This page is for gathering and sharing requests from users for specific content. If this page becomes popular (and we hope that it does), then we will likely need to split up the requests into multiple pages by topic categories. Please add a new request, or check out existing requests and see if you can chip in!

Note: if you are creating a request, you can receive notification about contributions if you register as a user and supply your email address. Your email address is kept hidden; the system uses your email address to notify you when changes are made to pages that you choose to "watch." (See the "watch" tab at the top of each article. Once you are logged in, you will also see "my watchlist" at the top of the page.) If you prefer to submit anonymous requests (without logging in), that's fine. You can check back periodically to see progress on your request.

Requests without proto-articles

If you have a series of specific questions on a single topic, we encourage you to create a prototype article. See the next section for that. On the other hand, if a very general request, you can use this section. To receive notification at your user talk page (assuming you are registered), leave your signature by entering four tildes: ~~~~. When your done with your edits, and click "save page", the tildes will be converted in to a link to your user page, along with the date. See the existing (legitimate) request as an example.

Actual requests:

Concrete Information applicable to developing countries

We at [ BRIDGE Nicaragua] are in the process of designing a library and we have some questions regarding concrete.

Specifically, what are methods which can be used in the field (without equipment beyond a wheel barrel and shovel) to effectively mix and pour concrete.

Using these methods, what strengths can be expected from the product.

All of the information we can find is designed for western conditions and we need to know how strong the concrete is if we are going to make sure that the structure doesn't fall down and kill someone.

We have heard that by plunging spare pieces of rebar into the concrete and working it up and down, you can mimic a vibrator and that a 55 gallon drum can be retrofitted to mix concrete in, but it would be nice to have some more specific information.

Thanks, --David.reber 05:31, 1 March 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Requests with prototype articles

One good way to create a request is to create a starter page with a number of questions. Others can fill in that page with answers, and soon there will be an article. To receive notification, be sure you're registered, and then select the "watch" tab for the page you want to receive notification on.

Place your requests below, along with links to your proto-articles. One very easy way to create a proto-article is to edit this page and create your request here, including a link to your new article, which you enter like this [[My new article name]]. Then just save the edits. When a link is created to a non-existent article, the link is displayed in red. Go ahead and click on the red link, and you will be given the opportunity to create the proto-article at that point, and then you can "watch" the article for notification (assuming you are registered). If you're not completely sure, just click on the "Edit" tab above, and you will see how the existing requests are formatted. Simply copy them. And don't worry about making mistakes; they can all be corrected. Be Bold, and help Appropedia grow by adding your request!

Actual requests:

  • I am part of a nonprofit (Village Hope) working on economic development in West Africa. Help us out on this page: Expanding peanut production in West Africa
  • Victor Papanek's "Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change" and "The Green Imperative: Natural Design for the Real World"
  • Lloyd Kahn's "Home Work"
  • Buckminster Fuller's Universe: His Life and Work by Lloyd Sieden
  • Paul F. Downton's Ecopolis
  • THE BAREFOOT ARCHITECT: a handbook for green building by Johan Van Lengen Bolinas, California, Shelter Publications, 2008. ISBN 13-978-0936070-42-1
  • Design Like You Give A Damn by Architecture for Humanity

Requests for enhancements to existing pages

Another great mechanism for requesting is to ask for additional information related to an existing article. In this case, please leave your detailed questions on the "talk" page for the existing article (you can see that page by clicking the "discussion" tab at the top of the article). Create a link here to your talk-page request. You can see how to do this by checking the example (click the "edit" tab at the top of this article). You can receive notification of changes by "watching" the main article, and probably the talk page as well (assuming your registered). It's good form (but not "required") to leave your "signature" (using four tildes: ~~~~) when you leave questions on a talk page. Example request:

  • (this example is under construction)

Actual requests:

Suggestions for content to be ported to Appropedia

Do you know of excellent content that you believe should be part of Appropedia? Whatever the format, please leave us a note! We are particularly interested in content with compatible open licensing. Also, if you have content of your own, and would like some help porting that content to an article here. Drop us a note.

Suggested content:

Requests for Cite Development

  • Create a 'wikify' button that converts Word formatted text to wiki to allow for easy cut and paste
  • Clear instructions on undo for new users
  • Some form of enhanced validity check perhaps by editors with credentialed expertise
  • Need a "____ approved" seal on pages with vetted content
  • My Picture Library - to make it easier to include images, ditto for My Video Library....make it as simple as a Mac.

There should be a page 'Organic farming'

Right now, there's no separate page 'Organic farming'. Instead, there's a redirect from 'Organic farming' into 'Category:Organic farming',

But when people go to this category page, there's a hybrid page there that includes the article, plus the category list.

So I recommend that this redirect be deleted, and a separate page 'Organic farming' be created.

I could do this myself, but I'm not sure how to delete the redirect. Dyuku 04:21, 5 September 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi Dyuku,
Thank you for your breakdown of the issue. Appropedia is transitioning to a page structure exactly as you describe. To delete the redirect you can just edit the page ( and write over the redirect (which looks like #REDIRECT [[:Category:Organic farming]]) with the content you copied from the category page.
Once you have done that, you can use a template at the beginning of the category page to link to the new article that you created. To do so, just copy and paste {{Main article}} (including the double curly brackets) into the beginning of the category.
Does that make sense/work for you? Thank you for your efforts! --Lonny 19:54, 7 September 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Yes, Lonny, this was pretty straightforward, thanks. I've done these things already, so now the file structure is simplified and easier to handle. Now the article 'Organic farming' could be improved gradually, and more relevant articles could be added in the category. I appreciate your help. All the best! Dyuku 22:11, 12 September 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Thanks! --Lonny 19:48, 13 September 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

How to rename a page?

How do you rename a page? I request to rename the "Bio-Intensive Farming" page. The correct term is "Biointensive", all one word. --Uriel 19:18, 15 December 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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