m (→‎Recipies: fixed typo)
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| No VOCs  <br><br>No harmful chemicals  <br><br>Odorless
| No VOCs  <br><br>No harmful chemicals  <br><br>Odorless
| The Natural Paint Company<ref>This information according to http://www.naturalpaint.com.au/</ref>
| The Natural Paint Company<ref name="The Natural Paint Company">This information according to http://www.naturalpaint.com.au/</ref>
| Natural primers  <br><br>Vegan primer  <br><br>Interior paints of chalk, lime, plant-based casein, marble powder and clay
| Natural primers  <br><br>Vegan primer  <br><br>Interior paints of chalk, lime, plant-based casein, marble powder and clay
|Unlimited palette choice  <br><br>Stain-covering capability   
|Unlimited palette choice  <br><br>Stain-covering capability   
|No VOCs  <br><br>Organic  <br><br>Hypo-allergenic   
|No VOCs  <br><br>Organic  <br><br>Hypo-allergenic   
== See also ==
== See also ==

Revision as of 16:26, 14 October 2010


Natural paints avoid indoor air pollution and can have an unusual, attractive appearance.

There are several eco-friendly paint options on the market, but many DIYers are choosing instead to make their own using natural materials.[1]


This page describes natural paints as a potential component of United States of America home construction. Since only a few decades ago, the petrochemical industry has largely taken over the production of oil-based and water-based paints. They not only abandoned the idea that paint should be able to breath, but also added synthetic chemicals that are very harmful to humans and animals. Natural paints derived from plant and mineral materials have subtle, soothing colors, pleasant scents, and help create a healthy environment.[2]

A Brief History

Creating durable, beautiful paints out of natural ingredients is not a new phenomenon. For millenia, people have been using the materials around them to create paints to color their worlds. Examples of natural paints can be found in the earliest cave drawings. They can be found in the world's most prestigious museums. And they can be found in the average home.

Over time, synthetic, toxic and energy-intensive materials -- such as formaldehyde -- were added to the paints that people use in their homes.[3] These materials weren't added specifically to cause harm, but that didn't lessen their harmful effects. Some of these materials include synthetic dyes to increase color choices, additives to combat mold, and non-water-based binders such as petroleum products and heavy metals which were designed to withstand high use areas like kitchens.[4] A notable expample is the lead-based paints that were once popular, but have now been linked to serious health risks.

But interest in natural paints has recently resurfaced in the face of growing concern for our environment, bringing people back to the techniques and materials that have stood the test of time. Still, it is important to understand that "natural" doesn't automatically mean "non-toxic" or "safe." Please use the information on this page to help inform your decisions about which natural paints are best for you and your home.

Below are examples of natural paints in action: beautiful, durable, and eco-groovy.

Natural Paint Basics

Natural earth pigments add color to natural paints and are available at artist supply stores.[14]

Paint generally has three main ingredients or parts.

  • The first part is the pigment, which is responsible for the color of the paint.[15]
  • The second part is the solvent. The solvent keeps the paint in liquid form and evaporates off as the paint dries.[16] Solvent can also be used during the painting process to clean paint spills and correct mistakes.[17]
  • The third part of paint is the binder, which, as its name suggests, binds the paint together. This is the main body of paint.[18]
  • A fourth, optional component of paint is a filler. Fillers can be used to manipulate the texture and consistency of paint, and to reinforce the binder.[19]

See also: Natural paint basics

Drawbacks of synthetic paints

VOCs/Indoor Air Quality

  • Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, such as those found in synthetic household paints can cause physical irritation and/or damage including irritation of eyes, nose and throat; headaches; loss of coordination; nausea; liver, kidney and central nervous system damage; and some are carcinogenic and can cause cancer in animals and humans.[20]
  • Common organic pollutants (including VOCs)have been found in higher concentrations within the home than outside. [21]
  • Paints labeled "no-VOC" and "zero-VOC" can still legally contain up to 5g/L of VOCs.[22]
  • Modern "lead-free" synthetic paints can still have as much as 0.06% lead which scientists fear could be harmful to small children, even at low levels. [23]


