Hydroponic halo ring

Project developed by Matthew Alessi

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In today's day and age, both hobbyist and survival horticultural practices are been becoming more of a nor within our culture. As the amount of people entering the hobby increase, there is a growing demand for better and cheaper gardening products. I have also joined in on this new growing hobby and have personally found that commercial horticultural equipment is expensive to purchase; so to combat this, I have embarked on creating a line of 3-D printable hydroponic/agricultural products (all open source of course). The first item that I have created is called a "Hydro halo drip ring", and is used to evenly water plants from a central location using a timer and a water pump.

  1. Picture of completed print will be provided later.

Bill of Materials

  1. 3-D Printing filament (i.e. PLA, ABS, etc.) <= That is the only material you need to print this part!
  2. SCAD/STL file of the hydro drip ring

Scad and STL files available here http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

Nothing more than basic 3D printing and altering well commented variables to get desired size required

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

I used Openscad for the model, Cura for the slicer, and Repetier-Host to print the part.

  1. Open the .SCAD file in Openscad, and adjust the given parameters to fit your needs. All units are in millimeters
    . Note: The hydroponic halo is currently set with a 6" diameter and can handle a 1/2 inner diameter hose connection.

Approximate print time (assuming original model is left un-altered) estimate

  1. 3 hours 20 minutes
Shovel with Handle.jpg

Cost savings

  1. My design used $3.30 in plastic at $30/Kg
  2. Commercial Shovel Handle like this will cost around 10 dollars
  3. The benefit is not so much in cost savings, although they are there, but the fact that this can be made to easily fit any and all shovel/hoe/tools with long wooden shafts where this would be desired on the end and the ability for a village to make them themselves instead of needing them delivered from some large manufacturing facility


[[Category:Tools] [[Category:Garage]

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