Working Organization Invitation Draft

Your work indicates that, like me, you believe strongly that sustainable solutions should be shared whenever possible. We are gathering together a large community of like-minded groups and people, called the Open Sustainability Network (OSN), to work on overcoming barriers to openness and collaboration. Our first conference will be at San Francisco State University on October, 18th-19th and admission is free. Your support for OSN can range from simply joining and offering valuable passive support (granting permission to use your name and logo in our list of supporting members) to very active support (OSNCamp attendance and promotion of OSN via blogs and newsletters). To promote OSNCamp attendance, we will enable virtual attendance for those who can't be physically present.

I'd love it if you could attend OSNCamp 2008 in person or virtually. Join us as we work together to increase openness and collaboration to accelerate our respective missions!

For more information:
To register for OSNCamp 2008 see:
To see the OSN member pledge:
To see the current member list:

Note: you can pledge without attending, or attend without pledging.

Please feel free to forward this to like-minded people and organizations. Contact me with any questions. Thank you for doing the kind of work you do!

Working Organization Staff Invitation Draft

Dear ___________ staff,
Your work at ____________ indicates that you believe in sustainable solutions and maybe are concerned about how these solutions can be best shared and built upon. We are gathering together a large community, the Open Sustainability Network (OSN), to work on overcoming barriers to openness and collaboration. The first OSN conference will be at San Francisco State University on October 18th-19th, 2008 and admission is free (or $20, your choice).
You are invited.
Join us for the first Open Sustainability Network unconference as we explore free content and knowledge sharing in sustainability, international development, appropriate technology and solutions to poverty.
More information:
Please contact me with any questions.
Thank you,

Somewhat More Personal Invitation Draft

Dear _____,
Your work with _____ and in life highlights your believe in sharing and building upon sustainable solutions. We are gathering together a large community, the Open Sustainability Network (OSN), to work on overcoming barriers to openness and collaboration. The first OSN conference will be at San Francisco State University on October 18th-19th, 2008 and admission is free (or $20, your choice).
You are invited.
Join us for the first Open Sustainability Network unconference as we explore free content and knowledge sharing in sustainability, international development, appropriate technology and solutions to poverty.
More information:
Please contact me with any questions.
Thank you,

To Invite

After you have contacted the following - please tag it with a signature.

We want representatives from many groups that are inspiring or who might get inspired about open sustainability. It's particularly important to get word out to folks overseas for whom travel is big factor. Some ideas include:

representation from such places.

    • Latin American orgs and people - is there a possibility of

sponsored travel & billeting?

  • influential green bloggers, e.g.:
    • WorldChanging
    • (Boston based) --Lonny 02:54, 10 September 2008 (PDT)
    • Little Devices that Could (Boston-based)
  • AIDG (CurtB asked Cat of AIDG, and received verbal support and logo. Still need MOU formality.)
  • Paul Polak --Lonny 00:55, 3 September 2008 (PDT)
  • Practical Action
  • Agroinnovations, Frank
  • IDDS
  • EWB (all countries)
  • ESW
  • SolarCooking.Wikia
  • LeapingStone
  • American Rivers
  • IRN
  • Errsons
  • Technology for the Poor
  • Garrett Connelly
  • Howtopedia
  • Demotech
  • Ekopedia
  • SD Wiki
  • TipThePlanet
  • Open Source Ecology (Marcin has already signed up... not sure who invited them: CurtB 17:52, 14 September 2008 (PDT))
  • The Lighting Project
  • Kickstart
  • Inveneo
  • Doctors Without Borders - David.reber (talk · contribs) has started a dialogue with DWB who also happens to be having an event in San Francisco on the same weekend
  • Social Edge - invited by David.reber 18:16, 26 August 2008 (PDT)
    • Doctors Without Borders won't be attending but we have reserved a spot for 40 people to get a tour of their camp Sunday at 3pm --David.reber 13:48, 28 August 2008 (PDT)
  • Xpress - The SFSU campus newspaper
  • Room to Read - I have invited them --David.reber 19:04, 28 August 2008 (PDT)
  • Foundation for sustainable development has been invited --David.reber 19:18, 28 August 2008 (PDT)
  • SFSU student orgs
  • SFBC
  • Bikes on Board Caltrain
  • Ecostudents
  • Shatz Energy Research Center
  • Humboldt Bay Center for Sustainable Living
  • CCAT
  • Humboldt Coalition
  • See Organizations for more

This list is not meant to be comprehensive (it could go on forever).(Please forgive us if we miss your name or your group...this list is being developed ad hoc and subject to human error, so please don't read any intention into our omissions or the sequence! Thanks, and particular thanks to Olivier Chaput for beginning this list.)

See also

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