  • By volume, household paints account for a large portion of household hazardous waste in US homes.[24]
  • Household latex paint, oil-based paint and paint thinner are considered "hazardous waste" by the EPA. [25]
  • Although considered less detrimental to health and the environment than oil-based paints, latex paint contains hazardous ingredients such as acrylics, vinyls and epoxies.[26]
  • In California specifically, latex paint must be disposed of in a Class I hazardous waste landfill. [27]
  • Oil-based paints commonly containt petrochemical products as a solvent.[28]
  • Until 1990, mercury was used as an ingredient in oil-based and latex household paints. Leftover oil-based and latex household paints from before then may contain mercury, and oil-based paints that are several years old may also contain lead.[29]
  • In the UK, the government also classifies household paint as "hazardous waste." [30]
  • Because synthetic household paints contain hazardous ingredients, they cannot be thrown into a regular garbage can. Depending on the type of paint, the disposal process may include tedious drying-out processes, finding a recycling center that accepts paint or locating hazardous waste collection programs. [31]
  • People with unused or leftover household paints that can be classified as hazardous waste are encouraged to donate, return or swap paint to reduce waste.[32]
  • Even in production, it is estimated that for every 1000 kilograms of synthetic paint produced, 10,000 kilograms of waste are created. For specialty paints, this can be as high as 30,000 kilograms of waste.[33]
  • Titanium dioxide is a key ingredient in synthetic paints, and must be mined and processed in environmentally damaging ways.[34]

Impacts of natural paint


  • Using natural paint can reduce the amount of VOCs present in the home, improving indoor air quality.
  • Natural paints are microporous, allowing the walls to breathe. Because moisture is not trapped between the wall and the layer of paint, there is no blistering or peeling.[35]
  • Natural paints do not use petroleum products and contain ingredients from sustainable sources.[36]
  • Because of their non-toxic, natural ingredients, many natural paints are biodegradable, easily disposed of and even fit for a household compost pile once dried. This reduces landfill mass, environmental pollution and disposal costs compared to synthetic paints.[37]


  • Natural paints, especially store bought, may be more expensive than synthetic paints.[38]
  • Natural paints may be more difficult to work with than synthetic paints because of texture, rate of drying and inconsistent coloring from batch to batch.[39]
  • Although anecdotally durable and resistant, there is a lack of performance data on natural paints, so it is important to test natural paint before commiting to a contract.[40]

Products and recipes

Types of Natural Paints

Water-based paint

Water-based paints are the best choices for an environmentally-friendly solvent. Distemper and lime wash are two popular examples.[41]

Casein or Milk paint

Casein paint is made from a protein commonly found in dairy, and is often called "milk paint" or "milk-based paint." This paint is mold resistant, durable and compostable.[42] However, if not allowed to dry properly, milk-based paint can sour or mold.[43]

Tempera or Egg paint

Egg-based paint is durable and quick to dry. It dries to a glossy finish.[44]

Flour paint

Flour paint, though thick and tough on brushes, can be used on a wide range of household surfaces including wallpaper and drywall.[45]

Oil-based paint

Commonly made from linseed oil, natural oil-based paints are durable and have a velvety texture.[46]

See also: Natural paint basics


Distemper cellulouse paint

Oil paint for wood

Casein borax paint

Quark and oil glaze

Curdled milk paint recipe

Flour paint recipe

Egg and clove oil tempera paint

Examples of Manufactured Natural Paints

Manufacturer Product Qualities Advantages
Ecotrend Paint[47] Egg-based interior paint Anti-mold


120 colors

No harmful chemicals

The Natural Paint Company[48] Natural primers

Vegan primer

Interior paints of chalk, lime, plant-based casein, marble powder and clay
Unlimited palette choice

