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Safety checks must be carried out before any action when entering 329. Safety training is critical for continued lab usage and is a requirement of the department before access to the lab can be granted by the lab overseer.

Safety courses required

Baseline of knowledge needs to be guaranteed before anyone can be trusted with lab usage.

  1. 329 safety training - hazards
  2. MSE departmental safety training
  3. Gas cylinder safety training
  4. Welding safety training

Collection of personal protective equipment

PPE is to keep YOU safe so that you can keep doing what you want to do.

  1. Safety glasses – always required
  2. Welding helmet – required only if canvas cover not used
  3. Green jacket – required only if canvas cover not used
  4. Steel toes are highly suggested
  5. Natural fiber clothing is suggested

SDS and other

Knowing what chemicals are in the lab and how they interact with each other is critical when accidents happen.

  1. Appropriate SDS sheets should be viewed online.
  2. Note the hazards listed on the door to the lab. If you introduce any new equipment or materials you must clear them with the responsible person listed on the lab door. If the responsible person is out of date, contact the departmental administrators to get it updated.

Equipment or Bill of Materials

Calibration & Tolerances

Operation & Procedure



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