Template:AAG San Francisco State University Chapter of Engineers Without Borders, maintains this as it's web presence in order to promote collaboration. It is much easier for our individual members to contribute on a wiki, and we benefit from the wider networking that occurs through the community on Appropedia. We are also involved in early stages of the Appropedia Action Groups initiative which aims to enhance and support this community. If you have any questions or comments, please leave me a message on my talk page david.reber (talk · contribs)


Bay Bridge Tour

EWB and ASCE are collaborating on a tour of the Bay Bridge on Thursday, May 15 at 2:00 pm. If you are interested in attending, reply or leave a note on the discussion page.

Morrito Nicaragua

Unfortunately, due to events beyond our control, the Bolivia project tanked. That's fine though because we have a new project in Nicaragua. Yesterday (5-10-8) Kristine, Mark B and David went to Davis to meet with a woman from Morrito and her husband. The meeting went well, so we are going. The time frame is still Aug 1 through 25, the plane ticket will cost about $800 and the in country costs will be about $500. We have 4 seats available and are currently looking for a translator.

Social Night

We will be continuing meetings through the summer in preparation for our trip to Nicaragua http://www.yelp.com/biz/nicaragua-restaurant-san-francisco#hrid:dUR4aDpy9to_3Ekn3o4wZQ/query:nicaraguan

Senior Project

Starting next fall, several of us will begin working on designs for a medical waste incinerator to be installed by the San Francisco Professional Chapter Of Engineers Without Boarder's Haiti Team.

We have a LOT of questions about this, so if you know anything about incinerators or hospitals, PLEASE contact me

Open Tasks

If you are interested in helping to build our organization, these are ideas that have been kicked around but aren't currently being worked on by anyone.

  • You can help us organize a movie series for next semester
  • "Affluenza" has been a recommended movie
  • "The New Heroes" has also been brought to our attention
  • You can help us be very visible in the quad early next semester and make a concerted effort to advertise to non-engineers
  • Partner with the local Habitat for Humanity people early next semester for team building exercises
  • You can host bi-weekly social events to get togeather and talk about AT and development
  • We have also considered hosting a banquet to recognize one or two outstanding Professors at our university. This is a politically tricky process as feelings can be hurt and it is difficult to recognize teachers for excellence as opposed to just popularity.

Newsletter Archive

These are old newsletters that you can read if you want to get caught up on what we've been up to.

  1. EWB SFSU newsletter 3.10.8
  2. EWB SFSU newsletter 4.6.8
  3. EWB SFSU newsletter 4.27.8

Calendar of Events


ASCE and EWB are collaborating on a tour of the Bay Bridge on Thursday, May 15 at 2:00. If you want to attend, give us a ring.

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