OpenSCAD design

  • End effector - download latest version of [Athena SCAD files] and [SCAD libraries]. Change the Bowden dimensions in athena.scad. Render the end effector and print.
  • Extruder drive - download latest version of [extruder drive SCAD files] (requires the SCAD library, as above). Change the filament dimensions in extruder_drive_renderer.scad. Render the extruder drive body and print.

Build Instructions

Test conditions on Athena RepRap 3D printer

10/23/15 - Test 0

Maxpower 333605 print result.


  • Filament: Maxpower 333605 Residential Grade Round .105-Inch Trimmer Line 690-Foot Length from Amazon for $24.35/3 pounds (1.3kg $18.73/kg)
  • End effector: 3mm Athena print effector
  • Hot end: Lulzbot Hexagon, 3mm x 0.35mm
  • Extruder drive: 3mm Phidias extruder drive
  • Firmware: Franklin (latest)
  • Temperature: 260 C
  • Print speed: Variable (testing capabilities)
  • Slicing: Cura 15.04 set to 3mm filament, 1 multiplier, 0.2mm layer height, 70mm/s, 25% infill, 30mm/s initial layer speed
  • Bed: Glass mirror with glue stick


  1. First layer too close to glass requiring decrease in speed.
  2. Using a 12V fan on the end effector with pwm. Fan speed too high, end effector would not reach target temperature. Occluded lower half of fan with masking tape.
  3. Adjusted speed up to 140% (98mm/s) while printing first ~100 layers
  4. Lower layers exhibited poor interlayer bonding
  5. Resulting print is flexible, but makes cracking noise when squeezed due to poor interlayer bonding

See also

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