Internet, we make predictions of power consumption in a future higher capacity Internet using estimates of improvements in efficiency in coming generations of network equipment. We estimate that the Internet currently consumes about 0.4% of electricity consumption in broadband-enabled countries. While the energy efficiency of network equipment will improve, and savings can be made by employing optical bypass and multicast, the power consumption of the Internet could approach 1% of electricity consumption as access rates increase. The energy consumption per bit of data on the Internet is around 75bm muJ at low access rates and decreases to around 2-4 bm muJ at an access rate of 100 Mb/s.

Combined low-cost, high-efficient inverter, peak power tracker and regulator for PV applications

Enslin, J.H.R.; Snyman, D.B., "Combined low-cost, high-efficient inverter, peak power tracker and regulator for PV applications," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.6, no.1, pp.73,82, Jan 1991 doi: 10.1109/63.65005

A novel compound power converter that serves as a DC-to-AC inverter, maximum power point tracker (MPPT), and battery charger for stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) power systems is introduced. A theoretical analysis of the proposed converter is performed, and the results are compared with experimental results obtained from a 1.5 kW prototype. The overall cost of PV systems can thus be reduced by using load management control and efficiency-optimization techniques. Power flow through the converter is controlled by means of a combination of duty cycle and output frequency control. With load management, large domestic loads, such as single phase induction motors for water pumping, hold-over refrigerators, and freezers, can be driven by day at a much higher energy efficiency. This is due to the high efficiency of the inverter with high insolation, and because the inverter uses the energy directly from the solar array. The battery loss component is thus reduced

Optimum sizing of photovoltaic-energy storage systems for autonomous small islands

J. K. Kaldellis, D. Zafirakis, and E. Kondili, “Optimum sizing of photovoltaic-energy storage systems for autonomous small islands”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 24–36, Jan. 2010.

The electrification of autonomous electrical networks is in most cases described by low quality of electricity available at very high production cost. Furthermore, autonomous electrical networks are subject to strict constraints posing serious limitations on the absorption of RES-based electricity generation. To by-pass these constraints and also secure a more sustainable electricity supply status, the concept of combining photovoltaic power stations and energy storage systems comprises a promising solution for small scaled autonomous electrical networks, increasing the reliability of the local network as well. In this context, the present study is devoted to develop a complete methodology, able to define the dimensions of an autonomous electricity generation system based on the maximum available solar potential exploitation at minimum electricity generation cost. In addition special emphasis is given in order to select the most cost-efficient energy storage configuration available. According to the calculation results obtained, one may clearly state that an optimum sizing combination of a PV generator along with an appropriate energy storage system may significantly contribute on reducing the electricity generation cost in several island electrical systems, providing also abundant and high quality electricity without the environmental and macroeconomic impacts of the oil-based thermal power stations.

Improved Energy Capture in Series String Photovoltaics via Smart Distributed Power Electronics

L. Linares, R. W. Erickson, S. MacAlpine, and M. Brandemuehl, “Improved Energy Capture in Series String Photovoltaics via Smart Distributed Power Electronics”, in Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2009. APEC 2009, 2009, pp. 904–910.

This paper proposes an improved module integrated converter to increase energy capture in the photovoltaic (PV) series string. Prototypes for self-powered, high efficiency dc-dc converters that operate with autonomous control for tracking the maximum power of solar panels locally and on a fine scale are simulated, built and tested. The resulting module is a low-cost, reliable smart PV panel that operates independently of the geometry and complexity of the surrounding system. The controller maximizes energy capture by selection of one of three possible modes: buck, boost and pass-through. Autonomous controllers achieve noninteracting maximum power point tracking and a constant string voltage. The proposed module-integrated converters are verified in simulation. Experimental results show that the converter prototype achieves efficiencies of over 95% for most of its operating range. A 3-module PV series string was tested under mismatched solar irradiation conditions and increases of up to 38% power capture were measured.

Photovoltaic converter system suitable for use in small scale stand-alone or grid connected applications

J. A. Gow and C. D. Manning, “Photovoltaic converter system suitable for use in small scale stand-alone or grid connected applications”, Electric Power Applications, IEE Proceedings -, vol. 147, no. 6, pp. 535–543, Nov. 2000.

Of the commercially-available solutions for the conversion of energy from photovoltaic arrays into a usable form, a large number consist of systems which have been developed for a dedicated application and are thus very inflexible. Those that are available as a generic module for use in a variety of environments are often restricted to a single mode of operation, for example utility supply only. A generic modular photovoltaic power conversion system is presented, aimed at single-phase applications which can supply passive AC and DC loads with a regulated voltage or by way of a maximum power tracking system with the maximum power available from the array. In addition a live AC load such as the utility can be supplied with maximum array power. The system is small, light and can be constructed from readily available components.

A study of maximum power point tracking algorithms for stand-alone Photovoltaic Systems

Mei Shan Ngan; Chee Wei Tan, "A study of maximum power point tracking algorithms for stand-alone Photovoltaic Systems," Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IAPEC), 2011 IEEE , vol., no., pp.22,27, 18-19 April 2011 doi: 10.1109/IAPEC.2011.5779863

The Photovoltaic (PV) energy is one of the renewable energies that attracts attention of researchers in the recent decades. Since the conversion efficiency of PV arrays is very low, it requires maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control techniques to extract the maximum available power from PV arrays. In this paper, two categories of MPPT algorithms, namely indirect and direct methods are discussed. In addition to that, the advantages and disadvantages of each MPPT algorithm are reviewed. Simulations of PV modules were also performed using Perturb and Observe algorithm and Fuzzy Logic controller. The simulation results produced by the two algorithms are compared with the expected results generated by Solarex MSX60 PV modules. Besides that, the P-V characteristics of PV arrays under partial shaded conditions are discussed in the last section.

