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Humboldt State University & REVART

invite you to the Hands-on Program in the Dominican Republic

for an intensive 6-week immersion program in Spanish and Appropriate Technology.

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Next Meeting

Tonight, April 8th 5-6pm

at HSU, in Jenkins Hall 214


This year, Humboldt State University's summer immersion in Appropriate Technology and Spanish is taking place in the Dominican Republic. In 2010, students studied appropriate technology and Spanish while working with community members to build rainwater catchment systems, microhydro feasibility studies, improved cookstoves, windbelt prototypes, and a biodigestor. In 2011 we will continue the great experience and work in an exciting new place.

This program is open to all skill levels, but does require some ability to do manual work and move around. Expect to work hard, learn a bunch, build lasting projects and friendships.


  • Tentative Dates: 6 weeks - May 30th to July 8th, 2011
  • Tentative total cost: $3,300 USD (including room, board, units, classroom facilities and deposit)
  • Units: 10 Units (6 units Appropriate Technology, 4 units Spanish)
  • Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • Partners: Revart
  • A hands-on experience in Appropriate Technology and sustainability in the diverse environment of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  • Immersed in the language and culture of the Dominican Republic.
  • Live with a Dominican family.
  • Visit cultural and natural places guided by faculty and community liaisons.
  • All courses apply to the HSU Minor and Majors or count as HSU graduating electives.
  • May use Financial Aid to cover related expenses.
  • You do not need to be an HSU student to apply.


    • Any person regardless of location, Spanish level or knowledge of Appropriate Technology can enroll in the Program.
    • Student should be able to do physical work related to appropriate technology projects and living in a foreign country.
    • If currently a student, must be in good standing.


  1. Complete Program Application. Due Date: TBA
  2. Complete Interview with HSU Chiapas Program Director.
Venn Diagram of the three program courses.

Cancellation policy

The HSU Chiapas program reserves the right to cancel the program in the case of low enrollment, a change in the political situation in Southern Mexico or unseen complications.

Important Dates

In addition to monthly meetings, these are some of the tentative important dates of the program:

Application due April 1st
Last day for interview April 15th
Deposit due April 19th
Final Payment due May 3rd
Pre-trip orientation May 9th
Arrive San Cristobal May 28th
Class orientation May 30th
Final day July 8th

Contact the Chiapas Program Leaders

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Director's Assistant - Kiva Mahoney, kiva.mahoney@gmail.com

Kiva's Appropedia user page

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Director Lonny Grafman, lonny@humboldt.edu

Humboldt State University, Department of Environmental Resources Engineering: (707) 826-3649

No employee or student shall on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, disability, veteran status or national or ethnic origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, under any program of the University.


Students must enroll for a total of 10 units:

  • SPAN 480 Spanish Language (Level according to need and by arrangement) (4 units)
  • ENGR 305 Appropriate Technology (alternative available) (3 units)
  • ENGR 370 Energy, Technology and Society (alternative available) (3 units)

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