Appropriate technology wikis

Not quite "appropriate technology"


Sustainable design, if not Appropriate technology:



  • MIT Collabatorium - highly structured; in concept phase.
  • OAN - very visual and requires the use of tools to create/present the design: CAD...; starts from a single viewpoint - is there an equivalent of a stub?

talk of OSAT

  • STAR-TIDES - uncertain commitment to platform, but making some use of Appropedia.
  • ThinkCycle? Didn't take off.

Movements and networks


(Work in progress - pardon the mess, and feel free to add to these lists.)

Directly related writings

A series of blog posts on OSAT have been written, in particular by (Frank Aragona?) of Agroblogger and Jeff McIntire-Strasburg of Sustainablog:

Other writings

Concepts, memes

Notes on these efforts

  • Languages

Collations of open knowledge for international development

  • Moulin - Focused on Wikipedia content. (French based, Africa focused plus Persian language. Renaud Gaudin spent several months volunteering with Geekcorps Mali. They're working with the US Peace Corps, in discussion with UNESCO? Apparently approached OLPC in the past, so they're interested in cooperating.)
  • WikiAfrica
  • The Jhai PC and Communication System, a project of the Jhai Foundation, is a computer and communications system designed to meet the needs of villagers in remote and rural areas. (Some thought has been given to providing content on the machines; openness is an expressed value of Jhai.)
  • OLPC, through the XO laptop. (MOU with Appropedia being worked on now - Nov 2008)
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