This is a set of issues we're dealing with the OpenTripPlanner tool of relevance to the OSSTIP project.

Concerns with accuracy of OTP Analyst Isochrones in late evening or overnight

Created: 2014-03-13
Status: Emailed to OTP mailing lists, awaiting response, possible code debugging needed.

See mailing list posts:

Concerns about maxTransfers value too low by default

(Moved from original location in OSSTIP/Project_blog#2013-08-29_:-_Making_some_progress_with_OTP_Batch_Analyst_for_calculating_OD_Matrices_and_more_advanced_visualisations)

Created: 2013-08-29
Status: Ongoing.


Hi there,

I've been using OpenTripPlanner as part of a research project to propose improvements to Melbourne, Australia's public transport network - and its shaping up really well so far.

A concern that arose today though from a transport planning perspective :- it appears the default value of maxTransfers=2 in the RoutingRequest class ?? I discovered this when doing some batch analyst tests and it was giving a -1 trip time value for several trips until I increased this parameter.

As a public transport-oriented researcher and advocate for sustainable transport I'm just a bit concerned with having a max transfer this low by default.

The reason is that a strong theme of research into transport best-practice in recent years is that for transit to compete with the car in terms of coverage, we need to plan entire networks that _do_ sometimes require several transfers to access all of a large urban region - but the transfer times should be minimised using pulse timetables or high-frequency services. See e.g. or

So could I suggest at least 3 as the default?? What do other users think?

I know its just a value that can be overridden in the application-context.xml :- but in my experience as a developer and scientist in computational modelling, default parameter values really do matter ;)

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