Stain-covering capability



See also


  1. Photo courtesy of Heather Brown.
  2. Building with Earth, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2001
  3. This information according to http://ezproxy.humboldt.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=afh&AN=4096867&site=ehost-live
  4. This information according to http://greenhomeguide.com/know-how/article/selecting-green-paint
  5. This information according to http://www.naturalpigments.com/education/article.asp?ArticleID=19
  6. This information according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_tempera
  7. This information according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_tempera
  8. This information according to http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Colin_Campbell_Cooper_-_Flatiron_Building.JPG
  9. This image from http://farm1.static.flickr.com/40/100761143_226e540b49.jpg
  10. This information according to http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/munch/
  11. This information according to http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:File.Nirmal_Painting.jpeg
  12. Photo vourtesy of Bill Steen.
  13. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/CCAT_natural_paint_project
  14. Photo courtesy of Heather Brown.
  15. This information is according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  16. This information according to http://greenhomeguide.com/know-how/article/selecting-green-paint
  17. This information is according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  18. This information is according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  19. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  20. This information is according to http://www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html
  21. This information is according to http://www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html
  22. This information according to http://greenhomeguide.com/know-how/article/selecting-green-paint
  23. This information is according to http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:jBfBNYQr_8oJ:www.epa.gov/epp/pubs/case/paint.pdf+GS-11+paints,+natural+paint,+site:.gov&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjFBOhhK1Sptv0bAyGgQeaCvIEcOGTC8Z1e4CKuNd0Cbj4prqlHkI3BfwdDmf5WVe4kXNKIYHeIe9fqOnlGp-NQ2CyMI8HmXV8ymcHBAEIBSxIy9OyIPodpkZvrckQCWzOK5PjO&sig=AHIEtbRz_RRLt3e1Q9b1HHOKy2guyJx_zg
  24. This information according to http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:6SycTLXYP5gJ:www.epa.ohio.gov/LinkClick.aspx%3Ffileticket%3DTV%252FZRe4a3Es%253D%26tabid%3D2646+how+to+dispose+of+household+paint,+US,+site:gov&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShhfKKTkboaROlw8h4oN28UUEe7xYSFpmd8o7oEEHJwGMUIrZzOE4R6yhiA5iO-9bA0kjy67nyFj5zkMrzy1Cpwk3bLMkr0itXhptbNIKLNtsa9M-Gk36LJv04OKa6dWVLFQ5dR&sig=AHIEtbQBCQsXOYMFF9YH9zayQ8y117P98A
  25. This information according to http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpwes/trash/disphhw.htm
  26. This information according to http://des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/p2au/pps/hhwp/paint/latex.htm
  27. This information according to http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/condemo/paint/
  28. This information according to http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/condemo/paint/
  29. This information according to http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:6SycTLXYP5gJ:www.epa.ohio.gov/LinkClick.aspx%3Ffileticket%3DTV%252FZRe4a3Es%253D%26tabid%3D2646+how+to+dispose+of+household+paint,+US,+site:gov&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShhfKKTkboaROlw8h4oN28UUEe7xYSFpmd8o7oEEHJwGMUIrZzOE4R6yhiA5iO-9bA0kjy67nyFj5zkMrzy1Cpwk3bLMkr0itXhptbNIKLNtsa9M-Gk36LJv04OKa6dWVLFQ5dR&sig=AHIEtbQBCQsXOYMFF9YH9zayQ8y117P98A
  30. This information according to http://www.theecologist.org/green_green_living/home/268680/natural_house_paintsgood_enough_to_eat.html
  31. This information according to http://des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/p2au/pps/hhwp/paint/latex.htm
  32. This information according to http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:6SycTLXYP5gJ:www.epa.ohio.gov/LinkClick.aspx%3Ffileticket%3DTV%252FZRe4a3Es%253D%26tabid%3D2646+how+to+dispose+of+household+paint,+US,+site:gov&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShhfKKTkboaROlw8h4oN28UUEe7xYSFpmd8o7oEEHJwGMUIrZzOE4R6yhiA5iO-9bA0kjy67nyFj5zkMrzy1Cpwk3bLMkr0itXhptbNIKLNtsa9M-Gk36LJv04OKa6dWVLFQ5dR&sig=AHIEtbQBCQsXOYMFF9YH9zayQ8y117P98A
  33. This information according to http://www.theecologist.org/green_green_living/home/268680/natural_house_paintsgood_enough_to_eat.html
  34. This information according to http://www.theecologist.org/green_green_living/home/268680/natural_house_paintsgood_enough_to_eat.html
  35. This information according to http://www.mikewye.co.uk/TheBenefitsofNaturalPaints.pdf
  36. This information according to http://www.mikewye.co.uk/TheBenefitsofNaturalPaints.pdf
  37. This information according to http://www.bot.yildiz.edu.tr/ids09/_data/_readings/DESIGN%20AND%20DETAILING%20FOR%20DECONST.pdf
  38. This information according to http://www.seattle.gov/purchasing/pdf/RPNPaint.pdf
  39. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/CCAT_natural_paint_project
  40. This information according to http://www.seattle.gov/purchasing/pdf/RPNPaint.pdf
  41. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  42. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  43. This information according to Paula Baker-Laporte, Erica Elliot and John Banta, "Prescriptions for A Healthy House. A Practical guide for Architects, Builders & Homeowners." New Society Publishers, 2001.
  44. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  45. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  46. This information according to http://www.appropedia.org/Natural_paint_basics
  47. This information according to http://www.naturalinteriorpaint.com/about.html
  48. This information according to http://www.naturalpaint.com.au/
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