Join the Appropedia community online for the monthly Appropedia Jam!

This is a monthly editing "jam" with internet chat - we get together online (and in person where possible) and edit articles, help each other out, ask and answer questions, and talk about Appropedia. As this is new, we may try out different chat tools, so check here for details each month. You can also join the Appropedia Working Group to help with planning.

Second Sunday of each month

We jam on the second Sunday of each month, at

Next Appropedia Jam

The next Jam is March 10, 2013 at 9pm GMT.

When: See the time in your time zone (based on your computer clock). E.g.:

  • The Americas: Sunday afternoon
  • Europe and Africa: Sunday evening. Around the middle of the night (sorry!) in Eastern Europe and Eastern Africa).
  • Asia, Australia and New Zealand: Monday morning

Theme: Bring your questions!

Join the chat and get help with your article, or find out what you can do to improve Appropedia, or ask any question about Appropedia.

What you need: You can just join in, but if you want guidance in making an article, it's a good idea to pick a topic you want to work on, beforehand.

Where (virtual meeting place): IRC - see #Joining the channel below. (If you have trouble getting on, send a message to chriswaterguy, and/or call Chris on +61-439-471-632 (Australia). We also have this Etherpad (collaborative notepad) that we sometimes use for shared notes - just type in a username and you can start editing.

Joining the channel

Easiest option for connecting to IRC: enter via the Freenode Web Chat. Enter a username and connect.

If you already have an IRC client (desktop app), connect to #appropedia on See Appropedia:IRC for advanced options.

See Appropedia:IRC if you need more info or suggestions for clients to use.

Details for future events

Day: Second Sunday of each month. (That's the Monday morning in Asia & Oceania.)

Time: 9pm GMT. We'll give a few local times around the world each time, and you can also look up the time in your own timezone (see the Time Zone Converter to convert from "UTC/GMT").

Virtual meeting place: Appropedia:IRC

These were new events in 2012, and we're expanding them for 2013.

Face-to-face Appropedia Jams

These may be held together with the online jam or at different times. Face-to-face jams are planned for 2013 (details to be confirmed) in:

  • Arcata, California - Appropedians at HSU and from the community
  • Melbourne, Australia - with the Melbourne Appropedia Working Group (new in 2013) and partner organizations.

How about your city? Leave a note on Chriswaterguy's talk page with you questions and ideas.

See also


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