This page is a database of international volunteer opprotunities that are awaiting individuals and groups to assist with them.

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Available Projects

  • Belize Open Source Engages in open source methods to promote environmental and social sustainability on their 40 acre Belize property near August Pine Ridge (Added 4-21-8)
  • The Borneo Project Is currently looking for someone with a Civil Engineering background. (Added 4-21-8)
  • Ecosystems Nepal Is looking for 2 Mechanical Engineers or aspiring students to help them in the construction of their wire bridges (Added 4-21-8)
  • Worldbike Is looking for a project manager to work at their bike fabrication facilities in Kenya
  • El Porvenir 2 week projects to Nicaragua where groups of 10 to 15 people complete work projects on water, sanitation, or reforestation projects. 20:25, 22 April 2008 (PDT)

See Also

Pages in category "International volunteer opportunities"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.

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