Novel maximum-power-point-tracking controller for photovoltaic energy conversion system

Yeong-Chan Kuo; Tsorng-Juu Liang; Jiann-Fuh Chen, "Novel maximum-power-point-tracking controller for photovoltaic energy conversion system," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.48, no.3, pp.594,601, Jun 2001 doi: 10.1109/41.925586

A novel maximum-power-point-tracking (MPPT) controller for a photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion system is presented. Using the slope of power versus voltage of a PV array, the proposed MPPT controller allows the conversion system to track the maximum power point very rapidly. As opposed to conventional two-stage designs, a single-stage configuration is implemented, resulting in size and weight reduction and increased efficiency. The proposed system acts as a solar generator on sunny days, in addition to working as an active power line conditioner on rainy days. Finally, computer simulations and experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed technique

Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy; latest developments in the building integrated and hybrid PV systems

A. Zahedi, Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy; latest developments in the building integrated and hybrid PV systems, Renewable Energy, Volume 31, Issue 5, April 2006, Pages 711-718, ISSN 0960-1481,

Environmental concerns are growing and interest in environmental issues is increasing and the idea of generating electricity with less pollution is becoming more and more attractive. Unlike conventional generation systems, fuel of the solar photovoltaic energy is available at no cost. And solar photovoltaic energy systems generate electricity pollution-free and can easily be installed on the roof of residential as well as on the wall of commercial buildings as grid-connected PV application. In addition to grid-connected rooftop PV systems, solar photovoltaic energy offers a solution for supplying electricity to remote located communities and facilities, those not accessible by electricity companies.

The interest in solar photovoltaic energy is growing worldwide. Today, more than 3500MW of photovoltaic systems have been installed all over the world. Since 1970, the PV price has continuously dropped [8]. This price drop has encouraged worldwide application of small-scale residential PV systems. These recent developments have led researchers concerned with the environment to undertake extensive research projects for harnessing renewable energy sources including solar energy. The usage of solar photovoltaic as a source of energy is considered more seriously making future of this technology looks promising.

The objective of this contribution is to present the latest developments in the area of solar photovoltaic energy systems. A further objective of this contribution is to discuss the long-term prospect of the solar photovoltaic energy as a sustainable energy supply.

Evaluating the limits of solar photovoltaics (PV) in electric power systems utilizing energy storage and other enabling technologies

Paul Denholm, Robert M. Margolis, Evaluating the limits of solar photovoltaics (PV) in electric power systems utilizing energy storage and other enabling technologies, Energy Policy, Volume 35, Issue 9, September 2007, Pages 4424-4433, ISSN 0301-4215,

In this work, we evaluate technologies that will enable solar photovoltaics (PV) to overcome the limits of traditional electric power systems. We performed simulations of a large utility system using hourly solar insolation and load data and attempted to provide up to 50% of this system's energy from PV. We considered several methods to avoid the limits of unusable PV that result at high penetration due to the use of inflexible baseload generators. The enabling technologies considered in this work are increased system flexibility, load shifting via demand responsive appliances, and energy storage.

An investigation of mismatch losses in solar photovoltaic cell networks

N.D. Kaushika, Anil K. Rai, An investigation of mismatch losses in solar photovoltaic cell networks, Energy, Volume 32, Issue 5, May 2007, Pages 755-759, ISSN 0360-5442,

Solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays in field conditions deliver lower power than the array rating. In this paper, the sensitivity of solar cell parameters in the variation of available power from the array is investigated. The parameters characteristic of aging and fresh cells used in prototype field systems have been used for computation of reduction in the available power. It is found that in series string the fractional power loss would increase from 2% to 12% with aging of solar cells. However, this fractional power loss may be reduced to 0.4–2.4% by an appropriate series-paralleling.

Effects of mismatch losses in photovoltaic arrays

Charles E. Chamberlin, Peter Lehman, James Zoellick, Gian Pauletto, Effects of mismatch losses in photovoltaic arrays, Solar Energy, Volume 54, Issue 3, March 1995, Pages 165-171, ISSN 0038-092X,

Experimental and modeling results on the effects of mismatch losses in photovoltaic arrays are presented. Field tests conducted on each of the 192 modules are used to describe the variation in the properties of production run photovoltaic modules. Module specific estimates of a five-parameter module model are obtained by nonlinear regression. Mathematical models of four-module parallel string and series block photovoltaic array performance based on the five-parameter module model are developed and used to evaluate the variation in maximum output power and mismatch loss of arrays with random module orderings. Module maximum output power averaged 14% below the nameplate rating and exhibited a coefficient of variation of 2.1%. Mismatch losses were very small, never exceeding 0.53%. No differences between parallel string and series block arrays in array maximum output power were observed.

Forecasting photovoltaic array power production subject to mismatch losses

D. Picault, B. Raison, S. Bacha, J. de la Casa, J. Aguilera, Forecasting photovoltaic array power production subject to mismatch losses, Solar Energy, Volume 84, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 1301-1309, ISSN 0038-092X,

The development of photovoltaic (PV) energy throughout the world this last decade has brought to light the presence of module mismatch losses in most PV applications. Such power losses, mainly occasioned by partial shading of arrays and differences in PV modules, can be reduced by changing module interconnections of a solar array. This paper presents a novel method to forecast existing PV array production in diverse environmental conditions. In this approach, field measurement data is used to identify module parameters once and for all. The proposed method simulates PV arrays with adaptable module interconnection schemes in order to reduce mismatch losses. The model has been validated by experimental results taken on a 2.2 kWp plant, with three different interconnection schemes, which show reliable power production forecast precision in both partially shaded and normal operating conditions. Field measurements show interest in using alternative plant configurations in PV systems for decreasing module mismatch losses.


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